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5.8k · Aug 2014
So the Sun Came Again?
Something Simple Aug 2014
So the sunshine came again?
I stand here alone over the ages
Days spent with no one but myself
I tell you the sunshine never ends

But when the darkness comes...
I'm afraid to close my eyes
Did you know?
Did you know the sun is gonna die?

This could be the last day
The last golden light
Finally the darkness releases the light
Streaming beams coming alive

Look into the sun as a new day rise
Flood your eyes with heat and bright
One more day for us to still be
5.6k · Oct 2014
Something Simple Oct 2014
Her heart pounds, a thunder in he veins
Pulsing bright and red and deep within
Courage took farflung flight long ago
Before the journey was to be made

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

There was silence before this, quiet as a grave
And the streets were filled with happy feet
It slept alone then, on all it found to keep
No overlap or closeness to be feared.

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

And then life wasn't what she'd been promised
He threated a hell on earth should she think even of what she knew
Blows came when the words stopped coming
Maybe there wasn't anything in the big white clouds up there

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

So she left alone, running away from it all
Nowhere to go and none to care what happened out there
Feet chased a path along a clif's side
Found another path hidden inside

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Came upon the sleeping one
Belly deep in shining rings, golden plates, precious stones
All of the leavings of those that had gone before
It earned them all fairly

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Surely they wouldn't notice just one cup?
One cup for freedom, one cup for a new life
One for the time she spent running from no escape
So she took it and fled

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

A stirring spread thourgh that scaly pile
Orange orbs snapping open, knowing something was gone
That cup the mother'd drank from at the king's court
When magic was still thick and the world thought less of monsters

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Wings unfirled and death came that night on quiet wings
Fire broke the night, people died, fleeing anyway they could
Those earth riches where all that's left
Before men came and took what they thought they owned

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Day rose to a ruined place
Choacked grey black, shifting with winds
Villages left that day for the reasons where not known
But she knew and it did as well

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Journey came with baited breath
She knew it would come again with hot breath and burning eyes
Maybe there would be nothing left again
Death would come again

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Head raises, hissing scales of ash, long strong neck
Those eyes shine brighter now
Tips of wings touch staggered points of topside
Ready to reclaim a life

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Quick and slow she bends, quicker hands holding out
Uncurling fingers flex apart and the cup is placed
Once more in its rightful place
Them or her, chosen to make right

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Thin wings settle again to the strong sides
Ribs show their ridges against the jeweled belly
What's this human who would give back what it took?
Dangerous points part in black stone gums

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

You'd give thisss for them and what you ssstole?
Hissing air breath, a volcano's hiss
Wide eyes and hesitant hands reply
"Many more here that you don't deserve but they don't either."

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Slow shifting seething motion
Tail like rope unwinding from the center
Weak legs bend and don't break
Eggshells lay safe in the last grey curl

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Small bones, little skull and empty eyes
Young mother happy once then
Men broke the home with sharp points
Young mother no longer

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

She sees broken bones, human heads burned
Nothing could bring the hatchling back, piece the pierced back
It had stayed to die in silence no reason left
No food to be found, no water to drink

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

The girl leaves and goes
A secret to keep for the old mother
Until the body lies forgotten and the earth takes back
No one to touch the shining seas
4.9k · Aug 2014
A Love Like The Succulents
Something Simple Aug 2014
We were warm in that sunlight
Love ran thick in succulent leaves
Unfolding when the day would fade

Moving in the sunlight as the shadows chased
Dusty gray green happiness
Even keeled gentle curves of feeling
Rosy blush edging our forevers
Blunted points of conversations

We can last long on the waters we keep
Though we separate as time goes by
Conjoined in a cluster at the base of our relationship

