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404 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
Talk in quick bursts, fast paced laughter
Always the happy shell or the quiet other
Frantic words centered so on happiness
Bitter remarks hiden by cheerful facade
You thought you knew but I degress
Really quite a nervous thing
with hopes and sometimes dreams
404 · Oct 2014
Behind The Guise
Something Simple Oct 2014
She's always been a shifer
A faceless creature lurking behind the scenes
A thousand guises to pain over the
Grey canvas of colors adorning

In the web she's spun, she's no spider
Only a dancer on the strings she's strung
Oh many know her where the forest dwells
Though no one sees her

A flick of a hand brings new features
She speaks through many throats and tounges
There's many hands that claim to match
But only one fingerprint remains

Who's to really know the looker?
Not the characters she plays nor those who think they're closer
A secert not worth knowing but always kept
A deviation that's all she is
403 · Nov 2014
Newcomer's Advice
Something Simple Nov 2014
I'm one of the new ones here I'll admit
You probably can't even keep us all straight in your head
A tide of new faces, day in and day out
Some linger for awhile
A few stay and many leave
Some find themselves sinking down into the dark
Of unseen places
And I have always been comfortable in the faded places
One thing I know, for certain now
You can't a few rotten apples
Put out the candles of the rest out
After all, don't you see?
Cider tastes better with a little rot mixed in
Love the sweet but treasure the bitter
Love and be loved
Know that you are wanted unless told otherwise
But even then hold a tablespoon of salt
I'm a background keeper,
Been here two years and I'll be here longer
384 · Aug 2014
Something Simple Aug 2014
There was something silent, shifting, swelling
growing in the cavern of the stairs
Something hidden in the bones of that old house
A flicker, a start, light shining off of eyes
In that old house.
382 · Sep 2015
Something Simple Sep 2015
I think we might be lost.
Sparks that never made it back into the flame.
I think we might be lost.
The fish that left it's school behind.
I think we might be lost.
The minotaur within its walls.
I think we might be lost.
A humming bird in artic places.
I think we might be lost.
The ugly duckling in its set of swans.
I think we might be lost.
A parasite without its host.

              We are lost.
380 · Apr 2014
Something Simple Apr 2014
You've all found it haven't you?
Out there.
Where ever you go when those eyes close?

And I toil in the mud and soil
Nothing but murky water
Over here…

You've all found it haven't you?
Out there.
Where you go when those eyes close?

Sometimes you get tired
Staring at the world with eyes open wide
The more you see….

You've all found it haven't you?
Out there.
Where ever you go when those eyes close?

Can you tell me?
How to get there?
Where ever you go?
Cause one day those eyes
won't open again.
Gone for good,

You've all found it.
Out there.
380 · Sep 2015
She Is Eternal
Something Simple Sep 2015
Teeth click with a snap, fangs bared in another threat.
Fur up, hackles raised.
She's growling at ghosts now, mountain song and cracking boulders.
Hisses slice the silence up, sharped knife against paper thin.
Those eyes are wide, ruby death staring into the abyss.
Pupils so wide they hide the red, now they're sinking into slits.
That red glows, that red speaks deep.
The things that she's seen. The things that she's seen.
Lips pulled back, ears battened down.
Shoulders hunched, head lowered.
Lethal crown ready as the flowers fall one by one.
She is a monster.
She is a god.
And what are Gods if not monsters?
Those black hooves strike the ground, one single drumbeat.
Death dealers.
Scars bristle under shining fur.
Nightmare no longer monochrome.
Those teeth snap again, sharp click.
Angry sound.
Bitter beast.
Lost potential.
Lost past.
Lost soul.
She is the remainder.
The One That Endures.
The One Who Stands Still.
Remember who she once was.
She is the devourer.
She is the creator.
The waning light and the shock of lighting.
Remember what she is now.
Imperfect space.
The Lost One.
The Broken Thing.
She breaks, she mends.
Trys to get better then slips again.
You can't escape the red.
Can't leave the dead.
She sees all their skeletons.
Their blood is on her hands.
In her heart.
Their voices sound in her head.
Screaming their damnation.
Screaming their pleas.
She is a nobody
And you just made a mistake
369 · May 2014
As Well
Something Simple May 2014
I have a longing
For old friends
For old places
For old conversations

