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Percy Bysshe Shelley
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley


Randolph Llewellyn Wilson
Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.    Copyright - 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2020 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
guy scutellaro


Poetic T Nov 2014
"Let me introduce my self"
"I'm Mr Dev-Ell"
This is a class on words
Of those around you, why not, others
Do it, so do it to them as well,
I do it everyday its my job,
Is what you make it,
How you use it, power isn't

May be a girls best friend, but
Without the words there just
Dreams sitting on a fluffy white cloud,
Can be dominated, with so *few

Syllables, make their  thoughts yours,
To after a time control,
To make those who's thoughts have succumb
To your whims, do all that you want
What is wanted, stand back and watch the show,
Now here is your homework
I want all done that which is wrote
I want all completed with silence
I want you to
To the
Of my
You wish to have power over people & words,
"Then into the night"
As each leave's I whisper in their ears
I am Mr Dev-ell
If any one asks, say i whispered the words,
That night, I sit waiting with  
A smile upon my face,
"News is coming through"
"ZND News"
"There have been numerous killings"
"On the streets tonight"
"Each was heard screaming"
Devil gave me the power"
Devil gave me the word"
"Six  people were shot by  police
"Five died from their wounds"
"This brings the death toll too"
"Twenty Five"
"Wait a moment the sixth suspect is in custody "
"Why sir, why did you do this"
"Dev-eel made me do it"
"He whispered secrets in to my ears"
"You heard it here first
Dev ell smiled,
He had killedso many, with out raising a hand,
The power of word was indeed strong
Specially when spoken softly by
Mr Dev-ell
His words were like ******* for thoughts
He spoke, people listened,
And with out knowing did his ***** work,
A master at what he did,
He was Dev-eel and his whispers
Could make you **** or **worse..
The best killer is one that gets others to do his or her ***** work with out realising they are doing it..
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
I say unto you with a sniveling snarl,

Will you go on and be friends with an owl?

Why, YES! I said boldly with a pompety grin

My new owl friend will be lucky and win!

He will hoot and toot a most beautiful song

He will win a singing contest and sing all day long

We will take all his winnings and spend it on mead

We'll sing, drink and be merry, indeed!

we'll capture a horse and dress it in tweed

then ride to the sunset on our horse named, "Sardine!"

Sardine might get hungry so we'll feed him some hemp

We'll lay down to rest on a bed that's unkempt

We'll wake in the morning to see Sardine's fate

Sardine has died from starvation this date

The sorrow we feel is so hard to beat

So opon his flesh we started to eat

w'ell pair it with taters all mashed in a pan

we'll eat up our dinner as fast as we can

but hold on a second, how silly are we!

We tripped on some mushrooms we found on a tree!

our minds started swirling and twirling; so dizzy!

my owl friend shrieked and then started to tizzy

he gouged out my eyes and laughed at my pain

I fell to the ground and made peace with my name

for I never did say from whence I came

cause stories like this are not easy to tame

I lay here in misery, my friend's not to blame

It's all in my head, this silly word game
Aquila  Aug 2021
ell ess dee
Aquila Aug 2021
When I met you, I was on magic mushrooms.
or maybe I wasn't.
but either way, the moment we made eye contact things began to swirl-
and the world became candy-colored.

things are grey now.
honestly idk what to do with myself anymore