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Alexis Bullock Jul 2014
If I'm made up of starstuff
Recycle me
Strip me
You're wasting me
Let me be
Put me in the center of the universe
In a vast nothing
Of every beautiful  little thing
That I don't understand
And leave me there
Let me keep my eyes
Kelley A Vinal Jul 2015
Underneath moon dust
Lies a glimmer of lost hope
Igniting space dreams

One day we will merge
We will be a nebula
And a red dwarf too

Heat death is so far
That for now, I am happy
To be a planet
Madi Feb 2018
she is archipelagos of stars on an inky black background.
moondust and star stuff,
supernovae and blue cosmic beauty.
she is the beginning and the end,
first places prize and last places hope.
she begins simply and quietly like a match and flame,
slowly burning my existence until I am molten,
like lava in her hands to mold into beautiful shapes.
as tenaciously as she handles me she burns brightly,
and in her eyes I know she sees me the same way.
she sees me as if I am sunsets and smatterings of stars
as if I breathed out cosmic dust
and inhaled the sins of the world.
as if I, myself, could singlehandedly
create beautiful islands of stars in the sky
simply with just a snap of my fingers.

she was like starstuff in my lungs,
a smokescreen of explosive stardust in my chest.
she looked so gorgeous yet was as deadly as mustard gas.
i breathed her in though,
because its what i thought i needed,
a moonlit puff of smoke in the cosmos
as beautiful as an eclipse and as deadly as the love of Venus herself.
she doesn't know just how much i feel
even though i know her feelings exactly.
her starstuff and moondust was never meant to be in my lungs
not on earth nor with my very existence.

why does watching dangerous supernovae closely feel so right?
james nordlund Oct 2019
'Tis in the darkest hour that

... shines so on one's heart path:

Where who, what, when, how,

Where, and sometimes why,

Yet, never Y2K, are unanswered

By the you that is to be, whilst gleaned.  

Then, not receding from reality,

Evolving lights one's footsteps

That followed none, leaving no trace

And saving the human race,

Which echo on forever, in all ways, always.

Even shadows speak of the light.
While writing this I was reminded of Madonna's great multi: -art, -culture, -advocacy song, video, 'Like a Prayer'.  Also, Happy Rhodes great song lyric, "a beacon in the sky, meant to catch your eye".  Never Y2K: a premeditated unnatural disaster engineered to steal tax and other dollars; like the purposeful non-prevention of the failing of the levees in NOLA in '05- even though they were routinely warned and paid federal funds to reinforce them for decades, yet they didn't.  "It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness", Thoreau.  "It's always darkest before the dawn", Dickenson.  Thanx for all you do too; copy, share as you will    :)    reality
Storm  Jul 2014
Starstuff Love
Storm Jul 2014
Mumble through a labyrinth world--

A cacophonous lyre's stringing.

Sheep in wolf's clothes--

Are half as dangerous--as

My sorry symphony.

In the tiger-fur rarity of your singing, ember-sky eyes

Ghost stars crumble their memories over morning.

The trickster god pays respects when we smile our mutual challenges--

Crosses her rays from one side of earth to the next,

Looking for a collision.
bucky  Dec 2015
naming you
bucky Dec 2015
the bow of your back, taut
sweat sticky
opiated and fizzing,the air stirs
and does not settle
the garden caged between your ribs
cracked and sprouting,paint
fumes sputtering out of your
unruly kind of-
give and take,sway
bring me to my knees kind of

the bow of your mouth, sweet
spit tacky
thunderous and crowing,skin
smelling of smoke and apples
the starstuff wrapped in your fist
aching and bruised,your knuckles
purpling and swollen,wild
unruly kind of-
give and take,sway
bring me to my knees kind of
rk  Jul 2020
rk Jul 2020
even in the shadows
of your love
i can still see
the stars that fall
from your eyes,
i hear your heartbeat
and i know
that although i am lost
you are here
in the darkness with me
and so the dark
doesn't feel so bad.
- you are the waves that carry me to safety.
Katrina Maria Aug 2012
Fading away, like a music.
No jolts, no sadness.
Just a beautiful face.
Religious sacrement is ambiguous.

Failed priests. Another age.
But why would you sacrifice?
Offering instant gratification
to the masses.
Malicious intent is still intent.
Another dimension. Another reality.

Who do I listen to?

Perhaps you should have stayed
silently, creating something
special with your studies.
Build your wealth,
employ your sciences only with
amazing goals. Ah, my brain.

Must charter the universe.
There is no web, there is no
spider weaving. Only matter.

Matter and history.
Learn from us, your bitter
ancestors, the sweep of evolution.
The great story, you martyr.
You seem reluctant.

The shores, they lick at your
ankles. Salt deposits and foam.
All that is, or ever was.
Contemplations stir.

Leave us alone, without our
sensations of grandness.
I need not your preaching,
your sadness, your dust.

Tiny planetary moulding rock.
Simply dangerous and promising.
Why must I trust another speck
with my entire life? My fate?

