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707 · Sep 2020
sorelullaby Sep 2020
She sometimes plunged herself into a misty black,dark enough to ignore every breathing moments and hurdled herself into a decent white, pure enough to delight others being. But in mean time, she just a mysterious shade of grey- overwhelmed by unknown scratch of mystical feelings.
please, do not re-upload and hello from me, a new born kid inside this mystical world of words. kindly share me your point of view, with love, self.
sorelullaby Sep 2020
For live that I could still sense after breathing a poisonous anger
and tranquil soul that I could still grasp over a tainted solid mastermind I portrayed
I feel grateful for finally being able to stretch a red-permanent line in the midst of  shattered things
and actually take a step out from a hell that been create by my corrupted sanity.
Now that we arrive here while other human-kind being busy huff and puff to unknown destinations on the highway to nowhere,
we could finally had a same point of view that it all happened as a form of affirmation that each of us, however, have witnessed in each other triumph and fall.

About the haze of forgiveness.
please, do not re-upload and hello from me, a new born kid inside this mystical world of words. kindly share me your point of view, with love, self.
348 · Sep 2020
sorelullaby Sep 2020
and here comes the day when she no longer can feel her soul, the lullabies of her atom that used to move every substances inside her reckless personification. she is numb, but no longer have intention to overcome it. she was there, breathing, exsisting.
please, do not re-upload and hello from me, a new born kid inside this mystical world of words. kindly share me your point of view, with love, self.
347 · Sep 2020
sorelullaby Sep 2020
There, there son of adam. Her words glimmering on your reflections, munching up every inch of your sanity whereas immersing minuscule substances of your dignity to rapidly prompt her indulgence closer to the triumph of yourself destruction
please, do not re-upload and hello from me, a new born kid inside this mystical world of words. kindly share me your point of view, with love, self.
254 · Sep 2020
sorelullaby Sep 2020
A little obbsessed with the silent, a space of loneliness between the hustling universe, a place where the secret of peacefulness belongs to.
please, do not re-upload and hello from me, a new born kid inside this mystical world of words. kindly share me your point of view, with love, self.

— The End —