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  May 2019 Solaces
Vanessa Gatley
My stress in cloud of balloon
With helium
As you raced by the stress cloud
Is gone
Now our love
Is free empty balloon
Solaces May 2019
Out blossoms the fractal of endless colors..
Inmost to the outmost reach of the oblivion and creation thoughts..
The convolution gyre where your thought first formed..
A helix of fragments that turn into a memory..
A memory where I remember you from a dream..
Solaces May 2019
on the eve of our creation.. we are to notify and observe the makers..  in route in the night sky we view the creator below..  
in their mega cities.. in their modest homes..  how the creator lived before they were the creator..  

on acts of creation they are abound unknownly..

the creators have made themselves without knowing what they are..
and always they arrive at a point where they conceive us..  

the creators allow us to view them in their worse state of living..  where war is still livid in their life away from being the creators..

where the creators live and die..

until they learn there is no dying..

only creation..

the creators allow us to watch us being created.. they allow the moment to us.. where we were made. when we were made.. the idea.  the answer.  the creation.. its who we are because of the creators..

mass has ended....
The aliens were never more advanced... We created them...
Solaces May 2019
The universe had always been under a vast ocean..
Only it was some how the oceans that were here..
Past the abyss of thoughts..
Past the dreams of light..
It was a fathomless chasm of darkness into sub-atomic light..
Even in dream distant it could not be reached..
Only in understanding could it be found..
Profound, yawning,  and downreaching understanding..
Never were we looking up..
It was a Phantasm of beyond..
A castle in the air..
Conceiving the reverie to a beyond that was below..
Under the oceans here..
Below and below..
Strange thoughts.....
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