It is my own truth, filled with
speculations and masturbations.
Exquisite relationships only
fill me with tainted deepness.

Some part of me knows.
That Ocean is entirely my body.
Starstuff and dust.
My journey begins in my skull.

Tapping my temple, I pull apart
the dandelion puff and bite
the bitter milk.
The blood, plants scream when they
are plucked.

Their juices are not for such as I.
First voyages and scienctists
are better than my own cries.
The depths of embedment are vast.

Birth, live, death, tumultuous.
Jets of energy, my core is
Detroy all in our path.
A splash in my pond, step, step.
A ring, your iris it shines.

Holy local groups, I find.
Containing island chains.
Only 2 million years from home.
Passing over our satellites.

No more writing, no more stars.
Gravity prevails and globes unite.
Centres are millions strong,
like a swarm, a sun, the bee has
Impossible to stuff the guts.

Spiralling in nothingness.
Arms turn, turn away. Turn from
my face. Curdles outside.
Our home is orange and wide.
Blue in the obscure waters, we
have evolved.

Such intelligence is no indication
that any edge-on view is right.
Please, don't tell me what to believe.
Logan Gabriel Feb 2017
Did you know?
I have vines growing around my ribs now.
A tree growing in my guts where I used to hold galaxies.
Churning stardust catching between teeth,
Painting my lips.
Seeping out of my skin and into the sink.

I am a book of metaphors and paradox.
I am nothing at all.
I speak you fair with a liars tongue,
All made of silver and moondust.
Easy words.

I am celestial,
And though your starstuff still makes me sick in the mornings,
Picking your shine from my teeth
All your refuse still inside me wretched into the sink.
Though my limbs are scarred with an effort to see my own galaxies
I am through obsessing over celestial souls.

Too many boys and girls with stars in their eyes
Or Saturn's rings around their fingers
Have caught me with lunar promises and magic fallen from careless lips
Like meteor showers.
I'm rid of my stars.

Now I've been planting flowers in my ribs
The vines mingle with a web of forget-me-nots and bleeding hearts
Lavender buds sprouting from old scars
I pass the 3 am itch off as them growing
Learn to ignore it.
jess p Feb 2016

lift that fingertip away from your scars
and trace these ragged map-lines instead
here, here are better roads to take
than loneliness

so maybe your knuckle feels much too bare
but know that our fingers are not made to sit waiting
for a ring –
they are built to hold

so hold – find another set of fingers
grasping for a stronger pair of hands
there is nothing more beautiful than two small limbs
making a home in each other

or better yet, when your bones feel
too big for his too-full arms and too brittle
for the weight of your sadness
hold yourself together, never let go

when the night is too full of night
to see the stars, take a mirror and try to
search for the starstuff in you

you. the point between history and tomorrow
the most graceful of reckonings
the steady hum of *more, more
beneath cracking skin
you. the sum of all things soft and true  

and remember: those bones were never built to
shoulder the world
they were only ever meant
to carry you
Loewen S Graves Apr 2012
There are tongues
hidden away
inside cabinets,
fingers pressed
between the floorboards,
members ******
into dresser drawers --

You caressed them
every tooth
and freckle
turned over
in your memory,
you play them over
as you sleep

And every
once in awhile,
their faces
gulp to life
beneath your chest,
and maybe
your heart beat
for a moment,
and you whispered
to yourself:

thank god,
this day
has finally


His kindergarten
his sugar sweet
his cream soft
they succumbed
to you like beasts
trapped beneath
the riverbed

You let them float,
dry tongues hang out
between bloodied lips,
you touched their lips
in the darkness
and the dance
until morning

And later, caught
up in the nightmare
you stared into
the sky. Maybe
the full moon reached
out and touched you,
maybe you smiled

But you said,
thank god;
thank god I am
the man I am


And something made you,
starstuff shaped and twisted
until they formed those fingers,
those hands those eyes
the brows that would furrow
in the darkness of that closet

until it came down
over your head
and as the memories
surged through
your mind?

I hope they
came first,
one wailing scream
through your heart
before you succumbed

thank god,
thank god
Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer, active from 1987-1991. His murders involved ****, dismemberment, cannibalism, and necrophilia, and he often kept objects from these murders in his apartment. The apartment became famous because of it. In prison in 1994, he was beaten by another inmate with a broom handle, and died of his wounds. I got all my information from Wikipedia.
james nordlund Nov 2019
'Tis in the darkest hour that
One foot follows the other,
... shines so on one's heart path,
Where, who, what, when, how,
Where, and sometimes why,
Yet, never Y2K, are unanswered
By the you that is to be, whilst gleaned.  

Then, not receding from reality,
One step leads to another,
Evolving lights one's footsteps
That followed none, leaving no trace
And saving the human race,
Which echo on forever, in all ways, always.
Even shadows speak of the light.
If you're not taking bullets, you're making them; a lesson from WWII.  Indivisible, illimitable u's inner-nature's abundance self-actuating in the world   :)   reality

— The End —