Our love is like the succulents
Long lasting,
Long lived
3.2k · Dec 2014
Something Simple Dec 2014
You'd think I'd be tired enough to sleep
But not yet, not yet.
There are hours to go and papers to fix
Mindless things to fill the week
It's time to quit or break
And I can't quit
No I can't quit
1.2k · Nov 2014
Feelings II
Something Simple Nov 2014
Been a long time like a faulty keyboard,
Certain keys stuck and some don't move at all.
Danced all night in high heeled shoes,
Comfortable on my feet.
Nice dress, another landmark.
Semi Formal wear and all.
This year a senior and next year I'll be gone.
Where will I go?
1.2k · Jan 2015
It's Not Your Fault
Something Simple Jan 2015
You couldn't help her
It's not your fault she wasn't meant for this
She didn't mean to hurt you
Didn't intend to do you harm

You tried hard to be there
Through the storms and the seasons
The deaths and the births
But you were always static
Easily tuned out

She said she had to find out for sure
Didn't say goodbye, left trinkets on the doorstep
She didn't even knock before going
Desperate for a change she said

It's not your fault she left
Not because you weren't there
You were when you could
No one could've asked so much of you

You tried until you failed again
Years passed and you're still not good at this
People change too quickly to grab hold of
Couldn't hold her back if you tried too

People are always leaving
You knew this before you were born
Your sister lost herself in the woods
Your Mama stopped the emptiness with a train

Surely it wasn't on purpse they fled
Just a chance you were passed along hands
Played with and loved, safe until you weren't
A throw away kind of freind

She was everything
The light on the blades of grass in the morning
The moves and swirls of sunshine
Your world defined in a coat of gold

You had no one
A steady stream of faces that were gone with the tide
No one was ever tied to you
Always you to them, bound with thread

She became a boulder to hold
Carry with you in your pocket
An anchor with a beating heart
Keeping you tethered in this life

It's not your fault she's gone like autumn leaves
That everyone's been clammering to escape
The world and you too
They're just tired of this place

Don't cry for those that went
They're happier without you to take up space
You were just a bug to be squashed
An inchworm who couldn't crawl

Trouble happens around corners
You couldn't see it brewing in the distance
Didn't do anything to keep them safe
They choose their paths away

You'll just need to live again
Paint a smile across your face to hide the fear
Cover up the scars and scratches
Remake your world withought her

You'll be alright in the end
Though the grass might dance above your head when it all ends
There's those who've made do with less
You should feel blessed at one more lifeless day

And in the end you were just
A **** growing in the flowers
A bad seed that strangled all you held dear
Leftover when the leaving starts

But it's not your fault
Oh my dear it's not your fault
You can't be what you are not
This was never about you sweet heart

It's not your fault and neither is she
1.1k · May 2014
Hey, We're Coming Home
Something Simple May 2014
I was told to go alone
Blood on the breezes
Far away I've flown
Enduring all the seasons
The seams have all been blown
Millions of reasons
Traveled every road known
But now I'm coming home
We're coming home.
1.1k · Jan 2015
Something Simple Jan 2015
A simple shape to hold the world.
As hard to hold as light and warmth,
The life that lives inside a shell so brittle.

Crack it open and steal its worth.
Take the gold that held the sun's light
Scatter the pieces of sky
Crush the life that lived inside

An ant has no quarrel with a boot it seems
And dreams weren't meant for life with out wings
So clip the feathers before they form
Take the bird and don't let it grow

This world is a terrible place
Yes, this world is a terrible face.
Better to die than grow in times gone lean
What difference does one sphere make?
1.1k · May 2014
D'où je viens
Something Simple May 2014
I am from a row of white and gray
houses on a loop,
from green lawns
manicured and rugged
Bird song, barking dogs
living silence,
the crying of peacocks.
One of the oldest
kids in
this neighborhood.

I am from a green gray house,
screened by blue Plumbago and Orange Vine.
Deep shade under
reaching branches
overflowing with red.
From bromeliads and wind-chimes,
slippers piled by the door.
Lived in rooms with
messy harmony.
Music slips from under doors
and books

I am from a family of four,
Dad yelling, red in the neck,
“Do your homework!”
Mom watching, trying
to keep me doing my work.
“God helps those that help themselves.”
Brother playing Halo on legendary,
DeadSpace only at night.
“ Before all else be armed.”
Me doing math,
headphones on,
a world away.
“She wasn't where she had been.
She wasn't where she was going…
but she was on her way.”

