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Jul 2014 · 566
Renae Jul 2014
Emptiness is silent,
crushing & silent...

Betraying hearts cause emptiness

In another...

As the crushing weight towers
like a never ending concrete wall

Tears gush flood waters down my blouse

Only silence hears...

No comfort...

No consoling...

Emptiness is silent
Jul 2014 · 174
Strong (10w)
Renae Jul 2014
It's what they call you
When you stifle the truth
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Once it's too late
Renae Jul 2014
Once it's too late
There is no going back
cannot be erased
Because forgiveness
never took place
Jul 2014 · 232
My dilemma
Renae Jul 2014
If I had sheltered you
You might be everything
my parents ever wished of me
Then again
you might have turned into me
Jul 2014 · 214
Is that what you think?
Renae Jul 2014
Is that what you think? All a woman needs is a big ****** an she'll be good for the rest of the week? Lemme tell you somethin boy, learn this:
When she's up late at night staring out the window, thinking about you, she's thinking about the time you laced fingers; she looked up and you looked down and the firelight danced on your faces.  She remembers lazy footrubs, her legs on yours  when you fed her bites of your ice cream, each of you on either side of the sofa. That day on the beach when you said she was the most amazing girl in the world then you put a flower in her hair. She remembers laughing until her cheeks hurt, getting the inside joke and the way you winked. She remembers your crooked smile, your walk, your voice and your arms, every detail in your hands. The sound of your voice. She remembers every detail of everything but all you remember is the O. She would have loved you anyways.
Jun 2014 · 275
Sometimes (like a song)
Renae Jun 2014
Sometimes it gets to me
all I do is think sometimes
and sometimes I want to die
sometimes I just cry
oh sometimes

Sometimes I want to quit
mhmmm mmm
sometimes I can't even begin
when it feels like I'll never win

Sometimes the sun shines
even on the inside
sometimes I get a second wind
sometimes I can see the end
oh oh oh sometimes
Jun 2014 · 368
sickly sweet
Renae Jun 2014
"Honey honey honey honey"
You say that like it means nothing
Just the same as you said "sugar"
Spead it all over til it's dulce ******
When you call everyone sugar and honey it no longer sounds special
Jun 2014 · 815
hand in hand
Renae Jun 2014
by the river
in the tall grass
under the moon
poles in the sand

on a blanket
lantern on a branch
sipping ice cold coronas
hand in hand
#fishin' in the dark
Jun 2014 · 2.3k
Renae Jun 2014
Frustration does me no good
It hurts, neglects me & builds resentment
I want to overcome my frustration
I will do it too
But for now, I am too dang frustrated
to get over my frustration
anger breeds resentment and a strong dislike for those who frustrate
Jun 2014 · 474
Impressions 10w
Renae Jun 2014
Impressions rarely show truth
After all they are only impressions
Jun 2014 · 488
ripples 10w
Renae Jun 2014
ripples caused by small and subtle
changes create noticeable waves
Jun 2014 · 145
Think about it
Renae Jun 2014
What is in a word?
Does it matter?
Is it useful?
Is it kind?
Do you say it in a song?
In a letter?
In poetry?
How do you see others?
First do you see yourself?
Do you listen?
Do you help?
Do you pay attention?
Do you pretend?
What is in a word anyway?
I believe words are powerful enough to build up or tear down, what do your words say about you?
Jun 2014 · 296
Renae Jun 2014
IF* I were to seek your approval
or just the agreeing nod of your head
IF I eagerly awaited the upturn
of the corners of your mouth instead

