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 Jan 2015 Jasmine
Devon Webb
I keep
forgetting to
forget you,
neglecting to
regret you.
 Jan 2015 Jasmine
Devon Webb
I had to look up
the word
on Urban Dictionary
because I didn't know
what we were,
what we are.

And it said things like
'a socially acceptable
form of prostitution' and
'feelings of
puppy love that usually
in a few weeks'.

But this is
puppy love.
This is not going to
dissolve or
fizzle out or
you're not a
you're a *******
fireworks display.

And you turn
everything in my head
into this
turbulence and
I can't keep up with
how much I
adore you.

But the thing is
I don't know
if your view
is as good as mine.
What if you're
looking at something
a little less

What if I'm your

What if I'm as
as the flame you use
to light the
you find more
than my touch.

If that's the case
I'd rather
I left you

if I'm your flame
you're my
forest fire
and you're burning
it all down until
the only thing left
standing is

And I'll walk for
miles across this
carpet of ashes
just to feel the
softness of your skin
against mine.

And I'll cough
and I'll splutter
on toxic smoke
but you'll just
breathe it in because
you never realised anything
was even

You don't see me
you just know that
I'm here,
I'm here
I made it
I'm yours
I'll always be yours
because there's
nothing else

And maybe
I can be
content with that
if only
you will see
you could burn down
and I still
wouldn't put you
 Jan 2015 Jasmine
Devon Webb
The longest day
I've ever known
was the one I
for you to miss me
My soul will sail away
And let the winds
From my troubling yesterdays
Fill its tattered sails
And carry it wayward
Bound for a better future

Although the waves will batter
And the thunder will crash
I know my vessel will reach harbor
Surviving to set sail yet again
When I find my soul restless
Longing for the next journey
 Jan 2015 Jasmine
Lena Bitare
She said she can leave without him

But the mere thought of it kills her

So how is it even possible?
 Jan 2015 Jasmine
My body
Is like the body of a poem
  That you're writing
And with each stroke of your quill
I lose myself but become more real
       I fall in love with your feel as you fill in my blanks
In the dark I can find your lips
I know exactly where you are in space
You're breathing is quickening
And I'm breathing you in
I just need you everywhere
Skin on skin yet not close enough
Can you feel my heart beating for you?
I can't focus on anything except you
The way you keep looking at me
Makes me feel invincible
Can you taste the desire on my lips?
The pain in my heart
Please don't ever stop
I look at you and I don't see flaws
I don't see someone who is "sad"
I don't see anything wrong with you
I see you
I mean I honestly see you
The way you laugh nervously when I'm staring at you
Or the way you way your smile catches my breath
Or the way your eyes reflect the most beautiful soul
Can you see that?
Can you see how much you mean to me?
 Oct 2014 Jasmine
 Oct 2014 Jasmine
Bad news from your lips is outweighed by finding
how do you do that, ma douce?
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