I come from boxed cheerios,
Brother's signature explosion on a plate.
Curry, bean burritos, spaghetti,
fish, papayas, steak
and spicy chilli  

I come from T-shirts and sneakers.
Forever in blue jeans.
Tunic tops, velvet dress.
Slippers, necklaces, hair ties
and bracelets.
A poem of me <3
908 · Sep 2014
Something Simple Sep 2014
What is he?
Fear...yes, definitely fear
Not just the weak and wobbly anxiety that feasts on the insides
But the kind that stands up and paints a bright
Confidence over it, masking the emptiness
The kind that fills him over others

There are many fears
Separation anxiety
It's just who he is
864 · Mar 2014
Something Simple Mar 2014
Stood at the brink of a cliff, morning air surround and fill.
Make me feel small again. I’m too big, too big inside my skin.

The ocean is just an end. Dead end, Dark end.
Deeper than despair and just as feared,
Last breaths and friendships.
All are ends.

I’m never ready so,
Take me to the sky.
853 · Aug 2014
Not Enough To Give
Something Simple Aug 2014
He’s awake now, struggling now, breathing now, living now.
And it’s too much too late, don’t know how much of this I can take.
There’s not enough of me left now.
Breaking seems evident, a tornado in a bottle’s neck.
Choking on the words left unsaid, I am ****** and I am dead.
Family’s fine, too much too hold. Too much to hope for.

You couldn't help, you’d be better off dead.
Been screaming on the inside,
words tumbling black and slick from broken lips.
Keep it in, keep it concealed.
They can’t know what you feel.
The demon’s back and I’m going under.
This storm won’t be contained anymore.
The tidal wave’s heading towards the shore.

I don’t have that much to give.
Take it all before I resist.
Too much too soon, too little too late.
Spread myself thin for the past few days.
Nothing left but stained glass hearts and swollen throats.
No outlet for a soul like mine. It’s too dark to find me inside.
The screams come louder bringing blood.
Sob on for every tear, where the forest meets it’s end. Cry on for the memories.
The grandson you can’t help, the child you let go to hell, the grand daughters you never knew.

This is your ending demon.
No time could ever make you wise,
what god are you to fall again?
This is your ending demon,
now you get to watch them die.

*You deserve this.
851 · Dec 2014
Something Simple Dec 2014
These seeds are light out of darkness,
Breathing in the deep cool earth
Far below our surface.
Thin lines of glowing brightness
Spread beneth the dirt.
A sprout will come with the rain,
Strong stalk supports yellow leaves.

They tried to bury us but they didn't
Know we were seeds.
847 · May 2014
Something Simple May 2014
Stay silent or speak,
Glide past everything
Or get
Stuck with stigma
Over originality

Keep silent and observe
Jump in
Get stuck in a fire storm.

Two friends,
Past arguments.
Stress I don’t need.

Maybe I’m a coward.
I see both possible sides,
Always surprised
How vicious people
Get over simple things.

Make changes,
Behave like adults.
Don’t ruin this for more people.

Not jumping in the tide
will not acknowledge these things
probably never will.
785 · May 2014
Glory Be
Something Simple May 2014
Wet on the outside with glory to the rain
Sky is grey and foggy with the mountains gone again
I still breathe it in

Exalt the puff of air and the sound of rain on high
Stay sitting in the inside while the rain goes on outside
The rain will pass us by

In the forest it rains too
Mushroom's are god's umbrellas
Deer are staying dry
But not I

Outside in the thick of it
The world will pass me by
But this moment is mine
782 · Dec 2014
A Loss
Something Simple Dec 2014
It's been a long life, been a long day
Waiting for all the yesterdays to simply die away.
Here I'am waiting with nothing to do
And empty hands don't make work light
Loneliness doesn't fill up right.

A hundred and three years she's been alive
No more breath to be taken and mesuared now
I'll remember the visits, jelly beans and nail polish
Not quite comfortable in that place,
The hospital's never been a pleasent place for me.

