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 Nov 2014 Selene
Francis Santos
"Handle it with care"
That, I would always say.
To you, I give my heart so fragile;
A risk that I would never dare
To let another hold
Such a thing so rare,
Which you always seem to break
With your trembling hands.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident"
That, you would always say.
So I always have ****** palms,
And marred fingers,
From always picking up
The sharp fragments
Of my once called heart,
That you so fearfully handle.

Mind that I don't blame you
And your frail hands.
I pick up every blood-stained piece,
With a warm smile.
Every tear and sweat
That ran from my face,
Would wash away the stains,
Restoring its brilliance.

Now I realize that rarity
Does not come in fragile form.
It comes in the form of beauty
That endures. Once healed,
The pieces brought together
Illuminate into a colorful mosaic,
Dedicated to you.

Let its splendor captivate you.
A masterpiece that will drive
All the fears and worries away,
As it makes the trembling end.
For they are not just fragments,
But mementos that will last;
Images that will forever gleam,
**Of you and me.
Love is painful, yet beautiful.
 Nov 2014 Selene
Hollow Haze
Kiss me
 Nov 2014 Selene
Hollow Haze
If there is anything I hate more than,
Hypocrisy, idiocy,
Is being constricted and prevented,
from telling you how I feel about you.

When I see your face,
The only thing I want is to kiss you,
I want you to run your fingers through my hair,
I want you to stop and smile.

I wish for nothing more in this world,
and I would die for this to happen,
Because I would rather die whilst kissing you,
than living a life that doesn't consist of your lips touching mine.
All I want is for you know that I freaking love you. I want to kiss you and nothing else.
 Nov 2014 Selene
Jade Elon
 Nov 2014 Selene
Jade Elon
Kissed collarbones
Bruised lips
You told me about the gifts you had for me
(I'll keep everyone)
The love letter written on the back of a napkin
We have been in love more ways than there are words to describe:
No matter how many times we pull apart
The elastic bands around our hearts snap us back together
High force collisions always end spectacularly
You've given me countless gifts
And I'll keep them
Life and death have been in love
For longer than we have words to describe
Life sends countless gifts to death
And death keeps them forever

(saw this quote on the internet and decided to make a poem about it)
 Nov 2014 Selene
You picked me up
You laid me down
You put the pieces back together
You made me whole

You gave me light when I had none
You've helped me through
You've been at my side when things went rough
You've been my friend even when I wasn't the best one back

Because of you,
I play basketball
I know how to say food
I've healed faster
I'm not scared anymore

You are my true guardian angel and I thank you a thousand times for it.
Time for yet another surgery hope this works. If I never wake up someone make a taco and lay it on my grave
 Nov 2014 Selene
 Nov 2014 Selene
I'm afraid I've grown addicted to her presence.

How I long to indulge myself in her touch that I grow drunk with just a whiff of her scent like a mad man.  

Dreaming, contemplating, making imagery in my mind liking to that of a movie pleasing as beer to Filipino men.

I see her as I climb mountains, as I swim through the seas of the Philippine coast on my own.  

Finding you at the tip of my pen as I slowly write down what both the heart and mind tell my soul
 Nov 2014 Selene
 Nov 2014 Selene
If my love was water
oh darling
you’d be drowning
 Nov 2014 Selene
If my world opens its doors for you.
I fear the sentinels guarding its gate dare not comply;
Nor shall the council of my world would allow you to traverse;
Nor shall the people allow your foreign grace

Your presence shall cause chaos to my land.
Bring about pain to every individual.
To make matters worse would drive nations to envy;
And make my world red with their bloodlust.

But what frightens me most is not the destruction you'll cause milady.
Nor the evil in me you awoke.
What frightens me is that you've conquered me;
Conquered me without arms nor armies.
And here I lay opening my gates to you.

— The End —