I had a longing for new faces
New places
New found friends
New words
New days
New life

I realized
That new pain only builds the old
New friends shall be lost
Conversations go bad
Every place becomes the same
Love doesn't come twice

In old thoughts
I know myself
In old conversations
I know what needs to be said
In old places
I know my way around
Old friends are dead and gone

Old thoughts
Old words
Old spirit

I am no longer new
365 · Aug 2014
First Week Anxiety
Something Simple Aug 2014
It's the first week, what could go wrong?
Stress cameback the first time
Late at night trying to find the words
AP English is crucial to me

Granma's up late and I can't let her sleep
Gotta go to the end or I'll just fall
A+ or F you decide

But honestly?
**** this
364 · Apr 2015
Am I just a spark?
Something Simple Apr 2015
One day someone stands where I stood now
Black ink spilled through those paper edges
There's a reason only a snake could **** it
Life in these pages,
some without names and some without faces
Days spent and these lyrics bleed
So seethrough the shadows come through
Every inch of me in something no one reads
Nothing to understand
363 · Apr 2015
If We Never Lived
Something Simple Apr 2015
In the tide of time I was nothing,
The sun forgot that I knew a time when it did not shine.
Witnessed the birth of stars and galaxys
But all this time hasn't ment a thing.
Growing old and grown up long ago,
Decided never to find a home.
Faces and places are nothing,
Life is just an illusion.
Been losing and losing.
Some day I'll know if this was worth choosing.
363 · Jul 2014
Trio Of The Forest
Something Simple Jul 2014
Silence lingers here,
Between the branches and sunlight.
Peace will always be.

How did they come here?
The bright orbs of molten gold
Resting on our crowns.

We will figure out
Through the growth of deer abound
The secret of life.
358 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
Poem without words, phrases
So many quiet with thoughts and silence
Not a satisfactory thing
But necessary all the same
Everyone's got weights to hold them down
Something Simple May 2014
I wander in the sunspots
On the bank of the river
Visit the place where I felt sure
The green one sat last night

Wanted to go to her then
Forest had other plans then
So I learned solitude
Separated it from loneliness
Uncrowded all alone

Clear your head some for going home
357 · Sep 2015
Angel Dust
Something Simple Sep 2015
We are the dried out things,
The little deaths and brittle leaves.
We are the grey of bleached out bones,
The glare of the sunlight in the cold.
We are the fallen things,
The shattered hopes and bitter dreams.
We are the feathers of broken wings,
The dust of a summer's eve.
355 · Oct 2014
Turning Point
Something Simple Oct 2014
I was always the behind walker, staying in the shadows
Others walked in front of you and some in front
But they all faded away so you wouldn't notice
And need them

It got lonely for you never turned around
Just picked a direction and continued on
But if you ever look back you'll see me
And I need you
You just don't know that yet
355 · Jan 2015
Homework Solutions
Something Simple Jan 2015
Once more I erase, white rubber against smudged paper
My mistakes stood no chance in this world
Learned the correct answers but not how to find them
Only Evens and I won't know the score until the grades are up
Just page after page of my faliure
Of my effort and time
Constantly trying to do my best
It's funny how little space the right way takes
Reuseing my mistakes
Fixing what I can
354 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
Hug tight to knees
Arms doubled up
Hands clasped
Around legs

Another question
Never asked
We are what we are
Don't need excuses
353 · Apr 2015
Baby Steps
Something Simple Apr 2015
And finally one of you is coming home,
taking the steps to get back the world you love.
The world you left,
it'll be a struggle but the end justifys the means.

Will they remember you?
352 · May 2015
I Don't Understand
Something Simple May 2015
Disointed words - rickety-
Fingers wrapped - around yellow
Start - stop rythem of thoghts
How tears - fall - like a leaky faucet
347 · Oct 2014
I'm Doing Good
Something Simple Oct 2014
A shrug is all she gives to them
A simple I'm alright, just tired to ease them
The questions stopped coming then
All she has is what she knows about the world around her
This tiredness won't go until
She finds a better cage for herself
And so she says It's alright, I'm good
To find her way
342 · Aug 2015
You Could Still Be
Something Simple Aug 2015
You sit in darkness and wish for light.
You could move, you could fight.
Life has found you in this night.
You've lost your might, you've lost your bite.