Now the struggle's over and I wasn't there.
Coward perhaps but now, all I can do is wait.
Wait till the aftershock stands still and everyone is home again.
Be there and try to understand losing
Someone close, distant at the same time.

I hope there's a better place, full of sunshine
No geckos and nothing goes to waste.
Hope you found the peace and the faces you needed
Great Grandma Sophie
Please rest in peace.
770 · Oct 2014
Stove Mouth
Something Simple Oct 2014
It swells out and undulates in the breezes
Constant push and pull spreads the layers thinner
Colors bleed out a long time before
Fabrics beat against weathered wood bones
This house longs for something to fill its stomach
And slowly the waving banners fall to sunlight
764 · Nov 2014
A Caterpillar Message
Something Simple Nov 2014
Thunder comes on the wings of wet butterflies
Telling and retelling of the journey
The caterpillars are born again
They'll say they're strong ones and lovely
Beautifully colored
But one wasn't as strong as them
Too soon from the cacoon they say
Not quite ready for this life

And he waits with worry
Until he can see them for himself
Maybe he'll be the one to finally help
Them fly
746 · Apr 2014
Something Simple Apr 2014
You’ll become what I remember
Remember, Remember, Remember
You’ll become what I knew
Knew, Knew, Knew, Knew
You’ll become what I ran from
Ran, Ran, Ran
You’ll become a nightmare
Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare

You remind me of what I remember
I remember, I remember, I remember
Remind me of what I knew
What I knew, What I knew, What I knew
Remind me of what will become
Will become, Will become, Will become
Remind me patterns repeat themselves
Repeating patterns, Repeating patterns

You don’t know what I fear
But you scare me now
694 · Feb 2015
Something Simple Feb 2015
I'm having a hard time
Fanthoming your moods into constellations
Your freckles are not stars
And your eyes hold no galaxies
Faraway places have never left their mark on you
Finger-tip traces never bring forth Milkyways
693 · May 2014
Off Again
Something Simple May 2014
Time changes around and around
Now every sound is feet hitting the ground
Over the mountain and over sea

Trace the pavement curves to age old destinations
To the ducks, up the road
No telling where we go
Three hearts beat the same as one

They are dogs and I am man
Everything, Everything
Honi-Honi the sleek and the dark
Relentless as a hurricane and the height of a jump
Noni the old and the brown and the small
Strong as a tank with the spirit of a lion

All the theories and words
All the ideas and verse
Pounding my head
Going where my feet have tread
Everything, everything that I am
Fades when the walking ends
When the walking ends.
688 · May 2014
Something Simple May 2014
Out of free mists
Out of twisted vines
From the shadows
From the bayou
I come

From hard times
and early risings.
From pain
and suffering
From fresh loss
and old happiness
I come

From old scars
and new wounds
From broken antlers
and whole spirit
From whispering leaves
and swaying branches
I come

From dark green forests
where secrets are
and mosquitoes

From mountain
after mountain
From hard losses
and easy wins
I come

From complex life
to simple passing
From joy

To greener pastures
I will go
My circle complete
Created for a contest that I didn't win.
666 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
In the darkness going quickly away to
the dawning colors flowing up in sun,
he strides towards the meadows known to few.
A journey untill distance will be done.

Begin the hunter's creeping for the prize,
though sliver ears are flickering to sound.
Calm muzzle raising towards open skies.
They don't know, forsee, rushing hooves will pound

Strong stag, wise stag, alwaus uncatchable one.
Quickly, breathing rough, they will fall behind.
So go on untill another day is done,
All this time being spent looking for a hind.

Only you, my dear can catch this wild hart.
So take and gently hold my lasting heart.
A sonnet! Took three days but here it is. AP English assignment
663 · Nov 2014
A Disagreement
Something Simple Nov 2014
"Maybe I won't retake them,"
Comes the unheard growl.
"There's more important things to be
done than repeating my mistakes."
661 · Nov 2014
I am Free but I am Flawed
Something Simple Nov 2014
Who am I?
Little speck in vast enternity
Unknown in shadows past
Seen but not known, heard
Hard to rember and easy to forget

To be honest I am something but nothing
Everywhere and nowhere
Amorphous, free falling, solid
Tangible, intangible
Beyond comprehension
A Shape
Nothing more
Stay with us

But there has always been a spark
Within these worried twisted guts
Anxiety that amounts to woethlessnes
Burried deep within worries
Will I ever be good enough for me?

