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Sohini  Jun 2020
Sohini Jun 2020
She was a nightmare
To the lives of Normals,
Normals who were cruel
Normals who were abnormal.
They could feel her
But never sense her.

She was a mystery
To the members of the living,
Living like scared cats
Living like the Dead.
They thought she was
An imagination,
But she was a phoenix
Who rose above the living.

She was a Goddess
To the suffered,
Suffered who were kept silent
Suffered who were suppressed.
They thought she fought for herself,
But she fought for them
Against the Normals,
The Livings,
And the Evils.
What we have is nuts, crazy, mad
But it's just that
I like to laugh instead of being sad
I like to giggle so people know I'm not that bad

Mr.J knows that
He gets what they don't
He sees what they wouldn't
When I'm with him I feel warm

Not alone
I'm damaged but so is he
I find it hard to manage
But not with him

You see?
Do you see he just gets me?

My 'Puddin makes me happy
Even tho I'm the baddest bady
We're meant to be

Sometime we paint white roses red
Each shade from a different person head
Don't look at me
Or you'll lay in your dead bed

Don't dream
Dream is a killer sometimes we get drunk with a blue caterpillar

He's peeling the skin of my face
Cause I really hate being safe
The normals they make me afraid
The crazies they make me feels safe

I'm nuts baby I'm mad
The craziest friend that you ever had
You think I'm ******
You think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong

Over the bend entirely bonkers
He likes me best when I'm of my rocker
Tell you a secret I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy... all the best people are

He thinks I'm crazy
He thinks I'm gone
I think he's crazy to
I know he's gone

That's probably the reason that we get along
Suicide is one of those movies you watch over and over again. And I kinda wanted to share my thoughts of it. From the way I show everything go down really. But watch the movie! It's pretty cool <3
I opened an email today. I was told of how I must look "Good" in order to be "Taken Seriously" or "If People wish to Even Take You At All."
Like David Copperfield, The Caged Tiger,  and The Joker.
Placed in "One Big Finale."  The "Entertainment" of this "Show" had started.
The Joker was not like all the rest. He became evil by being outcast,since youth, into adulthood; for scars that were not of his own  doing.
He decided to "Pay Back" The "Normals" in one big "Contest to Win The right To Live and Not for the Tiger to have your "Pretty Little Faces to Maw."
David Copperfield thought he could Escape and to "Save everyone's day" "From the scared up ugly which had made "His own choice to become Evil."
As the judges took their seats, the contest was about to begin.
A puff of smoke, some mirrored tricks, and a flashed destraction and David thought he was "Home Free."
Grabbing for the form in the clouds he thought was the "Joker," he grasped for the capture.
"Poor Magic Boy!" - The Joker sneered as he took his place at the start. To grab some finally deserved spot light and a chance to **** an "Animal with Color that isn't Very Hard to Use for David's Adventures."
Whipping at the beast and working in a wooden chair, finally the Tiger Spoke Out.
"Why must you Human's Use me as a prop? A
Defined Addition as People's Property?"
"Why So Serious? You've got your fame, as Magic Boy's Lackey!"
Swiping the Joker to the ground with one strong whip of his front left paw, he knocked out the Joker, but, he never killed him.
Busting out the door, running for the Jungle.
Words were understood as the "Prop Animal" ran for his freedom.
"What makes me different, Makes Me Strong. I survive not only because of my 'Animal Survival Instincts,' however, the faith and determination to fight for my rights  to be true to who and what I am and to be free."
"Free to  rule My Own Earned thrown in my Rule in my very own  Kingdom."
Eloi  Jun 2016
Eloi Jun 2016
I'm peeling the skin off my face
Because I really hate being safe
The normals, they make me afraid
The crazies, they make me feel sane

I'm insane, maybe , I'm mad,
The craziest friend that you've ever had,

You think I'm ******, you think I'm gone,

Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong,

You said I was " Over the bend, entirely bonkers"

You like me best when I'm off my rocker
So I'll Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed

So what if I'm crazy? The best people are

Where is my prescription?
Doctor, doctor please listen
My brain is scattered
You can be Alice,
I'll be the mad hatter.

You'll try to lock me up,
And tell me to keep my mouth shut,
These visions that I'm seeing are slowly but surely decreasing.

I see a man with yellow eyes,
He's scratching at his own face,
He tells me to run but I know they'll try to chase.

