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As light as air and pure as light,
Drifting along on celestial flight,
Guided by gentle wind and weather,
Fallen from flocks that fly together,
Behind the shadow of loss and fear,
Is a silent promise that hope is near.
Can they not see the
sweat dripping
and the blood soaking
the wood it keeps staining
and the thorns piercing
through the hair matting
in the heat?
Flesh was hanging
on nails drilling
clean through bones struggling
to hold up a man gasping
“It is finished.”

The darkness cloaking
the world mocking
its King they kept rejecting.
In His death, rejoicing,
as He hung there dying
and in the darkness bearing
all our shame and gathering
up our brokenness and bearing
the price of our sins and daring
to go against demon guardians grinning
shameless as they kept defying
the King of Kings.

But no heavenly or earthly being
nor beast or devil or phantom floating
could ever stop Him from breaking
the chains of sins and suffering.
No past was too dark or disgusting
to be held up to the light He was offering,
no shame too hopeless and past redeeming,
or stain too stubborn to resist His cleansing.
No man too low, no man deserving,
and no man too high to earn this blessing.

He came; He loved, never stopped pursuing
the world. For the lost searching
for the truth, the empty craving
love, He spared nothing,
not even His Son and sending
Him to the cross, to a death humiliating.

All for love, all for reconciling
a people wayward and lost and bumbling
in the darkness, to His welcoming
arms. All for His children, angels celebrating
their return to the Father.
"We are home."
The first stanza was originally written posted on Tumblr on March 19:
It is a ******, Mom.
Don’t you realize it?
I am you and Dad’s love.
I know it’s difficult to have me in your womb.
But it is all worth.
I’ll make you proud, Mom.
Please don’t **** me.
Please don’t let me die, Mom.

It is a ******, Dad.
Don’t you realize it?
I am you and Mom’s love.
Why do you hate me, Dad?
'Cause I am a girl.
It’s a woman who gave birth to you.
It’s a woman who shares your every pain and joy.
I’ll make you proud, Dad.
Please don’t **** me.
Please don’t let me die, Dad.

Mom, don’t you want to bathe me
and dress your little girl like a princess?
Don’t you want to make my breakfast
while Dad makes me ready for the school?
Don’t you want to comb my hair
when it gets all messed up?

Dad, don’t you want to hear me say my first words?
Don’t you want to hold my fingers
and help me walk?
Don’t you want to clap
as I sing a song for you at the school concert?
Don’t you want to see your little princess
walk down aisle in a beautiful gown?

I want to dress up like Cinderella.
I want to tell everybody I'm Daddy’s little girl.
I want to dance gracefully like a ballerina.
I want to help you, Mom, with daily chores.
I will teach you how to make new delicious dishes.
We’ll watch movies together.
We’ll visit places together.
I want to be a teacher just like you Dad.
I want to help kids learn.
Please don’t **** my dreams, Dad.
Please don’t let my dreams die, Mom.

They have laws against foeticide.
But what’s the point of coming to this world,
when the persons supposed to love you most want you dead?
In already cruel world where crime against women are rampant,
how I am going to survive
without your love.
Please **** me, Dad.
Please let me die, Mom.

Why is it
That the biggest hearts
Are emptied the fastest?

And the brightest souls
Are blackened
The quickest?
I have become very uninterested
in a life without you.
With love, kelsey
if you wake every morning
and do nothing to make your life better
it will not get any better
if you wake every morning
and do something to make your life better
then surely no matter
how bad life might seem right now

it will get better
Once you lose someone.
To death or heartbreak.
You remember everything every single night.
Do your thoughts sometimes come to the end of wondering.
Wondering why.
Having the questions of what did i do to deserve this.
Thinking of the times you had.
The things they helped you in ways you didn't know you were lost in direction with.
The things you had when they were there.
The things you gained from their presence.
The fears the fought away.
Then they leave.
They end up to become gone.
But in your heart,
your mind, your soul.
You heart gained back the heartbreak,
The pain you had but it got worse.
Your mind became haunted cause their still there you can get rid of them.
They have all of you.
Your soul it became broken,
Your fears came back.
They are killing you inside.
Your lost again.
Your twisted.
You dont know where to look where to go.
Their presence wont leave you alone.
And you cry.
You scream for them back.
Your fears come to take you back.
And you have no one to fight them away.
And hold you while you cry.
How lost are you now?
How much do you heart inside?
Whos that person that is killing you inside from being gone?
I was at the beach earlier today.
During my time in the ocean, I noticed how all the waves were different.
Each wave had a different effect on me.

Most hardly effected me.
Then there were the ones that would take me a few steps back.
One hit me rather hard, took some of my breath away.
        but the ones I remember, those would lift you up if you jumped with them. So high they would take you...but you know what the thing about letting something lift you is?
       Most never stay with you. Most never continue holding you up.
   You fall.

The most comforting thing is this.
You get better at landing each time.
Maybe one day you won't have to fall.
One day you will stay up.
I'll spend forever,
Wondering if I could loved you better.
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