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2.4k · Jun 2015
Abigail Annette Jun 2015
The ocean is one of the most unknown and mysterious places.
All those uncharted species in the hidden depths of sea.
It's truly unbelievable all the many things we have not seen that are secluded in the shadowy beneath.
So keep our oceans clean so we can keep exploring the ocean's secrets.
I forgot to post this yesterday. Happy Late World Ocean's Day
1.5k · Apr 2015
Abigail Annette Apr 2015
they say "home is wherever I am
with you"

"home" is a building on a street that shelters you
but home is the planet we step on
our home is losing parts of itself that it will never get back
our home is sick
it's under the weather with climate change, global warming, air pollution
today, we appreciate our world
everyday, we should appreciate our world
save your home,
save our home.
I wanted to write about Earth bc I love it and want it to be happy and healthy. sorry it's sloppy!
934 · Mar 2015
painting walls
Abigail Annette Mar 2015
I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you.

I’d lay in our bed and watch you undress.

I’ll trace your veins with my finger tips.

I want to feel your breath on my neck
and smell your cologne on my skin.

Every detail of your body will be sketched in my head.

I’ll memorize the pattern of your blinks.

And when we fall asleep at night,
I’ll dream of painting walls with you.
i wrote this a long time ago, but wow do i feel this everyday
747 · May 2015
sloppy thoughts
Abigail Annette May 2015
I want to plant kisses all over you
and when we turn old,
they’ll grow into wrinkles.
The adventures we've gone on
will be imprinted in your mind
and they will sprout into
beautiful memories.
I've already laid a bed of flowers on you,
and I'm just watching you blossom.
I wrote the first three lines a while ago, but I  thought I'd add on. It's sloppy but I liked how it turned out. I love my handsome man♥
699 · Mar 2015
it's getting harder
Abigail Annette Mar 2015
I was going about on my normal day,
and then it just hit me

Sadness not only crossed my mind,
it took over my entire body.

Nothing even happened.

There was no trigger.

But all of a sudden my body just became blue.

My mind is upset,
my heart is racing,
my body is aching,
and I just don't want to move.

I was fine a second ago,
and then I just started hurting.

I'm in pain
and it's getting harder.
I was just sitting in personal finance and just started hating myself. awesome
587 · Apr 2019
my first backpacking trip
Abigail Annette Apr 2019
Soon, we will be immersed in the woods, Along the lake and under the trees.
For 300 miles, we'll be together,
Welcoming the sunrise and
Kissing the sunset goodnight.
We will dream under the stars
And share our thoughts with the moon.
The birds will sing for us
As Spring grows.
The breeze will travel with us,
Whispering to us through the leaves.
Soon, we will be immersed in love.
wrote this for my boyfriend and he said it was beautiful, my heart is full
482 · Jun 2018
Abigail Annette Jun 2018
I want to grow and become brighter
I want to let go and feel lighter
but I like to hold on to the things that weigh me down
and I won't let myself drop them
but I can't be ******* myself
I will get there and soon they won't be as heavy
as for now I'll carry the weight on my shoulders
and continue to look forward
I'll be positive again
374 · Mar 2015
here's the thing
Abigail Annette Mar 2015
I don't know how to put into words the way I feel about you. The hugs I give you and the millions of kisses I plant are not enough.
I want to show you more.
I want to tell you more.
I want to take you on a tour of my mind and of my heart. That way, you can hear what I think when your name falls off my tongue. The way my heart races when your voice plays through my head.
I want you to explore those day dreams I have while I should be taking notes in class.
I want you to know how much you mean to me, but words just don't do that.
feeling totally in love right now
338 · Mar 2015
what you've given
Abigail Annette Mar 2015
you gave me strength,
you gave me a reason
I loved you from the start,
you loved me from the beginning
your light touch
soft kisses
you gave me life,
you gave me wisdom
I decided to start doodling, and found this in my notebook. I've been having writing block.

— The End —