So I stay locked up,
Kept quiet and buckle up,
For the next therapy session,
Where they'll tell me I'm  crazy with discretion.
As mentioned in a few of my former poems, I suffered with schizophrenia for 2 years, in that time i was permanently hospitalised, but the things I was seeing and hearing wouldn't go away. I was even told that they were worried that I would be in there for the rest of my life. But very slowly the schizophrenia faded and I was let out.
It's been 3 years since I was released and I'm completely fine and stable now:)
Seher Seven  Jul 2015
her sons
Seher Seven Jul 2015
I have sons spread around the world
birthed by different girls
foundation built in my arms.
recognition of the need of men
of the Love of a woman,
for a woman to guide his heart,
to open his eyes to his start.

she whispered,

the power of the son.
he is of she, penetrates the sea
and births anew.
she the prototype, the official
original, the womb.

woman, her scent alarms the masses.
and we scream now.
we scream and we cry
we live in angst in our homes,
our men are concerned.
yet our pheromones sense things,
weather and other perturbations.

mothers voice in the heart of her children,
daughters tend to stay closer to home.
women, we hear the call!
as we quiet our longing drawl,
the pull we feel to somewhere, we know not of
a place beyond the beauty of our eyes,
we know,
we remember,
our requirements as a creator.

ours, the power of the reflection
of the full moon,
the trees dance in the monthly celebration,
though in the desert, I've seen a few
when the moon is too full,
too reflective of its presence,
they fold to hide from the light.
knowing whats best for themselves, I trust.

I just can't help but to choose to stand
with Her.
stand in Her light, my mouth
opens for the gift.
the thirst quenched.
head tilted back, think of
the men of the world.
if I could just hug them.

as Ms Badu claims
I bet you LOVE can make it better …
I bet too.
I bet I can heal you.
open your heart, peal the bitter,
drain the water, raise the alter.
praise the lover, embrace as a Mother.
pour into the builder, the sender.
release his true endeavors.
release the tension in his body,
helping him to know
mind over matter.
plugging him into the true
creative power
of his ***, his gift of Love,
of his body penetrating another.
what his self is communicating,
what his seed is sprouting.

he needs our healing.
his heart is calling, and he's stomping around
like a little boy! I have sons, they stomp around…
they need mommys love,
mommys extra love.
she, calls us to her sons.
new normals, open our hearts
health always to follow.
grim-raven Mar 2015
Thank you

Little boy with a bit of hope
Just a bit ...
Everybody knows

Dreams filled his teeny tiny mind
Creating imaginations of different kind
Doesn't really understand what other says
Enjoying life with a blurry mess

Been a friend to a *weak fragile girl

Her tears were catch for it seems to hurl
Fakes in those times were epidemic
Lucky for her, he doesn't know how to mimic

They'd grown and grown as time passed by
Created memories they'll remember for life
Not only memories but also dreams
Dreams where both of them can be seen

But the boy seemed to loose it
A news from a far seems to hurt him
A pain that normals can't contain
But he knows how to keep it restrained

Not even a hint ...
The girl knows nothing

Until one day

Struggles hit the girl
Weak and fragile
but, learning from him,
Tried to be strong and also restrained

The day ended
And, as usual
The girl and the boy, they both parted ways
Saying goodbye but they know they'll meet again **someday
Friends are there in the fun part of life
Real friends will appear when the pain struck you inside
When I was a kid I hoped to have many friends
Now, I just wanna keep my real one and only friend
Shiennina Marae  Oct 2015
Shiennina Marae Oct 2015
In the dark
The english roses
Number the stars
The infinite sea
(Of) the other normals
Falling into place
After we fell
Fifty shades darker
Ten tiny breaths
Four seconds to lose
On such a full sea
The echo maker
The narrow road to the deep north
Farther away
Legends of literature
(Made) memories
(And) collected poems
The little prince
The beast
The year I met you
One hundred names
The ten-year nap
This is my life
Save me
All of the lines are titles of books I found in a bookstore (it's what I usually do when I get lost in stacks of books)
faith  Sep 2017
~hurting soul~
faith Sep 2017
i feel the pain of judgement,
i feel the burning eyes of the "normals",
i feel abandoned,
i feel as if no one likes me,
as if I just don't belong,
i have a few friends and that's all,
i'm the "******",
homeschooled and apparently homeschoolers have no friends,
that's what they all think,
i miss my home,
my friends,
my old life,
i hate technology sometimes!
it's a wall between real people,
even with "friends" people are on their phones talking to people they aren't with!
they don't talk with the people that are standing right there!!
why can't this generation be different?
why can't we all just talk,
really talk,
i want this so badly,
i've been on the outside for so long,
and it's because people are scared,
and stupid,
they can't see what's right in their face,
they can't see that i'm hurting alone,
alone with my hurting soul.
I'm so done with people right now! I'm tired of being unaccepted. I want to move back... P.S. Sorry for the venting, I just really needed to get that out and thanks for reading if you've gotten this far!
Shiloh  Mar 2013
Who Knows
Shiloh Mar 2013
I live for the lack of control amongst the discorded intervals
the hollow notes that make my stomach drop
the pull of the crazy
the fire of the insane
all of the invisible cogs that secretly keep everything together

the things that don't make sense to the normals
are the only things that make any kind of sense to me
my life being ever only made up with fleeting moments
integrating chances
terrifying choices

not one to be scared so easily
yet hiding from the monsters in my head
perhaps the reason why
I make so many cry
while never expecting anyone to care

I can ask you a million times
while everything around me changes
the whirlwind of my jagged jigsaw pieces
blurry compared to your still waters
the leaves of your trees not even rustling

I have never known just what it is that I should do
when it comes to you or the things you try to prove
you can run
this will be fun
it has been so very long since I've found something worthy to chase after.

— The End —