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 Jan 2015 Sammy Pontes
I often wonder whether you were a catalyst in the situation involving me and you
You were never really involved
But you sped up the amount of time needed for me to fall in love,
Which is quite unfair because then, in reality,
I'm the one that gets hurt
I'm the one that has sleepless nights and restless days
I'm the one with red, raw eyes and a broken heart
I'm the one wondering if we were even real
And you just walk away, brushing your hands off and casually thinking,
"All in a day's work."
go to hell
 Jan 2015 Sammy Pontes
The Ink
 Jan 2015 Sammy Pontes
The ink screams the words,
I could not even whisper.
Quit depicting yourself as the artist when you should be the one on the canvas.

— The End —