Fear has away of creeping past hidden
Feathers aren't ment for flight without wings
Feet remain grounded firm on soil
Comfortable in the element of earth
Higher means further to fall
I've fallen enough

Some times I wonder what my silence is worth
Words have been measured enough
Grades and intelligence exploited too much
Self-worth has gone down and anxiety up
Sleep's been found precious since we get such small supply
Our own heads are worth more
Life's become complicated again
Does anyone ever truly listen to my silence?
To those lonely songs I sing inside my head
When the day is over and dead

But there's a fire within me
Hidden volcano burried deep enough
Aries, the ram, burning blistering fire sign
I know my mettle, know inside the quiet strength
One middle school day, one bully trying to hurt a freind
Charged right in ready to defend
"Don't listen to her, she's just a.....idot."
Pushed from behind for that

They say I'm soft and gentle
The quiet one, the innocent one, the cute one
Maybe I am but that's not all
Not a blank slate for others to draw

In the words of May B.
Caroline Starr Rose
"So many things
I know about myself
I've learned from others.
Without someone to listen,
to judge,
to tell what to do ,
and to choose
Who I am,
do I get to decide for myself?"

Who am I?
She wasn't where she had been
She wasn't where she was going
But she was on her way
Darling to you who am I?
You asked a simple question of me,
Wanted me to bear my bones
Expose my truest heart
Show the contents of my multicolored soul
Questions aren't so easy are they?

Who am I?
There's no answer I can give
No words to fashin into sentences
Who's to really know the looker?
Not the characters she plays nor those who think they're closer
A secert not worth knowing but always kept
A deviation that's all she is
Poem for Art Class about myself, used some fragments of other poems I wrote.
643 · Sep 2014
On Another Day
Something Simple Sep 2014
Another workload, strong enough to break
Troubling the edges of days with its shadow
Ready for another crinkly failure thrown against the wall?
625 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
Titanium isn't bullet proof
And neither are you
Pull your act together girl
616 · Sep 2014
We're All So Damn Generous
Something Simple Sep 2014
You know,
Might as well give before they take
Drown 'em in honey and vice
They'll leave you empty, empty inside

Can't take nothing but love where you're going
And we'll all have to leave
So might as well give what you take

Don't make more empty because of your mistakes
Give more than they take
604 · Aug 2014
Something Simple Aug 2014
It was just a cylinder
Shiny bronze sides as straight as a stick.
A grip of clingy rubber that often
rode up wrapped
around the sides.

Plastic and metal,
a latch to keep it closed.
Dents littered the sides and top
from many sudden drops and rolling away
to hide under cars.

Ice put inside its belly
could last for hours,
sometimes days
and the water
that poured
from its mouth
was always shockingly,
wonderfully cold.
Something Simple Apr 2015
It has been quiet.
The trees sway sometimes in the restless breeze, it has rained, it has darkened but always the sun has shown in the end.
This is the way it has always been.
This is the way it will always be.
There are many names to describe such a feeling as these trees bring.
603 · Aug 2014
Heart lines & Homework
Something Simple Aug 2014
It's an exodus
Not as frantic frenzied as space between classes
Slow and relaxed like a blood flow
We're the arteries of this school
Keep it alive with footstep heartbeats

After we leave this will be empty
New blood to flush out the old
Barely enough to keep alive
Until summer goes again

But I won't come back then
591 · May 2014
After Hour Gathering
Something Simple May 2014
Amethyst petals lay undisturbed in the waxy moonlight.

Mice gather,
small ivory paws rustling silky petals,
coffee pelts glinting.

