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 Jul 2014 Renukha Selvaraja
I’ve heard the footsteps,
following me everywhere
and whispering in my ear

And I’ve ignored them for the most part,
but sometimes they cut me off
and I just want to crumble
into a heap on the floor.

Although I sometimes see it as a barrier,
I’ve realized that the doubting voices exist
mostly pushing me forward
to challenge me.
When they gain a little ground and cut me off,
I change directions,
or even push this invisible force to the side
because I love a challenge

and Fear drives me forward.
 Jul 2014 Renukha Selvaraja
its romantic how we get each other through a thursday night
its sad how you’ll never see that smudge of red lipstick just below my lip
misplaced, you would have said, beautifully misplaced
and i’ll ask which film is lighting up your face

it is ladies night, it is free well-drinks
and so i start every order with ‘well,’ and a sigh
and i tip the bartender with daisies
i never was good with money, flowers are a currency

and you find some kind of eloquent word to describe me walking home alone
beautiful, endearing, and you forget to mention that its unsafe
“you should have some company”
and i forget to mention that i wish it was you

so instead i laugh and swoon on the phone with a former lover
taking a break every so often
send a text that i’m still eloquently walking,
my heels writing love letters to you
i've never been to
a confessional but i
told you i loved  you
while you held me in a
dark bedroom and i
think that's close
Something I've been scared of with men thanks to you,
But now I have a new best friend who helps me through.
Something I thought we had,
Maybe platonic,
But it still ended so sad.
They'll never stop,
I assumed I'd just move on,
But it's so hard to believe you are really gone.
Life goes on with every breath,
Every move,
With or without you.
They say time heals all wounds,
And a wound is what you are,
Healing beneath my skin,
While I search the world I live in.
Searching it what I'm doing,
Finding a new me,
A me I *trust
and love,
A me where I can think and live freely.
A me where in time I know I'll find it.
If I could
I would pack up my life
And drive across the Continent
To settle someplace new
And colder because I hate heat.

If I could
I would write poetry all day
And watch movies all night
Until I'm ready
To brave the world again.

If I could
I would join a dance class
And learn the basic
Foxtrot, waltz, and cha cha
Until I could twirl around
A ballroom
From sunrise to sunset.

If I could
I would "catch them all!"
And find the joy
In all the missed days
Of my childhood.

If I could
I would give back
All the years I took
From you.
The advice you gave
Both willingly and not.
The love we shared
Both unconditional and not.
The future I prevented
You from achieving or not.
And I'd give back
Whatever else you want.

If I could
I would...

At 10:32 at night
There isn't much I can do,
Except say to you

Or maybe even,
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