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Look, I know
I should just go to sleep
Same as I know I'd get more done if I stopped writing poems
But if I go to sleep now
I'll dream of Death
About how close I can get before our fingers twine and
I can't get them undone
And I wonder if those who choose him regret it
Because it doesn't seem like there's much to regret right now

So I'll write instead of sleep
In hopes that I'll stumble upon some words of my own
That convince me I made the right choice
When I chose    
to stay
I'm sorry, these are more thoughts for me than actual poems. I'll write a real poem to share soon I hope
 Feb 2017 rachel redwine
eyes will seek for each blade of light
as it peels the darkness that may reveal
as feet will bind contract of contact with this earth
to span a bridge over flood, wasteland, or volcanoes
ears will decipher the language of silence and sound
a hunter’s sense born to trap scent in stillness and wind

because tomorrow is a promise written in salt
each day is Pandora’s box i dare open and endure

for you.
 Feb 2017 rachel redwine
I hate when the my thoughts go there
And I sit and stare
I hate when I get tempted to do that
And I do and regret
I hate when I do not feel content
As I  haven't  lived a sad life.
I hate when I do not know what I resent
But that feeling controls my life
I hate to see that I am not what I wanted to be
a gesture
a look
infinitesimal interlockings
of thoughts and dreams
lightning awareness
to love you
and be loved
Never ignore a woman's gift
For it's the best thing she could give
Do not underestimate her offer
Never take it for granted or leave
She could give you a slice of cake
But she will choose to give you a whole
Her gift could be little in your eyes
But it's the total of her heart and soul
A woman's gift is not for the eyes
But for the spirit of those who feel
So never ignore a woman's gift
It is for you if you are real
My second piece chosen for the Daily.
Thank you so much, dear readers and co-writers.
If I hadn't fallen in love
I would have not known
that stars could dance in the eyes
That the moon could whisk me away
That the sun could live in the heart
and warm it and fill it with light
That clouds could shower kisses
And rain could touch like a lover
That the scent of flowers
could linger through the night
That the winds could play love melodies
That sunrises could colour a blush
And sunsets stir romance
That dreams could glisten at dawn
like drops of dew

I would have not known the magic
that is love
If I hadn't fallen in love
With you
Dear everyone, thank you so so much for your beautiful responses. I am unable to thank everyone individually because of work and personal commitments...I apologise. But your responses mean the world to me. Thank you for liking my poem, for sharing it, for commenting on it. I am so happy that this poem was selected brightened my day and brought a smile on my face. Thank you once again. Love to all you talented writers, poets and gracious readers **
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Nor is it that we are powerful beyond measure.

Our deepest fear is located in the silence of 3AM
As your mind plays its chords that echo the passage.

Our deepest fear is located in the voids
That can't be filled by the temporary.

Our deepest fear is the realisation that we are what we're scared of.
When the thoughts won't let you close your eyes.
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