You could still be
Exist in more than just this twilight
Yet still you stay in this endless night
She's blazing with life on the other side

Branches are reaching and grass is growing
Rivers are flowing
Buds are blooming
And yet you do not move

Are you the seed that never grew?
Are you the bud that never bloomed?
Are the leaf that fell too soon?
Are you the one who stands still
In a world that moves?
342 · Jul 2014
Apologies To A Ghost
Something Simple Jul 2014
Not everyone can be saved it seems.

One more’s gone and many more have followed, perhaps a return will come in time.

Perhaps not.

Sometimes time won’t heal wounds.

If I could be braver…stronger in the face of eddies and tides perhaps this would end different.

But I’ve always been a coward.

Too high and mighty to let this place get under my skin.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t care.

I do.

A lot.

I just don’t say it, won’t say it for everyone to hear.

I’m sorry it had to end this way.
340 · Oct 2014
Synonyms of Heart
Something Simple Oct 2014
The ***** in your chest
That makes blood flow around your body
Feelings and emotions
Considered as part of your character
The central part of something,
That is farthest from the outside
A shape that represents love
337 · Jul 2014
Stomach Full Of Sin
Something Simple Jul 2014
Buzzing, pulsing, rending, tearing
Fill the air with screams unending
Stingers strong and wings of paper
Fill us, fill you
Hell on noisy wings

Death spills from open lips
Twist around the syllables
Queens that won’t grow old

Lock your windows, close your doors
Doesn’t really matter anymore
Every crack is a doorway
Screaming won’t save you

Oh haven’t you heard?
Haven’t you learned?
I’m the man with wasps in his belly
331 · Jan 2015
Something Simple Jan 2015
You were a little light all made of ice
Folly personified
Gold and young and breakable
Nails and screams could never touch you
Sharp white smile in the dying light
Blew you out like a candle that day
Goodbye, good riddence
Bad rubish they say
330 · Dec 2014
Late Night Corrections
Something Simple Dec 2014
I can do this
The mantra I repeat at the end of the day
I. Can. Do. This.
One more day to make it, I've already faked enough
Week's been blind and I'm falling behind
Work piled up, do or die time now
One day of reckoning to end this
Tie it up in a pretty bow and I still
Don't need to take it
I can do this, I will do this
At least for today's tomorrow
323 · Sep 2014
I Would Still Be On My Feet
Something Simple Sep 2014
You were something once weren't you darling?
Something open and bright

Now your closed up and dark inside
Hollow like a bottle chocked with dust
320 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
It was an invisible, succulent, ruined, straining shiny treasure
That baited the lightening to drink the greener nest
Choking on unsaid reason, guts hang thrown anytime between
The swollen scare and the flawed complete, contained harm cluster.
So the socket's apples wanted the skull's promised forest
And fled the base dusty pastures.
310 · Nov 2014
It’s Alright
Something Simple Nov 2014
Just another day of going through the motions
Pushed, got pushed, pushed back
Bright skies, bright eyes
Good days
Tommorows come again
308 · Apr 2015
Something Simple Apr 2015
I want to make something.
I want to matter.
I want to create something that will wow,
that'll take away the breath of those who see it.
I want them to feel,
to cry,
to question
the world around them.
But, if I put something up
and they laugh
or worse
ignore it, what then?
So I'll wait
and scabble
around my small skills
and look
for the perfect stone
to throw.
And never throw it.
303 · Jul 2014
Laughing Lines
Something Simple Jul 2014
I was something now I'm not
Hold on to your heart
Touch and tame or rip apart

Bring up the past
It's time to dredge up
the water under that bridge
And we'll burn that bridge when we come to it

I'm not yours
To touch or tame
I'll take out your heart and paint
these walls with red words

I'm something I'm not
Shift too fast to hold
Words are papercuts to the mind
We'll play this game again

Well boy,
don't you dare follow that light
300 · Feb 2015
Many Falling Leaves
Something Simple Feb 2015
I used denial for so long
It was my breath and life and love
But now....when the're all gone
and the silence builds up like cold cruel snow
Burrying everything
Now she's made me start to see
the world through her eyes
I know the patterns, cried my heart out
Is there anything left inside?
The truth will rip you apart, set you free
It's the pain that truely makes you see.

