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 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
I wish for a hug...
One that lasts only mere seconds.
Yet could only mean nothing
but eternity.

I long for a hug...
One that finds me struggling,
and offers the line that'll hoist me up
so that the whims of the world
would simply fall away.

I yearn for a hug...
An embrace that grants me the briefest
moment of solace.
Amidst the clamour and chaos
that overwhelm.

I want a hug...
One that's unconditional.
One that'll just take me in, as I am.
One that wouldn't cringe
at the misfit of my bones.
One that wouldn't judge
if our heartbeats don't
thump in sync.
 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
turning fact into fiction and fiction into fact:
**i've always kinda been good at that.
the essence of being a writer
 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
We are lying together, entwined
As you tell me about that one time
You fell in love with an  explorer.

You tell me about how you both lay side by side,
And with eyes wide, she pointed out to you her favorite constellations
As you marked your favorite constellations of freckles
On the wide expanse of her skin.

You tell me about the mountains you have traversed together;
You tell me your relationship was an uphill battle every step of the way-
But with hope for the future,
You endured.

And then one day,
She got tired of the constant uphill battle.
She got tired of waiting for shooting stars;
She got tired of you.

From then on, your heart was filled with hatred for
adrenaline junkies and explorers.

But love,
You, yourself, are an explorer
With huge hopes and dreams
And your heart on your sleeve.

I can see it in the way your eyes sparkle
Whenever there is a hint of adventure;
In the way you give your heart out freely,
Wishing that one of the places you yearn to settle down in
Accepts you with open arms.

(I still pray for the day
When you'll wish to settle here.

But for the time being,
I shall patiently wait for your arrival.)
 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
We leaned into each other's personal space.
The pebbled surface of her bicep rubbed against my tattoo the skin gently rasping.
When she stepped close, close enough our arms brushed, I was reminded of how well she knew me.
We shared a dark intimacy over identical experiences.
She understood my demons on a deeper level.
I felt less alone with her, less fake.
Our mutual knowledge of the other meant I didn't have to pretend.
When I had to leave home she sheltered me.
For a week I learned about her experiences, quirks, triggers, and lifestyle.
Nothing was left out.
It took three nights before I could be coaxed into her bed.
I had been sleeping in the closest unwilling to join her.
She lent me her car during my stay.
Her driving privileges were temporarily revoked.
I drove her everywhere.
Everything we did had an undercurrent of personal knowing.
It was a private understanding of the other.
It brought us closer in more ways than proximity.
 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
i lived on a mountain of death,
surrounded by only the voices of my head.
lost and never to be found.
i stumbled down the mountain,
breaking my bones
and snagging my heart on the thorns,
turning black and fading,
till i no longer feel it’s pain.
at the bottom i came across a lake of tears,
born from his storm-filled eyes.
so i tried to paddle across,
in a boat made from my soul.
but there were many holes in the wood,
so the boat sank
and i was left drowning
in his sadness,
while death crept down the mountain
and into my lungs.
 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
Like a tornado in my head.
Twisting and irrational.
A wave about to crash.
Frantically looking for escape.
A womb to climb inside.
Hiding from the twisting inevitability,
Of the whisper of my thoughts.
But seldom heard
I am weighed down by your scorn.
I will rise and I will be heard.
But the words are tangled in my mind.
Trapped inside a wounded beast.
A work in progress...
 Apr 2016 Preston Brida
Don Moore
You be my sailor' and I'll be be a boat for you.
We'll sail off to adventurous lands together
Buy silk, sweet smelling woods and magic fruit
We'll bob on the waves under the silvery moons light
And tell tales to each other of imaginary worlds
We can adopt animals and birds from strange islands
Buy exotic spices measured by Chinese pirates
Maybe I shall rescue you from their ship on the high seas
When they try to sell you as a bejewelled slave of love
There will be pools of turquoise to swim in under blue skies
Beaches of white glistening sands set with mother of pearl
Birds to watch and listen to as we swim and bats to fly overhead
Foods of many lands to enjoy savour and wonder over
You and I shall have so much fun throughout life together
Even though our lands are no more than the duvet
And our adventures are nothing more than dreams in our heads.
Then will come the day we must go our separate ways
Adventures of our own on our own but knowing
That we will be once again be reunited to explore each other
Our adventures no longer held by the duvet or imagination
To be allowed to stroll along beaches, to truly fly in the skies above.
To be together forever and held in each other's arms and free.

— The End —