IF I was so concerned about your thoughts
of me and who I am
I'm afraid I would not go far at all dear
I'm afraid I'd be better off dead
The only approval I need of anything I do is my Father in heaven's and my own
Jun 2014 · 271
Renae Jun 2014
I don't want to hear anymore
I never want to feel unwanted
This knot in my stomach
I am tired of being the scapegoat
It's been time, I know it,
Might as well face it
Once the trust is gone it's over
Nothing is all that exists of us
Nothing but a memory
A fantasy
Of something you would throw away
Again and again
Throwing me away like trash
Like yesterday I am forgotten
As is this tragic story of we
So hide it in a box
Never to be told,
A nightmare of us
& all we tried to be
Jun 2014 · 220
The simple secret
Renae Jun 2014
There is a simple secret to faith
Many profess but few exercise:
Jun 2014 · 251
To My Sister & Friend
Renae Jun 2014
The beauty that only exists in an encouraging word, is the kind of beauty you radiate. The kind that I will always remember and cherish, until the end of time.
For Janice Boker,  I love you sister.
Jun 2014 · 365
Renae Jun 2014
Why don't you just confess?
You could make this an easy process
See I don't care about your past
I've already expressed that
You just can't expect what you expect
or pretend like you want me back
Then turn right around to her
wishing I would just accept that
I am burned, I agree I am torn up
More confused than I can see
In fact
The only thing I can see clearly
is the fact that you no longer want me
Jun 2014 · 374
Accusational Tendencies
Renae Jun 2014
Your accusational tendencies tell on you
You must've thought I was so naive
I am not startled nor am I amazed at you
It is as you usually do....and so
you leave your heart open
leaving it there on your sleeve
In a burst of emotion
you'll blame it all on me
Jun 2014 · 499
Renae Jun 2014
Lost and lonely hearts are always on the mend
Stitching and stabbing at ripped seams
For they cannot be sewn straight any-longer
May 2014 · 338
I wish
Renae May 2014
I wish there was peace, worldwide peace
I wish everyone always had full tummies
I wish for no war and for happy families
I wish for no rashes or allergies
I wish for human equality
I wish there were no violence or cruelty
I wish that everyone blind could see
I wish for no more sickness and disease
I wish all the deaf could hear you sing
But mostly....
I wish for love between you and me
May 2014 · 161
I can't stop (10w)
Renae May 2014
I don't know how
I'm lost in thoughts of you
May 2014 · 9.5k
A real man
Renae May 2014
I read it somewhere that they say
If a man can be stolen let her keep him
A real man stands for what he loves
A real man doesn't let go
Not even when it seems impossible
Even though it hurts
Even though it's hard
A real man knows what he has in his heart
May 2014 · 316
True Love
Renae May 2014
He touched me and I shivered
Smiled at me and I withered
looked in my eyes and I blushed
Told me he wants me so much
Kissed my lips and I'd melt
This is how true love felt
May 2014 · 325
Trust me
Renae May 2014
Trust me*
you say, I'm not doing anything wrong
But you decide that you're leaving
without saying you're gone
Going for a ride  
Same place you always go
How am I to trust you when I already know?
She was someone you slept with
Years ago or yesterday
How would I ever know anyway?
So when you say trust you it's no easy thing
I know what you're capable of ...
Oh yes I know
Trust me
May 2014 · 200
Renae May 2014
My eyes are simple, my hands are small
my legs are strong but they are not tall
I live and give often it keeps me full
I've given my heart to the greatest of all
My heart belongs to Jehovah
May 2014 · 191
Renae May 2014
Optimism for
May 2014 · 158
Renae May 2014
Thank you
Thank you for minutes,
for sideways smiles and winks
For laughter and honesty
I felt the freedom tonight
I was 10 years ago
Life was in the moment
A rainbow broke through storm clouds
I was young and in love
with a calm from above
I smiled up to the sky
Said a prayer in my mind
It went something like this
**I love you
May 2014 · 450
You just know
Renae May 2014
You have to know
You can see it plain as day
The idol, the icon,
the pedestal they stand on
It's at a peak level
A high point
A point like a peak you know
A teetering peak,....
Like when you lose your footing
And you totter
And topple down
Down like a landslide
Because of the bare ******
Tasteless perversity
Like *******  
Without boundary
Without limit
And so it has to be
And you just know
May 2014 · 501
Renae May 2014
You're not interested
I'm not interested either
You think you are the only one
To close your eyes?
To leisurely skip over?
Oh no darling, I must smirk
I too am not interested in you
I understand the lower road
is easy to take, I try not to run that way
When the inspiration jumps out at me
I will stop I promise
I will acknowledge the depths of your unquenchable desire
I will praise your heart's honesty
I will leave a mark
Until then I will pass by
May 2014 · 887
Renae May 2014
The culture
Pow powpow pow!
Feet shuffle in the dust
the clatter of hollow instruments
filling the atmosphere
A fire burns, hands clap, voices ring
in the contagious sound of