Many leaves one tree
But in the end every leaf
Falls and dies
296 · Dec 2014
Seasons Change (13 wrd)
Something Simple Dec 2014
It's cold and I've been feeling like you've been calling out my name.
295 · Nov 2014
Doubting Light
Something Simple Nov 2014
The butterflies pulse and beat, colors glint and change again
Purple, red, pale slight green, all shades
Swirl from the ground to proclaim the birth
Creatures from a dream, they'll tell him
Of the shedding of cocoons and the growing of life

Far away someone stands alone
Head up, whole body stretching towards, yearning towards far away
Sockets wide for butterfly wings
Wishing nothing more than to be there, keep them safe
But hooves are made of concrete or so it seems
Rooted still to the place it sleeps

She'll be having them now, holding them tight
Seeing them breathe their first breath of life
Whoever the father was will be there too
So many others must be gathered near, watching, waiting
The world's brighter now

Throat closes up as he stands alone
Maybe they'll grow with him unknown
Tears start as blood slows down, tear tracks grow
Questions start to swirl in the distance between
What if? What if? They won't like him, he's sure of this
Head lowers down, time has a way of breaking things

Hope dims like a candle flame
He doesn't even know if she still lives
Some day everything's leaving, everyone's going
He's stuck looking back at the path he's walked
Maybe he'll be gone when they finally come

And suddenly he knows
The whole of his worth comes back nothing
Blood mixes with the stream, sadness and joy
Filling up the space inside, he'll be alone for along time
Longer still

Maybe their lights were never mine
He whispers to the water
Crushed again by what they made him
Whatever the cost, he'll be there at her side
If she still wishes him to be
290 · Nov 2014
To Your Heart
Something Simple Nov 2014
If I could notice you, would you notice me?
Fall apart not fall together, what difference is it?
I’ll take a picture and watch it fade away
Set fire to the bed that we made together
Together, do you remember?

Tear drops don’t stop oceans
Winds don’t shift the tide
A single grain of rice won’t fill up my hand
We’ve been around see?

This meat will rot away
Bubbles will pop one day
Flowers I’ll get to watch shrivel
People I’ll watch die

I am free
But I am not
288 · Nov 2014
In Morning
Something Simple Nov 2014
You look up with a tired face
Mouth tainted with the taste of bitter better days
Unused sleep hangs around your eyes
Testament to the miles between us
We followed our own faiths to the other line

Still alone after all this time, isn't it a lonely life?
I've got others but you've got none
Shoulders to lean on and people to love
All those hours keep awake, what worth are they?
I guess life never showed you it could be the same
Just line after line of change
288 · Aug 2014
Short Start
Something Simple Aug 2014
And it's a Sunday
Day of rest
But oh, there'll be no rest for me yet
No, not yet
286 · Apr 2015
Something Simple Apr 2015
Over mountains gold to silver seas, broken rooftops and the tops of trees
Far flung reaches, enternal to time and starry places
Muffled beats, padded feet, strong stone
Journey in a step, travel in a breath of nothing
War on two sides, head and heart, mind to mind
Close is the dirt and far is the sky
Witch do you touch and wich do you hide?
One day soon you will die.
285 · Apr 2015
Ekki Mukk
Something Simple Apr 2015
I think it's about finding your way through life,
you'll get lost and it'll feel like there's no way out
then someone will come and set you on your path again.
One day they will leave, through death or some other way and you'll be left to walk your path alone again.
Yet, that person has given you something,
made you test your own borders and find your own footing.
Don't be afraid and always look closer.
One day you'll find your way home, though there will be doubts and moments of sadness.
Hope is a tricky thing,
it's there
but sometimes you can't feel it
and it will take someone else to help you
start reaching for it
Something Simple Oct 2014
Here comes the start
Words bottlenecking against folds of the brain
Paper remains unstained
Blank sheet, swirling mind

