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5:14 am. Window sill. Sun is rising to light a new day.
Last cigarette. Coffee cup. I’m lost and alone.

I don’t sleep at all and the lack of the sun is just killing me.
And I can clearly say: I’m not happy. And I don’t blame myself.
I just have to learn how to trust.
I realize that nothing’s gonna change in a while.
And I have no idea how I’m gonna handle it.
And that aridity is just killing me.
I have that feeling that you weren’t here for a long time.
Actually I feel like I’ve never met you.
It shouldn’t be that way but you gave me no choice.
I have to learn how to be indifferent.
 May 2014 Adriana Rollins
 May 2014 Adriana Rollins
i am not who I think i am
but for a moment i was who i wish i could be

i was in class when it began
a clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning shook the sky

i walked out with my head held high
and smiled when the first droplets met my face

i laughed when a puddle soaked my shoes through and through
the feeling of clear, cold water settling on my *****, warm skin

i was by myself but i was not alone
the journey became my friend, my co-conspirator

i don’t know why i did it
but i hope that i never stop feeling it
so the story behind this was that it started raining during school and I dreaded having to walk back to my car in the rain but it turned out to be very a fun and nostalgic experience
 May 2014 Adriana Rollins
 May 2014 Adriana Rollins
If you could build
A tower
That spiraled
That it literally
Broke through
The sky
You would, so you could
Put her in the stars
Swirls of white
Within my tea

The warming drink
Does comfort me

Around my mind creeping
Demons while I'm sleeping

Awake yet again
Though I'd rather not be

But closing my eyes
Brings the demons to me

Daylight , my reprieve
But alas it is fleeting

Once darkness falls
The demons start creeping

Cup of tea anyone?
 Apr 2014 Adriana Rollins
Secret talks, Late night walks
Glistening eyes, Cute lullabies
Blushing cheeks, the knees going weak
Hearts beating fast,
Embracing one another like it's the last
Watchful stares, walking by without a care
The smell of sweet cologne, the melting of ice cream cones
Record stores, the books scattered on the floor
The sunsets in the evening, the sun rising in the morning
Holding hands, designer brands
The long lunch lines, the expensive traffic fines
The first kiss, the suspenseful bliss

To tell you the truth
I don't much care
if you love another
because to be completely honest
I've never liked your hair
I've always wished it was light brown

Don't change for me
just be yourself
just stay the same
don't be a fool like everybody else

And I don't really care
so I won't tell anymore lies
now this might make you cry
but truth be told
I've never liked your eyes
I've always wished they were hazel

Don't lose yourself
amongst the crowd
you gotta sing it out
you gotta make sure you're loud
when you tell the world
I'm not gonna be like you

And I'm sorry to tell you this
I don't want us to be foes
and I won't try to hide the truth from you
because I think you should know
I've never liked your clothes
who are you pretending to be

There's no one quite like you
don't change for them
so just shout it out as loud as you can
I won't change for you because this is who I am

Now again I fear I must tell you
that what I say is true
and I don't want to seem mean
but  I know its kinda true
I've never quite liked you
you better change
you better be exactly how I want you to be
Because I'm happy with my self
I love my hair
and I don't much care
because I still love my eyes
no more listening to your lies
and I love my clothes
because its what I chose
but most of all I love being me
now I see
i don't need you here
why are you still standing there
why don't you go
and criticise yourself
you're not perfect
you're no better than anybody else
If you see her will you tell her I said hello
And that things haven't changed that much
I'm still alone down here in Jacksonville
And yes I'm still in love

Will you tell her I cry most every night
Because things haven't been the same
Since the wind blew her into my life
And that same wind blew her out again

If you see her will you tell her how hard I tried
To move beyond what it was we had
Perhaps I would not have given my all
If I had known it wouldn't last

You can tell her if she tries to look me up
I went and changed my name
I'm no longer Mr. Happy Go Lucky
I'm now Down In The Dumps Again

You Know What...

If you see her tell her I said hello
And that everything is fine
That I've been living life so care free
She's not even crossed my mind

If that appears to make her saddened
It might just break my heart
Because my friend you and I both know the truth
I've not been the same since we've been apart

— The End —