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 Dec 2018 Scott T
Christmas is a time for love
a time for family
not for presents
but once again love
the true meaning of Christmas
was to bring others together
not to receive
but to give
so what does Christmas mean to me
it means forever family
this may not rhyme but it is for those who asked and for those of you who do not know the truth behind Christmas
 Dec 2018 Scott T
Fathur Abinaya
October, 31
I've got painful on my own,
It's break to my bone,
When you are gone.
My love shall be shown,
For the hardest known.
I know that you won't
Feel alone,
I know that I want
To be your lovely one.
 Dec 2018 Scott T
Mary Gay Kearns
Oh I love your dancing
Tapping out the beats
Joe Sugg with Dianne
Red hair to the roots.

Quirk of the Charleston
Bad boy of the Street
Thatcher of countryside
Took Strickly by sweep.

Love Mary 2018
I do not care how long it lasts
As long as you make my heart beat fast
Clip my wings, I will fall,
Do not let me crash or hurt at all
Do you love me enough to ensure I am safe?
If you do not then please just say
It does not matter if our feelings don't match
To your body I will not get attached
As long as I expect our romance to fail
It will not hurt when our passion grows stale
I cherish each second we're not apart
I'll give all my love but not my heart
I will be there for you in any way I can but only until it interferes with my well-being
 Dec 2018 Scott T

Tell her that she's beautiful.
Build her up!
Tell a woman that she's lovely and she's a Queen even if the attraction isn't there tell her.
she's amazing tell her she has a beautiful soul tell her she's oh so wonderful.
Someone is attracted to her
so be aware.
Tell her she is wonderful even when her beauty isn't something stunning.
Build her!
Because somewhere to someone she is beautiful
to someone
she is attractive
to someone
She'd be a blessing.
and if you are to be her amazing
Just say it build her.
Tell her she is beautiful
Tell her she's amazing
Tell her she is the sweetest thing.

Compliment her.
Just say it adore her just do it build her up.
Just do it.
Remember that somewhere Someone would be happy to love her..
Bless her.
With words you can give like a tree.
Adorn her with ornaments with the sparkling diamonds of your words.
Uplift her and her smile should warm you.
Her glow should bless you when she adores you.
Just do it.
Just say it.
And look past everything else and watch her be her most confident self.
Because you didn't hide your words on the Shelf
You placed them in her where they can grow.
So Just Say It.
by selinasharday S.A.M 2018
SILENCE MEANS not giving not saying anything leaving others with nothing when they need uplifting. so just be a blessing
 Dec 2018 Scott T
Jade Lima
Stumbling through life feeling from others mostly hate.
I wish I could get out of this place, if only I could escape.
But I’m in their clutches and I don’t know if I can break free.
This is a ******* up hoax, and I need new scenery.
Why are so many people cruel with so many wrong intentions.
I wish I could get better and fix this mess but I’m stuck drifting in the wrong direction.
This hoax has me trapped in a hole.
I’m so numb, I don’t even feel sorrow.
So as I keep trying to deal with the mess of my life, I’ll continue to live out this dreadful mess.
Hoping one day to regain anything of value that was locked away inside my chest.
christmas time is here not to long to go
that time of the year one that we all know
children feeling happy with there hearts a glow
playing with there sliegh sliding in the snow.

thinking of there presents beneath the christmas tree
wonder whats inside what ever could it be
waking with the dawn excited as can be
faces full of smiles full of christmas glee

such lovely time that we love to see
lots of peace on earth the way that it should be
time for happiness and celebrations to
fill the world with peace for every me and you
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