Pop's Sweet 16
Headphones are all she hears anymore
Romantic bliss in sweet melodies
playing over and over in her ears
Lost in emotion swept away in a dream
A fantasy

The dancer
Feel the beat
He moves his feet in perfect timing
lost in a world of his own, the audience
Is captured in his movements
they are astounded as he
Becomes one with the song

Soul singer
The story is in the emotion
The pain is related in sounds
The heart is caught up in the moment

The rock star
"I am here! See me! I exist!"
A belief of independence
The attitude of rock

Homegrown country
Family and faith
Roots make a man
or a woman
sing life like a story

Music is influence
"Music is the abstract art of arranging vocal or instrumental sounds in a manner that produces a flowing, unified, and thoughtful composition that has melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. In contrast to the other arts, music is not a readily tangible form of expression and is only validated when its sound patterns are skillfully interwoven into a format that is both evocative and appealing to the ears. Music may be called both, the most mathematical and the most abstract of the arts. Unlike words, pictorial images, or dance, however, musical tones in themselves have no concrete associations, and only gain meaning when they are combined into patterns. Through the centuries, various philosophers have attempted to integrate theories on the essence of music with their particular world views. Many non-Western cultures and some Western writers as well have perceived it as an inherently mystical force, able to unlock elemental truths or principles that cannot be translated into written or graphic form. Music is an important part of our lives, and has been an important part of every civilization known to man. It has been identified as the second category of sound a child relates to, after the voices of the parents. Throughout time, music has been an important means of displaying the ideas, experiences, and feelings of different societies and cultures." - blogspot music
May 2014 · 241
Renae May 2014
Lazy eyes in boredom glaze
clicking endlessly on the panel
Nothing new to steady the page
Always searching
Changing the channel
Scrolling Surfing
Is there no end?
A run or perhaps a walk?
Tea with a friend?
Hike a trail with a beautiful view
A fresh breeze for your senses
It's sure to make you feel brand new
Tear down those fences
Don't end the list there
There's more to do
A picnic in the park
There's something new
Float down the river
Swim in a lake
Just get off the couch
For heavens sake!
May 2014 · 1.8k
The desert tree
Renae May 2014
Twisted branches reach skyward  
locked together in formation
Something like a work of art
Impossible to look away
from detailed placement
So intricately woven and weaving
A lonely twisted thirsty looking tree
reaching for rain
May 2014 · 462
Renae May 2014
A second or maybe a minute
She took you from me
A half hour
An hour or two
Was all it took for her to take you
Crazy how someone else's pain can stir up a good feeling in others
May 2014 · 257
All I wanted
Renae May 2014
Maybe I just wanted to see the beauty of the ocean in secluded perfection
Maybe I just wanted to smell the palm trees swaying in the breeze
to feel the summer sun on my coconut skin
Maybe I wanted you and me in a perfect
setting, a dreamer yes I guess I must be
I suppose
our eyes will never lock again
An embrace of minds, a second of truth
gone forever
May 2014 · 197
Renae May 2014
Madness spreads through me as I watch
all I wanted was a moment of my own
Silent still alone
Just a song maybe, to keep me company
I did not ask for this life
it was chosen for me
May 2014 · 481
Spoiled milk
Renae May 2014
People are strange
with their loose tongued wit
souring onto pages
ready to soil the unsuspecting mind
now filled with unnecessary thoughts
May 2014 · 3.1k
Communication breakdown
Renae May 2014
the most important thread
holding together every different fabric
sewn into this garment called success
each piece by each personality
contributed by all humankind
but it has frayed, it will snap
since communication breakdown
has spilled all over the incomplete
I know many don't edit theirs so hate me if you will but I think it's much better now
May 2014 · 246
My heart
Renae May 2014
Torn to bits
Ripped to shreds
Smashed up and beaten
Left for dead
May 2014 · 156
My Letter
Renae May 2014
I know it's been years
Time is something we can never get back
Knowing you care is a comfort
Still, it's not enough to make me okay
Sometimes I wish you didn't care
That way I could stop loving you
When you're near I can't help myself
I lose my mind in sweet memories.
Smells, tastes, affections,
You showered me in moments
Moments that won't leave me
A caress on the small of my back
A gentle kiss on my neck
Lying against each other
A passionate embrace
during a romantic scene
Smiles of gratitude
Stares of love
I will never dwell on the misunderstanding
I will never love another
Not the way I loved you
I will not get over the way we fell apart
I know with time I will get stronger
Perhaps my heart will harden to stone
Perhaps I will forget eventually
With Jehovah's love I may rise above
I have already forgiven you
If only you were sorry
May 2014 · 223
Renae May 2014
I hate crying over you
Don't you know I hate this?
Always thinking of what could be
It's killing me
Won't you just let go completely?
I cannot go to dinner with you
My memories make me want to die
Run to her like you want to
I have already faded
Evaporated from your heart
Apr 2014 · 568
A husband
Renae Apr 2014
A husband should love one wife
Like Adam loved Eve
Only never listen to her over God
of course
A husband should love his wife
As he does his own body
He should cherish and feed her
Keep her healthy
healthy... like he would himself
For no man ever hated his own flesh

