I'm built of water splashing over edges
As I fall and break upon rocks
With mud in my bones and creaky joints
and sand makes my eyes lashes
I'm built of dust, blowing away
Carried by the wind wherever it goes
I don't care anymore for it doesn't matter
I'm just built of words with no meaning
And of empty light burning in darkness
And hollow waves crashing against storms
I fall beneath and beneath
And hit the darkness rusting underneath
Where no one shows when I scream
Where no light dares to touch my eyes
And my bones all shatter,
until they're just powdered calcium
And blood freeze in my bones,
forming stalactites, piercing through my veins
And my skin cracks and breaths escape
And the shadows sink inside my shell
And fissures seep through my irises
And oceans dissolve my dust eyelashes
And memories burn my eyes
and flow past the brims
It's only raw, absolute, sheer pain
As I tear slowly without screaming
Only tears, howls and lost love
And your betrayal and false friends
I've lived for so long but haven't found peace
Now I'm just begging your memories to leave me be
For there's nothing now I could lose
Nothing left of me or my dreams anymore
Nothing of wounded hope
And my canvas of love
I've seen the streets for a thousand years
always wandering never finding my own home
I'm afraid if I let my eyes closet they'll dream again
For I'm torn, vein by vein and cell by cell
I'm nothing but a shadow of who I was
Nothing but reflection of my past
Just an echo of a scream I used to be
Just an illusion of the life I've lived
Nothing more is left, love
For I've given you all of me
How can you tear me, love?
I'm already lying in red ribbons
I'm strips of flesh and blood
And of Silver pain and Black hope
Love, I'm smiling the last time
Please tell me to stay
And hold me for eternity
Because just forever isn't enough for me.