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  Jun 2019 Solaces
Amanda Kay Burke
I tried to save you many times before
Witnessed others try to save you too
Finally I realize that the only person
Able to save you from your demons is you
I don't want to save you, only show you the light you have within you so you can use it to save yourself
  Jun 2019 Solaces
Behind her eyes I can see
Inside her heart and in her soul
Her veins and all her bones
All are painted gold
  Jun 2019 Solaces
We met in Hell,

We kissed on Earth,

We imagined love in our minds,

After all,
We are buried underground.
Solaces Jun 2019
The old town..
Was it old?
Where am I?
I walk into what seems to be an old dance hall.
I try my luck on a game there and win big.
I then walk around the old town.
I still do not know where I am at.  
I think I am in the town of Memory.
Or at least fragments of memory.
Fragments of all the towns I have been to put together like a forgotten puzzle.  
Outside of town I find my sleeping self.
There by the river that runs to the oceans of my mind.
I need to wake myself up.
I look around before I do so.
I enjoy the created river and woods..
The detail is amazing.
This is the gift of painters.
And artist.
To create with thy hand what thy dreams present.
In order to wake myself up I simply have to fall asleep here..
I lay on my back in the sand by the river..
The sun speckles through the leaves in the trees creating a way back home..
I fall asleep and wake up..
A beautiful dream I had last night.  I was well aware that it was a dream. Which made it even more beautiful. It was like I was on the outer rims of heaven.
  Jun 2019 Solaces
Xy Shane
Some are visible
Some are hidden
Some are tamed
But most are destructive
Beware, for a monster need not to be scary
You have to fight, no time to be weary
  Jun 2019 Solaces
Jon York
           forgive and forget.
           Remember   and
               ( Healthy Self )
                 Heal thy self
                    I'm not
                telling you
                  it's going
                  to be easy,  

             I'm telling you
                 it's going
                     to be
                  worth it.
Put your broken pieces back together differently and learn to love the sound of your feet walking away from things not meant for you.

              Make broken

                 Walk with
                the universe
                  on your
               shoulders &
           make it look like a
                  of wings.                                                  Jon York   2019
  Jun 2019 Solaces
Star BG
Human life is like a book...
The middle being birth.
The end death.
And the middle
a souls adventure of expansion.

Human life is like a book.
A grand story
unwinding with feelings as words
and moments as footmarks.

Once concluded it’s bond
in spirits core memory
to take one then
to a new book-cover of spirit.
A new beginning of
chapters where a sequel begins
with a beginning, middle, and end.
First poem of the day.
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