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  Sep 2016 Secret-Author
Timothy Ward
the tide's awash
the beaches fresh
i surf on thoughts
a tangled mesh
my lonely church bell
tolls and tolls
brief respite to
my broken soul
There are times when one feels hurt and lost. This is one of those times.
Secret-Author Sep 2016
I can make this happen
Just by being me
I will survive, I am alive
And soon they will all see.
I can make this happen
I'm a tackle on the line
I'll have a wriggle, make you giggle
And soon you will be mine.
I can make this happen
I'm a diamond in the rough,
Gunna get it, I'm the right fit
I know I am enough.
Secret-Author Sep 2016
“I hated him most
for not having the courage
to ruin us grandly.
To break all the dishes
and burn down the house.
Instead he sunk quiet
into the arms of a beautiful,
weak little bird.
Denied me my spilled blood,
my great war, everything
except his confession.”

                     — Clementine von Radics
Secret-Author Sep 2016
I shall create this world
So you can be free.

10 Word Poetry
Secret-Author Sep 2016
Spoken Word Poetry

The words just don't come together
I choke.
And it's easier for me to think
If I'm not really looking.
But instead
If I just keep to myself
With my head down low
Everything seems to work.
Time passes by
Rather than this stagnant space I'm used to
Where I can feel myself  letting you down.

It's horrible,  truly
A dull ache in my heart that is always there.
The steady beat of disappointment
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.

But I am O.K
In lots of ways.
Just the ways that are not conventional.
Or useful. Well,
Not to you anyway.
I know I have a beauty in me somewhere.
Just the words don't come together
I choke.
And it's easier for me to think
If I'm not really looking.
But instead
If I just keep to myself
With my head down low
Everything seems to work.
Time passes by
Rather than this stagnant space I'm used to
Where I can feel myself letting you down.

It's horrible, truly
A dull ache in my heart that is always there.
The steady beat of disappointment
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. **Enough.
Spoken Word Poetry.
Who I Am
Secret-Author Aug 2016
       beauty. Achingly perfect in a way I can't control
So perfect, you make me vulnerable.

Vulnerable to
              a vortex of emotions made so completely for me
      that I can't helped but be pulled into you.
So dense are you, that I am weighted to this ground
       in a way that is perfectly designed to expire.
                            I so admire
                                            this magic that you have,
Where I say words to you
                                       that I haven't ever said to myself.

Trembling from my mouth
I see the colours growing true
A vivid sense of clarity, reality
All because of you.

And we are so young. And beautiful.
                  And for a short time we were free together.
                                In our room,
                                         With your flag and my heart,
                                                    We had everything.

I miss you.
Sometimes, I miss you so much that the world around me cracks,
             Which is to say, that everything shatters into a million shards of pain,
                           Which is to say,
                                        my heart breaks.

In a world without your bottles or i love yous,
       Your steadying hand, or your legs on the balcony at night,
                oh charlie girl
                            It's hard to remember what it was like to have you at all.
I miss you every day that passes by with only your face to keep me company.
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