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 Jun 2015 Selene
What say you become the subject of my poems
and in detail of my mind hear its uncensored messages

There is no truer words than what you'll find here my Dulcinea
No door, no window, no passage of old
more accurate and real than these words on paper

Blankly I write for you
Letting my pen dance to the vibration of your universe
tapping with alien music that I failed to escape from
I know the consequence
I know the debts
Powerfully you have captured me
as if by attraction you forced the universe
to cast your spell
leaving me drunk with you in my thoughts
with places once fine on my own
now seeking the companionship you provide

My Dulcinea
If you would allow me to write for you
let these silent words of mine be known to you
let those same words enter you from the heart
before all places blessing me with your embrace

I will make the world envy you
provide you the romance women
from all works of life sought

Dance with you under the finite light of the stars above
singing the ballad of my soul
that it may cease to torment me in silence
 Jun 2015 Selene
 Jun 2015 Selene
i would like to be able to pretend that the lines written over my skin are a sad poem of the love i had for you,
a reminder of the pain of heartbreak,
but in reality, they are just ugly reminder that i gave you all of me and you left.
 Jun 2015 Selene
Cecil Miller
 Jun 2015 Selene
Cecil Miller
Where you look, your eyes will find me.
I am in the shade of every tree.
I am inside every tableau.
You only need to ask to learn,
You already have the answer to your quary.
Turn your attention inward
To turn to the Kingdom of Heaven.
You are My Logia.

Whosoever finds meaning in these sayings shall not experience death.

Let he who seeks keep seeking,
Seeking until he finds.
He will then be troubled,
Then astonished,
Then he will rule the world.

The old man will ask a child of seven days the place of life.
The two shall know each other,
As each shall become the other,
And become one and the same.
There is nothing hidden that will not be found.

It is what issues forth from your mouth which will defile you.
Do not ask about your end without knowing your beginning.

When two are the same as one.
When the inside is like the outside.
When what is above is as below.
When male and female are one.
When an eye is an eye,
When a hand is a hand,
When a foot is a foot,
You will know Paradise.

When you choose, as I choose,
One from a thousand,
And two from ten thousand,
And they stand as a single one,
You will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
This work was inspired by The Gospel of St. Thomas.
 May 2015 Selene
Peter Simon
Have you ever seen a night sky so clear;
So clear that there’s not even a sign of the moon’s existence?

Well, I’m under one right now
The street is empty and the darkness is silent
No rustling of leaves or bushes,
No hums of crickets singing in chorus

Window drapes are down
And they’re all black instead of yellow
Streetlights are the only source of light
And that telephone booth standing steadily alone on the corner

Hands inside my hoodie’s pocket, I go in it
I pick the phone up and started dialing a number
When suddenly all the lights go out
In a blink of an eye, and the world is in total darkness

Everything is quieter than ever
Then the wind comes whooshing
The thunder begins applauding
The lighting started like camera flashes

Raindrops as big as golf ***** fall from the sky
And the way they hit the roof of the booth,
I almost believe they’re as heavy
Inside the booth I still get wet from all the sweat

Then, as if on cue, the storm dies
Quietness floods again
The booth light flickers but that’s all
Streetlights never come back

Hesitating for a moment, I slowly go out
I look up and the sky isn’t just a black canvas anymore;
It’s now filled with blots of white ink
Glittered to life

I kick the waters not yet ****** up by the drains
I look at how calm they are
Mirroring the beautiful night sky painted
I can definitely say I’m top and under the cosmos
 May 2015 Selene
Daniel Wetter
 May 2015 Selene
Daniel Wetter
I loved you...I really loved you.
But that "D" at the end of the word love,
is liberation.
Past tense freedom, from feeling dumb,
and tense and tired,
and numb and dense ,
uninspired love needed that "D", for proper punctuation.

Ending a love that faded,
with too many tries, wasted time, and de ja vu goodbyes.
It’s not just you I leave behind, it's the person that I was when we met.
Two of us, two years in,
in two years, we both grew, into fears
and far from respect.
That "D" at the end of the word love,
means love is possible again, just not with you.
And unlike just being friends,
or sticking with it until the end, of time,
I’m, being realistic, and finding truth.

Who made who so sadistic?
Angry and twisted, just 2 misfits throwing ***** fits.
Is true love truly so egotistic?
Asking a biased source, so of course it is, kid.
Passion ran it’s course, now my pain is specific.
A lack of reciprocation, mixed with a growing distance.
Because as I grew, I grew farther from you,
as I tried so hard to stay close,
in hopes, that if properly approached,
I can fix us both.
But I may have just been fixing something that wasn’t broke.

With time, you stole parts of my heart, soul, and mind that can never be returned.
A third of my heart is left inside lessons learned, so the next 3 words that come out of my mouth,
are “I loved you”.
And that "D" at the end of love,
is the only way that I can rise above, what we are, and call it was, cause it’s history.
And if I don’t learn from it, I’m doomed to repeat it.
In tune with what I need, in need to seek out me, and lose the we.
It’s true that I loved you, but the God's honest truth is I never loved you as much as I love me.

And I hope you understand how that could be.
 May 2015 Selene
 May 2015 Selene
Let me be captured by the night.
Engrossed in the conversation
between the stars.
Syncopated twinkling like...
thousands of fireflies
trapped within sealed jars.

Let me be enslaved by the moon.
As I drink her glow in
greedy insatiable gulps.
Her beam with an agenda...
As the landscape she sculpts.

Let me be ensnared by my solitude.
But I hear crickets...
Chirping and chipping away at my
bastion of dreamstate.
Persistent calls
I try to shun
that never abates.

Let me be trapped in my thoughts.
So I could harness...
And immortalise them in
indelible careless scribbles.
Erecting and...
Rebuilding them from the
rubble of conflicting squabbles.

Let me be overwhelmed
by the mess of my being...**
Let me wallow
Then emerge strong from this
decrepit state of mind.
Let me breathe heavy from my
punctured lungs.
So I could heal in time before
true solace
in this dark,
I would find.
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