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1.0k · Jan 2019
Broken heart
Vampire girl Jan 2019
Walking on highways
Lighting as byways

Smiling with sourness
Eyes held distress

High on pills
Dancing on heels

Way is too hazy
Eyes are too blurry

Suffering to self
Squealing to cars

Back home tardily
On bed sadly

Waking up greasy
Back to routine as daily
790 · Apr 2019
Happy pill
Vampire girl Apr 2019
As I walked
My footprints left behind

As I smiled
My sorrows fell back

As I blushed
My pain Fell in love

As I loved
My haters melted down
645 · Jan 2019
Vampire girl Jan 2019
Everytime she held a knife , it's more real than anything else
Everytime she wrote unsent secret letters,it's more real than anything
Everytime she got high over her thoughts,it's more real than anything
Everytime her eyes turn red without drugs,it's more real than anything
Everytime she puts up her smile and laugh a lot over smallest of things just because she don't wanna show up her fears and demons that are haunting, scaring, threatening her to death,it's the real struggle
Depression can be deadly
Except for the person who's facing it no one else can really know what they're going through
Don't call it depression
Don't call it anxiety
Call it a WAR
where the only option is to rule over it
326 · Jun 2019
Burn and Shine
Vampire girl Jun 2019
She let herself fall
beautifully down to earth
shining and burning bright
like a shooting star
Before you learn to walk you fall a thousand times
Before you learn to fly you touch the ground a thousand times
Before you succeed you fail a thousand times
Before you reach the stars you meet the comets
Before you SHINE you BURN
240 · Jan 2019
Vampire girl Jan 2019
You were the most important unexpected happiness I ever had
You were the most important beautiful soul I ever met
And now
You are the most craved one
my soul always does
235 · May 2019
Vampire girl May 2019
Sitting back on the sand
Calling up my memories
Packing up my bags

Here I am
New girl in the city
Walking down the lonely streets
Smoking up the cigarette weeds

The night winds are cold
As clouds float on by peacefully
My dreams take flight
Free from the confines of reality

Sketching up my home
Working ******* dreams
Raising and falling

Something within me feels out place
Am i missing home?
Am i home at last?
Right at this moment, i just can't tell
To everyone working hard upon their dreams even when it costs you distance from your family and close ones, all I wanna say is you're amazing keep working for high.
225 · May 2019
Vampire girl May 2019
My soul flying high
To get to the stars
But not before
I get lost in the galaxies

My legs jumping high
To touch the sky
But not before
I fall back to earth

My heart racing fast
To meet it's love
But not before
I’m left there heartbroken

My path leading my way
To get to the right place
But not before
My destiny catches up
And everything I try for
Is almost there

— The End —