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One day when you lose the very person who makes your heart want to beat every moment for the rest of time and you no longer have the strength to find meaning in the simple joys of the daily mundane human life because there is no one to share it with anymore....

Then you'll know
What watching you
Walk out of my life felt like.

Then you'll understand
It's amazing how something
So beautiful can be
So painful
How something
That is used to express love
Expresses hate
Maybe we should all be
Mute and Deaf
So we don't ever have to
Experience the pain words can bring
Hey there,
little girl,
yes you little girl,
stop crying,
stop lying,
I know you’re trying little girl.
You’re smarter that you think, t
hrow the sharp silver down the sink,
open your eyes, no more good-byes
you can fly, little girl.
You have a purpose
don’t be nervous,
you can work this, little girl.
Don’t let that boy corrupt your head,
with those derogative things he said,
he’s crazy,
don’t be lazy to tell him “NO!”,
little girl.
Don’t let those girls bully you,
crush them like dirt under your shoe,
you can do this,
I can prove it,
listen to me,
little girl.
And if your parents are quarreling,
close your eyes and start to sing.
In a minute it’ll be over
and they’ll be sober, little girl.
And if you’re parents don’t treat you right
and every time you’re in a fight,
count to three, close your eyes and let the music be your guide.
When you can’t sleep at nights and
deep inside you want to cry,
look to me,
I’ll be your friend and put your tiny head to bed.
Who am I?
I am hope, here to free your body, mind and soul.
Let me be your best friend.
Hey, guess what?
You’re beautiful little girl.
he was the kind of boy you'd
break all the rules for,
but you didn't know he'd break you.
 Jun 2014 Renukha Selvaraja
J Ray
She cries at night as she tries to sleep                     c. 6.13.14 J.Ray
A victim of the life she tries to keep
She lives her life inside her own mind
She looks for the things she cannot find
Trapped inside, she just lost her way
She is someone new each and every day
Takes meds today, so tomorrow she’s fine
But the Doctor says that she’s Borderline
Silence the quiet whispers and deny all your pain
The voices in your head have all come back again
The doctors and the nurses say that you’re insane
We can make her better they always seem to claim
But we know better ‘cause they’re the one to blame
Sleeping so well now and the time sure flies
When your mind goes away a part of me dies
Nothing but finest pills the nurses will bring
Effects can **** you but you won’t feel a thing
She’s here today, so tomorrow she’s fine
But the Doctor says she’s just Borderline
Thanks for reading and as always comments and critique are always appreciated!
Three can keep a secret
                                                                                         if two of them are dead

I'll bury all the bodies
                                                                                    to keep these words unsaid
you could drown me in
a sea of hungry sharks
or feed me to the menacing
crocs in the parks

you could smoke me like
your last cigarette
or down me like
your last alcohol bet

you could grind my bones
and play with the  shards
then mould them up again,
into clean white cards

with those white cards
you shuffle me away and tell me

but my heart will still,
no  matter what,
run back to you.
wrote this high as hell im sorry
He was the perfect height for her.
Tall enough that her head fell
Right tight under his sculpted chin
But not so tall that he was called "giant".

She was the perfect shape for him.
Not so skinny that he worried
About breaking her bones with a hug,
But curvy in all the places
That made him say a throaty "whoa".

She was a bookworm who loved TV.
He was a chef who loved Mac and Cheese.
They both adored animals,
Though he might have loved reptiles just a little too much.
And they both hated politics,
Though she might have set fire
To one too many campaign signs.

They argued about music, money, and kids.
They debated the merits of dancing in the rain.
They held hands in the moonlight,
And kissed at midday.
They grew old together and never strayed
Too far from the home they had built.

Then one day his chin wasn't high enough
For her head to fit snuggly below.
Her dresses, though comely,
No longer made him say "whoa".

But they still held hands and kissed
And remembered the days of their youth
When they were still learning
What being perfect for each other meant.

It wasn't until the night her heart gave out,
That she realized how he was perfect for her.
It wasn't his charm and dashing good looks,
Or his witty retorts and clever touchés,
But the simple fact
That through all of the years,
He loved her,
And that made him perfect for her.

It wasn't until she took her last breath,
That he understood how perfect she'd been.
She was perfect not because of her curves,
Her smile, her laugh, or her intelligence.
She was perfect for him because she loved him.

They'd been perfect in each other's eyes
Because love is blind.
And sometimes that's not a bad thing.

— The End —