There'll be more of this to come
279 · Jan 2015
I Made The Rubble
Something Simple Jan 2015
For everything you do is done to please me
Curled hands in to fists when I would never stay
Said if you love me leave me be
But you needed to back away
I watched as you started to see
That I was just radioactive decay
Nothing but sharp rocks and sliding scree
And there was nothing between us but Judgment day
273 · Apr 2015
Day 1
Something Simple Apr 2015
Good morning world eater, nothing's changed in the night
Your warm and light, oh, it's just another desguise
Leaf bringer of thin veined green plant life
Mother of the daytime skies
Dancing warmth on thick skins of all kinds
Now your secret is known
Belly of coal, endless inferno
A flicker destroys lives
Take everything with you in the end
I despise you
272 · Dec 2014
Age Old Lies
Something Simple Dec 2014
And after all these years I'm just a broken creature.
Their faces dance before my eyes, behind my eyelids.
When did every place become another mistake?
Now the haze is closing in on these tired tracks I make.
When did I stop caring about those that lived?
Centuries of living and all I ever learned was how to leave.
Now one is gone, one is dead and nothing is felt in this heart of lead.
A thousand years and maybe I'd have a chance.
How can I help when I'm the one I blame?
Been following pattern of fate, just another dog on a stake.
And these children I've loved and those that left,
Will be dead when I'm alive.
When did this become a lie?
This place was just a pen, another life to live and leave
And my darling,
I lied, I lied.
When I said we had a purpose, boy
I lied.
271 · Jan 2015
Traveller's Folly
Something Simple Jan 2015
Can you feel it-
The humming starts from deep within the pain
Tickles ear drums and fills you up into nothing

It's....It's coming from the-
The noise pulls forth from the shadows
Fills your mind with layers of longing

The bog is singing
Envelop the senses with light,
Comfort creeps through the strands of sound

It's so....beautiful
She steps out covered in liquid sun
Inhale, exhale, forward she comes

Everything I need....she's everything...
A smile graces the lovely face and she's reaching
Reaching out for you to follow.

Anywhere...I'll go anywhere..
A glowing hand strokes your face
She's beauty and grace

I'll follow you
Her hands wrap around your throat
And she pulls you down, down bellow

Only fools look before they leap, only fools want what they can not keep*

And in the bog you drown
No light to guide the way back home
No one will know why your tracks did end here
268 · Oct 2014
Scarred Mouth
Something Simple Oct 2014
She rolls her lip beneath her teeth
Another scab to add to the dusty corners
But it doesn't matter and it never did

Till the stream runs dry and the dirt cracks
Paper thin skin will have its seams
She's a camel without a desert

The red mouth's been pricked and poked
Never wet enough for the thirst to stop
Born without water though her breath forms vapours
260 · Feb 2015
Something Simple Feb 2015
And so the tide of change creeps in
As we try to hide our shallow hearts
And Graveyard minds
258 · May 2014
The Everywhere Tour
Something Simple May 2014
I support you,
keep you upright
and strong.
Carry you place to place
each and every day.
So much depends
on my presence.

Pinky nail sized
barely come to life.
Only ten weeks old
moving without being felt.
I was important then too.
One smaller miracle
on one not

As you grew I did too.
Even when you
never used me,
I was with you.
Getting bigger,
just like you.

Smaller then a thumb
I pressed against
your mother's
They remarked with
called it another miracle.
You could not yet
on your own.
They say you danced,
I know you did.
I was there.
When you came into this world,
I was the last part
of you to
leave safety.

You fought a battle with
gravity just so
you could
use me.
I was honored
with giving you
your first few

When you climbed
the live oak
I gripped the branches
and kept you from
Now when you dance
I carry you
Bend, twist, arch
to your movements,
straining to the

In your dreams
I helped
you charge dragons.
I pounded out
the rhythm
of your heart
against the ground.
I pulled you up mountains
until I was weary
and sore.
You never thanked me.

Now you complain
about the pain I cause,
too many staircase
to climb.
Weighed down by a ton
of books
and well worn

Remember me,
I'll remember you.
When you face death
I'll walk with you.

Appreciate me,
before you only have
one of me.

Be grateful that I was
not wrapped in
so tight that
my bones were
and your freedom
Remember me
for I am
251 · Nov 2014
Something Simple Nov 2014
But the roads have changed since then,
Lightening don't strike twice son.
Just keep looking towards sun.
That way you'll be blind to what comes.
250 · Oct 2014
Arm's Reach
Something Simple Oct 2014
And a hand reaches out
Invisible fingers straining, stretching,
Just trying for a shoulder, or a touch to show
How much you want to be there or just how much you care
Trying to bridge the distance made by time and space
Getting you through this through resistance
Not alone just separate
Maybe one day
We'll be close enough
For those hands to  meet
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