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 Feb 2016 PB
 Feb 2016 PB
Bitter winter wind
Warm golden sunshine
Honey Green Tea
The burn of *****
This isn't a poem
I miss you
I remember how your lips fit in the crease of my neck
Hushed whispers at 4AM
Loud yelling at 1PM
This isn't a poem
I miss you
I remember everything about you
*Do you remember me?
not really anything but kind of something
 Jan 2016 PB
Quote: 1
 Jan 2016 PB
"It's impossible for you because you keep thinking it's impossible but once you give it a try you'll see that what you thought was preventing you from trying."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016 PB
Roanne Manio
Let us be cynics together.

We can talk about how love
ruined the best of us,
how it could never last.
We can sit around the park
and laugh at the couples
holding hands.

Let us be cynics together.

And maybe,
just maybe,
we can fall in love.
 Jan 2016 PB
What ever it is
it is
What ever it was
it was
ain't no season
ain't no reason
We were just
doing the best
we could
blowing in the winds
doing what we thought
we should

The earth it
We were just trying
to make it
through the day
putting together
some kind of way.

What ever it is
it is
What ever it was
it was -
Ain't no reason
Ain't no season -
Just doing the best we could

Memory will tell
us lies about
the way it was
Memory sometimes is
on our side
Memory sometimes has lots to hide
but either way
What ever it was
was exactly
the way
it was

Every time I walk
down that line
melancholy's gonna
sing the blues

It just is what ever
it is
Just is what ever
it was

I guess that's okay with me

There is no reason
There is no season
We were just doing the
best we could.
 Jan 2016 PB
Roanne Manio
They told you to fear forest fires.
They told you how dangerous it was.
How destructive.
But they didn't tell you how
it's the earth's way of renewing itself,
of ridding itself of the grit,
so it can rise anew.

I want a forest fire to take over my heart,
to let it burn the walls,
to purge the sorrow,
to take away the mud seeping through the cracks.
It will not be a pretty sight.
Flowers will be set ablaze.
It will destroy
but it will bear.

You will see me standing
in the middle of the trees reborn—
the one who set the forest ablaze,
the one who rose up in smoke.
The wind at my command.
 Jan 2016 PB
 Jan 2016 PB

Forgive me
For not being perfect
Or worth it
Forgive me for my mistakes
That made you get the shakes
And aches

Just know I wish I could leave all behind me
So, one could find me
Cuz all the part of past
Is nothin' but thrash
That should be burning in the ash

Sorry, mom for not passing
My words to somebody
When all I felt was like a nobody
Sometimes all I ask for
Was one word
To make me get inspired
So, it could make me wanna go higher
But all I felt was tire
Yes, mother I admire
You for your hard work

But I don't think you see my point
Sometimes I'm needin' a hug from you mom
To make me feel calm
Cuz can't you see this terror
In my eyes

Sometimes I feel like I am dying
But I hide it
You got me here trying
Out for crying
Cuz honestly I'm scared of drying

But still
I chill
Cuz I happen to remember when I was in the hospital
You fought to make things possible
While people declared me dead

Yeah, you stood there
In the hospital
Making things possible
And you were so, unstoppable

Yeah, you fought for my life
And line
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016 PB
sushma madappa
Sifting through my memories
I chanced upon one.
The one I keep tucked away
in the darkness of my vault.
Only to be brought out for a feel of home.

Of a dusk spent, legs dangling
oe'r a window ledge.
When you came up from behind
and hugged me so.
The hug lingers on.
As do fragments of you
Now lost forever.
Like the *** end of a story,
still waiting to be told.

As I pick up the remnants of a life that once was,
I return to the one that is.
The one that I am half way through.
While I am not yet  through
And just maybe, we are not through.

I dream dreams of you.
In the darkness, I ***** for you
Bereft of us, when I wake up to myself.
You wave out of the frame and smile just so.
As though to say I told you so.
And I think to myself
Of all the memories, of all the people
in all the world,
I had to trip over this one, of you.
 Jan 2016 PB
Crysta Gingras
Phone rings
We talk
We laugh
I yammer
You listen
You reason
I accept
Time runs out
We say our goodbyes
I don’t want to
We each hang up in hurry
Eager to go?
Knowing it’s now or never
Hang on once
Hang on forever
Every word you say
As it drops from your lips
Fills up my soul
Blocks out the bad
Like an ellipse
I’d grab your hand
Too far away
What is distance,
Compared to time talking this way?
The distance will close
And I will run to you
There will be no time to waste
Until then
Me here and you there
Phone rings
Good Morning to my Angel
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