The comrades unite
in the hushed, swirling darkness
beneath the seasoned porch.
581 · Nov 2014
Freindly Inquiry
Something Simple Nov 2014
I've had a few close calls
Taken a few punches
Got pitched quite a few curves
Hit rock bottem more than once

But honestly?
Right now?
Im fine!
Thank-you for asking
579 · Jul 2014
Something Simple Jul 2014
Red hot days and blistering nights
I'm too tired to care
Too tired to fight
562 · Aug 2014
Does She Remember?
Something Simple Aug 2014
"You'll leave. Everyone does."

Four words spoken from the heart
Weary little one, the truth is often heavy is it not?
You're so earnest dear, how many have you seen go?
Close my eyes, bow my head
The truth is hard to blind

"Yes. I've always been a leaver....why stay went no one else does?"

I look at her, eyes narrowed
Something as big as her, scared?
You can go, leave anytime you want
Seek what you must
I remain here.
No matter what.

"Of course you'll go! No one cares about Ird!"

Oh little creature....don't you know?
If you love it let it go
This world will forget me, drag me down and **** me
I'll fade from your memory too
I can never stay.

"I do. I-I can't stay, I'll be here until the end of time."
540 · Jun 2014
Something Simple Jun 2014
To be honest I am something but nothing
Everywhere and nowhere
Amorphous, free falling, solid
Tangible, intangible
Beyond comprehension
A Shape
Nothing more
Stay with us
533 · Jan 2015
The Days Are Getting Latter
Something Simple Jan 2015
Precious things line leave's shadows .
Late thinking, I run my hands across my face .
Ready mother? Strong help,
She lied she's anxiety, deserves black care
Spreading out of reach.
Rest for years past belly times.
World's sun holds.
Follow the happy feelings.
Look and touch bones,
It's lonely.
There's a glowing bog
And my questions seed the mountain's fingers.
532 · Sep 2014
She's In The Circles
Something Simple Sep 2014
A small smile though the words are sad
She shares the same concept and always has.
They'll leave or you'll leave, what does it matter who goes first?
The years have begun to weigh though
She wishes she had more minds to trouble.

What's the point of existence without something to care for?
Every single time, loss and hurt
Someone to love and make a difference
For a short while at least.

And the pain reminded you
You were at least partially alive
Something that wasn't always so apparent.
526 · Oct 2014
Something Simple Oct 2014
Some times I wonder what my silence is worth
Words have been measured enough
Grades and intelligence exploited to much
Self-worth has gone down and anxiety up
Sleep's been found precious since we get such small supply
Our own heads are worth more
Life's become complicated again
Does anyone ever truly listen to my silence?
To those lonely songs I sing inside my head
When the day is over and dead
514 · Nov 2014
Feelings I
Something Simple Nov 2014
I'm stuck in this strange place of trying to change and not being able to. Floating inbetween days and things, not good enough to break free.
499 · Aug 2014
Charting a Path
Something Simple Aug 2014
School happened and now summer is gone.
Draining away the sunlight and sending shadows to take us into the houses, backs bent over paper starts and signatures.
Farewell to freedom.
I'll send one last goodbye to the races.
One more year and future will be mine to chart.
494 · Jun 2014
Not Fit To Find
Something Simple Jun 2014
When you are everything you are always nothing
Waiting and wishing for something not fit find
Reaching out in to darkness and always wishing for light
Red and gold are embers that fill Star's Sky
Painting on colors that will slowly wilt and die
Sunset's the cause of the chaos that makes this worth our fight
Wishing, wishing further for something not fit to find
And we'll be causing our chaos
Something that's fit for the night
487 · Apr 2015
Something Simple Apr 2015
The waves rocked the frothing sea and salt stings the wounds
Oh he said he'd never loved me through the heat and hurt
The deck rocks beneath my feet and I still stand before him
And he's screaming, he's screaming out my name
Every word is a temptest, every word is a storm
And these waves are getting higher without anything to hold
Buzzing in my ears, beating in my heart

Waves around your neck, foam in your lungs
I'm drowing! Please don't drown with me!
But we're already sinking, planks are breaking and the water's coming in
Oh the water's coming in
And salt stings as it goes down, you brought this on yourself
I was drowning long ago and now those tears have found home
Oh we're going down! What a time to drown1

