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  Jul 2016 Snehith Kumbla
The only part of my day
That I look forward to
Is when I go to bed
And lay there making up scenarios
In my head.

I think of comebacks
To 8th grade bullies.
I think of witty retorts
To my mother's snide comments.
I think of intelligent things to add
To conversations I had months ago.

I think of all the things
I was too scared to say.

And in my mind
I say them.
And pretend how things would be different
If only I had the courage to speak.
  Jul 2016 Snehith Kumbla
What if
What if he mesmerises me
       With his lines?
What if
        His words touch me
        And kiss
           Through my skin?
     What if i search for
      Travel through
              His words
    And meet him
       Become bare
          And he caresses
          With every
           I am
           For him,
                             ­ Me
   What if
                  Fall in love
             ­         Poet?

© Evna-Luna
I am just 12 days old on this site and this poem has already bn chosen as A Daily?
I am Amazed and Surprised.
Thanks to hello poetry and every of you.
I am taking a hiatus for now because of some reasons
Snehith Kumbla Jul 2016
why pluck
the jasmine
at my window...

what will I tell
the breeze,  
that go follow

its withering  
among idols
framed pictures

incense fumes  
severed plucked
presented wreath

homage to the gods,  
or will I sway the
bees, a telepathic

signboard painted
of dour directions,
none shall heed

even as petals
pucker away
toothless mouths

but there!

within a clawed
green hold
a clasped

white inch of
a cold moon

at my
  Jul 2016 Snehith Kumbla
The sorrow is yours,
As much as it's mine,
Your heart has rights to its tears,
The same way mine cries.

The treasured moments,
Are tucked,
In the curve of my lips,
Just the way they, sometimes, creep to your cheeks,
And make you blush.

The nostalgia, the sweet pang behind them,
Can be read in your eyes,
Just as obviously as they show in mine.

The sorrow is yours,
As much as it's mine,
Your heart has rights to its tears,
The way mine cries.

Don't bother drawing lines,
We are bound to cross,
My heart is crazy,
Just as bad as yours.

The rumors that transcend,
Like wildfire in dry woods,
My contribution to these stories,
Are as much as yours.

Give words to these memories,
A tune to these words,
The old tune that you'll hum,
Will belong to me, as much as it belongs to you.

My verses,
And your prose,
Tell the same tale,
Of same loss.

This sorrow is yours,
As much as it's mine.
When a relationship ends, both sides are hurt, it is not like only one of them has the right to be hurting...and it is something we forget. We think we are alone in our pain, and that makes us sadder. Tbh I don't really think it is easy being friends with someone you were romantically involved with...but I do believe that one should let go of grudges cause after all, their part in your story was as much as yours.
  Jul 2016 Snehith Kumbla
My words are like ink,
staining pages I've yet to use.

My words are like the dawning stillness,
before the heavy rain falls.

My words are like silk,
touching skins of loved ones and strangers alike.

My words don't always match and smoothly flow.

Sometimes they are jaded and petty,
other times they are deep and precise.

But my words, oh my words are all of me,
inside and out.

branches of black night
the rain taps on the roof
everything is unguarded
a bird breaking open the sky like
a dark tear.


our love, rooted to
the earth, scattering
bright oceans
tender as a star.


dance of love
limbs wild and joyful
lull of a kiss.


ocean breaking, each wave,
flowing back to its watery song,
flooding and flowing,
flooding and flowing.
Snehith Kumbla Jul 2016
a rain is falling,
on the crack’d earth

a rain is teasing,
on the dancing us

how do we return this present,  
this overwhelming love,
endless kisses you shower,
in your every drop

a rain is calling,
on a thunder drum

a rain is singing,
come, ye all come

look the well is swell,
bare earth rustle green again,
how an elusive peacock cries
out the rain's endless names,

a rain is bending,
the mighty banyan tree

a rain is chasing,
cobra, ants and bees

how the sea rages in anarchy,
its heart is majestic today

cling of old things vanish,
in a flowing disarray

a rain is falling,
on the cracked earth

a rain is teasing,
on the dancing us
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