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 Jan 2015 Sammy Pontes
You fed me poison,
Yet I still believe it was chocolate.

*Was it love or idiocy?
I don't believe in Heaven and I don't think there's a Hell
I might believe in ghosts, but it's too early to tell
I'm scared that when it's over we'll just wander through the dark
Just forever always searching for a way to leave our mark

No one wants to be forgotten, we all wish we would stand out
But the universe hears whispers even when we try to shout
It's so sad, but it's true, that we all just disappear
No matter how much good we've done, they'll forget that we were here

We all try our very best, hoping that we will be heard
Spilling out our very souls, and loudly spewing every word
Just wishing and hoping that when we're dead and rotten
Perhaps by at least one, we won't be forgotten
 Jan 2015 Sammy Pontes
 Jan 2015 Sammy Pontes
I take pride in this heart of stone,
Even if it means being alone.
While fools revel in the idea of "our",
I will recline and enjoy my power.
And though lust is a meal I often devour,
You'll mean nothing to me by the end of the hour.
if beauty sleep means anything
then I must be really ugly
my mind is blank
like a canvas brand new

writers block at its finest
who the hell knows what I can say

my mind is a blank slate
that is able to make beautiful work

I'm a firework that hasn't been lit
and there's no one around to light it.

I'm stuck.
 Jan 2015 Sammy Pontes
M Eastman
Writing a thousand
angst filled lines
isn't soothing
my ache
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