You always said bad luck came when a women went aboard
One word and it's over, the tidal waves are rising
Froth, foam, white and green glass covering in sheets
Wrapped up in each other's strings there's no room for us to breathe
And we're going down

I'm drowing! Please don't drown with me!
The seaweed wraps around us
Nothing left but a wreck
No air for these lungs
478 · May 2014
One Last Goodbye
Something Simple May 2014
A clear head
Does not exist on these shoulders
An untroubled heart
Does not dwell in this chest

Out here with everyone
You know you're never really gone
There's nothing you can outrun

A young soul
Does not belong here
A old soul
Does not have much left here

473 · Jan 2015
Something Simple Jan 2015
You were filled with a glass-glow light when I saw you.
Radiant in the dappled night, bright in the darkest night.

*You were my deception, you were my ruin
471 · Jul 2015
A Letter's Left
Something Simple Jul 2015
Brother, forgive me.
I'm leaving and there's no coming back.
Think you're in control until you're not.
I was feeling sad, can't help looking back.
Self hatred grows in me like cancer.

Wanderers this morning came by
It's hard letting go
I've been running
I’m wasted, losing time
Now the pale morning sings of forgotten things
468 · Feb 2015
She Remebers Flowers
Something Simple Feb 2015
It's strange hearing her like this
Words filled with the warm glow of golden honey
There's a smile behind her words and something unidentifiable
In the darkness she's all but invisible
Picture her as big as a mountain with fists like anvils
Strong enough to bend steel and a mind like a trap

Heard her talking through the door
No other breaths, no others in the house
She was always the most comfortable alone
I was done with the world and she knew this
But her words still colored the night between us.
Memories poured from her lips,
Impossible to comprheand and impossible to be.

She talked of flowers and grey corriders
Shifting places that where never the same again
Of fighting to save her own skin
No one's ever owned her or held her down
Every scar's a medal she says
A token of the breath still in her lungs

Silence falls after those weighty words
And I know she's looking up, to that one spot her eyes always fall.
"But what I rember the most are the flowers."
Those little bits of living light in a grayscale world
Her words are sweet with sadness and worn-down with time
And I wonder how long she's been singing these words in her mind.

Time stretches out like rubber band taffy,
A millennia becomes an eye blink and a year becomes a second
She says she's been there from the start.
Seen civilizations rise and fall with the tides.
Restless ruin, unending loss and bitter regret.
Impossible story strung out like star-shine in the darkness between us

She's trying to save me in her own way,
Reaching out to the heavens with her unreal past
The sun on a strong back and a child she once new
Faces that come and go like dust motes
Soap bubbles, gnats to a flame
Gone so fast it leaves an afterimage on your eyelids

And then I realize,
She's giving me a choice
Not trying to hold me back.
The God has always wanted an end,
But I have the chance at life.
466 · Oct 2014
Something Simple Oct 2014
I chose this
Made this mask I wear
Blank faced china is all that will apear
No emotions, happy, angery, nothing shows
Not because it was forced on me
But so I learn and see without you noticing
No features so you must know me
My actions not superfical traits
Are what must be judged now
462 · Nov 2014
Mixed Messages
Something Simple Nov 2014
You should GO
GET out of the system
I'm forever TRAPED in
DON'T stay in this lifeless place
sometimes to LEAVE is the only way
456 · May 2014
Hölle Ist Die Heimat
Something Simple May 2014
Out of darkness.
Out of dusk.
Out of red blood
and gray fur.
I come.

From cramped cells
and shadows.
From hunger
and death.
From behind
silver bars.
I come.

From the smell
of wolf's bane.
From blurred forms
and fast blows.
From whispers of
“Your death will come.”
“This time I won.”
I come.

From sleepless nights
and lost identity.
From scars and
open wounds.
From slow healings
and fatal mistakes.
I come.

From underground
where no one knows
and all are brought.
From the sting
of blessed silver.
From never seeing
I come.

From waiting,
From fear of
From old battles
and new fights.
I come.

From hopelessness
and despair.
From the frenzied
will to fight.
From hell
I come.
Based on an old character of mine.
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