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 Dec 2014 Samantha
 Dec 2014 Samantha
i'm so tired all of the time
and my bones are aching
and my joints are screaming
and my mind is begging for
but all i can do for now is
hope i can get a few minutes
of sleep before you decide to
creep back into my mind and
keep me up for a few more days
maybe even a week
i can't keep doing this to myself
and am i really doing it or are
you still controlling me from so
far away?
 Nov 2014 Samantha
 Nov 2014 Samantha
I stand sadly by my window
Watching as winter once again
Claims all that surrounds me

I once loved this season
Of icy snow, wool socks,
And fires to keep me warm

But now I dread stepping outside
For I know I will never again
See your footprints next to mine
 Nov 2014 Samantha
If only life were black and white
White would always be clean and bright
Clearly seen and easy to decifer
white as good, black as the other
But instead there are so many colors
 Nov 2014 Samantha
Olivia Choi
I think I'm letting go

I think that it's time

For your sweet melodies to cease

And my sufferings to die

the thought of you
makes me drink liquor
like a dehydrated man
to water.
You don't realize it
and I think you wouldn't care
because we don't talk
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