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 Jun 2016 Pia
 Jun 2016 Pia
i am not graceful
or light on my feet
i am me
i am not modest
not one bit discreet
i am me
i cry too much
i lose lots of sleep
yet, i refuse to swallow defeat
my heart is heavy
way too heavy to be lifted
ive lost many pieces
the miracle is that im living
i am not curvy enough
i am not beauty
i am me
i lend my all
and watch them leave
i am me
 Jun 2016 Pia
Seán Mac Falls
Wet welling from earth
Deep valleys, hills, sweating *******
I plung into her

We are lost at sea
In moonless night our soft cries
Curled waves drowning us

Above her in bed
Little breaths lifting our bodies
Eyes, fingers, dreaming

Her green eyes are set
Jewels from sargasso seas
My ghost ship is wrecked

Her long hair tangles
No struggle in rising— then
We are rapt in bed

Her eyes blinding me
Milky way of her body
There is a heaven

In forest we taste
Each other in evergreens
Hot dews on the moss

Blissful time kissing
My bare thighs sink into hers
Running sands so quick

As olive or grape
So shed, paired souls are threshed
Out of their bodies

Hummingbirds share truths
Nature sounds with all sweetness
Bee in the flower

Always in a field
Wild flowers— a bunch to pick
Herself a bouquet

In the park we walk
Flocks of white birds taking flight
Two hearts light as air

We kissed under moon
Pox of stars grew flowering
Nightshade of her lips

She took me to bed
Skinned in bliss— was reborn, lost
In her satin folds
Smoothly shuddering, pleasure spurts.
Wonder relaxes relentlessly.
The pink woman drips conistently.
I think it's too enticing to resist
If you ask me honestly.
 Jun 2016 Pia
The Revolutionist
*** was only a mere satisfaction....
I craved for something deeper...

to hear her.... to listen to every word ever spoken
and to comprehend every thought, to understand the meaning of every course of action she takes
and to unwrap the origins of what she has become
I crave it.... to understand the choices she makes
and the consequences behind it
to gaze into her eyes and to dance with her soul
to comprehend her happiness, her pain
her joy and freedom
and to slowly dissect her brain with the scalpels
of my ears and voice and for her to do the same....
that is the satisfaction that I crave....

*** is only a mere satisfaction....
I crave for something deeper....
 Jun 2016 Pia
Leia R
t o p l e s s
 Jun 2016 Pia
Leia R
your body on top
of mine
our sweat mixed together
like the ocean's waves
exchanging foam
 Jun 2016 Pia
Leia R
s i n g
 Jun 2016 Pia
Leia R
something about that fair skin
makes me want you more
our moans sound like music
from the outside of the door

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