Mental health
Physical health
Spiritual health...

A husband would want a happy wife
He would give lots of attention, lots of affection, communication of course,
A good husband would care for her
He would care about her wants as well
A good husband would listen
dry her tears

A good wife would be so happy to have a good husband she would cherish and respect him in return
Apr 2014 · 261
Renae Apr 2014
Silence can be so loud
It deafens
shattering the heart to nothing.
Apr 2014 · 8.6k
High school
Renae Apr 2014
Nothing quite makes sense
Try defining this
Why calculators
are only encouraged
after high school
So "they" can say
In America
we know trigonometry, calculus
Or algebra
all in order to
pump gas
work at Lowe's,
Walmart or a restaurant
Apr 2014 · 691
I cannot speak of love
Renae Apr 2014
Love I know not
though I've heard
it's unfathomable
unselfish, thoughtful and wise
So strong it never gives up
No matter the trials

Love would rather die  
than ever let go
It holds on even when life
seems impossible
Apr 2014 · 6.3k
I love sleep
Renae Apr 2014
Smooth out the wrinkles
before I sleep
don't forget
to tuck in the sheet
chill the fluffed pillows
sprinkle soft scents
floating light as air
off to sleep I went
Apr 2014 · 182
The master plan 10w
Renae Apr 2014
He wants to hurt me
                      through deception
                                             as I fall
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Renae Apr 2014
I will agree to disagree and listen while you share your opinions, kindly please realize I understand your misunderstanding and I apologize with the sincerest heartfelt pity
Apr 2014 · 241
Riddle me this
Renae Apr 2014
To take thee.....

     lying in pieces me

.          Two makes three.......

.                  yet,  tisn't we

.                           after all
.                            who break free
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Parenting (with boundaries)
Renae Apr 2014
Feedom gives strength and courage to innocence whilst a short leash stunts passion and bravery
A child needs trust in order to prove he deserves it.
Apr 2014 · 5.4k
Renae Apr 2014
Ignorance is bliss
They say
who are they?
The ones sick
struck with blindness
Open up your eyes and see
pry open the lids refusing
Peer into the depths
& you will find
The very knowledge of God.
Click the links, what are you celebrating?
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