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riri Jan 2021
Why am I so stuck on you?
Because you fit all my standards
Because I saw great potential in us
Because we have such a great chemistry

Why did it end?
I can't put it all into words
You said I overwhelmed you
Gosh, how I wish I could take all those overly personal questions back

Why didn't I think about what I wanted to say before I said it?
Because I'm impulsive
Because I have trust issues
Because your answers determined if I would be able to let my guard down

Why did you leave?
Because you're emotionally unavailable
Because I'm too much for you
Because maybe, just maybe, there was someone else
I just don't get it. I could've given you the world, but I guess I was too flawed in your eyes for you to even bother trying. I'm more angry at myself though, I feel as though I'll never be loved by anyone because I'm too damaged.
riri Jan 2021
I said so many things I wish I could take back
I must have suffocated you
I'm too broken, but I warned you from the beginning
You said you weren't going anywhere, but where are you now?
empty promises are what i'm used to
riri Jan 2021
I'm a fool aren't I?
Only 8 days with you
But it felt like 8 years
Only 8 days with you
But I felt more with you than with anyone else
Only 8 days with you
And I feel like a fool for being in misery now
For something that wasn't a relationship, that sure stung a bit when it came to an end.
riri Jan 2021
His eyes are like a drug
Every time I look into them I can't stop
We stare into each other's eyes for what feels like an eternity
The comfort and warmth I feel from his eyes is something I never knew I needed
riri Dec 2020
One wrong move and I step into a hole
Not just any hole
A hellhole
Filled with the darkest things anyone can imagine

I'm falling
I'm amidst the air
Crying for help
Please somebody help me

They all just stare
That's all they ever do anyways
They stare as I fall into the never ending pit of doom
Please somebody help me

I'm almost at the bottom
I look down and there is only flames
No one is there to catch me
Please somebody help me

I'm there
I'm staring up at the sky seeing the faces of those I love
All of whom abandoned me
They never helped me
You never know what someone is going through
riri Nov 2020
You're the worst person I've ever known
I can't believe I let someone like you into my life
Months have gone by and I still resent you
I just can't get over everything you've done to me
It's hard to let go
riri Nov 2020
I was always in the fire
Running through the flames
Pins and needles stabbing me
The heat ripping my skin apart

Then I was in the water
Sinking further into the depths of the sea
Gasping for air
The ocean was filling my lungs

Those in the fire don't care
They never do
But you
You threw me in that ocean

I'm back on earth now
But I'm wounded
The scars and memories
It's all engraved in me
Different people can hurt you in different ways
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