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Just because I wanted to die,
Doesn't mean I wasn't living.
I was Just barely scraping by.
But it was enough.
To chain me to a pipe.
Here's to hoping
That this was our last goodbye.
And To the days you couldn't get out of bed.
Here's To the days you were the monster under your own bed.
I am still writing.
In hopes that it's enough.
To let my words out.
They are screaming,
For the chance to be heard.
I am still here.
With a heart beat,
to make the waves
that your inner tube jumps to.
Like the lake wasn't deep enough,
So you added my hoop to jump through.
I am waiting,
for my life to begin,
but it has already started,
where there was once was an end.
I was adopted.
Thank god for those two,
people who fell in love for night.
Thank God,
For the wrongs who made a right.
Because I am still here.
And that is enough.
My God, that is enough,
There is a light,
that keep shining.
And I cannot sleep
when there are stars that are dying.
I look up,
to the sky that goes on forever,
because maybe you are looking there, too.
I was crying,
On the day that I met you.
Wondering if I would be enough.
Wondering If I was what you thought of.
Because for years,
I thought of a face that I could be.
Somebody who actually looks like me.
Like I look in a mirror,
and I saw you looking at me.
My Mom.
Wherever you are just know,
That I see you
in every,
Sometimes less
Is simply more
When you're fighting
A loosing War

Maybe then
The casualties
Don't have to be
So heavy
She stands elicited with fear
She holds a heart in her hands
So fragile, so loving
It's glorious

It's the most delicate thing she will ever hold.
He trusted her with it.
He handed it to her and said
/keep it safe/

So she did
She held her own heart in her left hand

And with her right
She took his heart and put it where hers used to be

He had his hands out for hers

But she was still holding onto it.
Holding on like you would
In the middle of a hurricane.
Holding on like death was at your door
And you were trying to sneak out the back
Holding on because
She was frightened

But she looked in those eyes
A sky full of blue
Full of hope and something she didn't know
And she held out her heart

But she was still frightened, still scared.
Afraid, afraid he'd throw it...

He didn't.
He took it as careful as possible and put it where his used to be.

They had one another's hearts.
And for once,
Neither one of them were shattered.

— The End —