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Searching for that broken dream may take forever but in the end the pieces will fall back into place creating your (broken) dream into a new masterpiece
She said she had her "Free papers"

Green cards

Let me ask you,
But this one question,
or perhaps a few
When you walk the fields
see the flowers,
Do you say, cut down the yellow ones
save the pink ones?
Pick the purple pansies,
lay waste to the red ones?
When you plant flowers,
Do you say
One is less than the other,
because of differing beauty?
Do you like the rainbow,
given all it's colours?
Are all those colours,
not what makes it so beautiful?

Two hundred years ago,
We called them "Free Papers"
We call it a green card

Flesh and Flesh
Is what we are.
Last month here, in Tennessee, in Monroe County, ICE raided a church.  That church was hiding immigrants. Those immigrants were loaded up and are being held in Alabama. Some of those church people are still in jail. It made the news here. I don't believe that God, or whomever created us intended this. There is only one race, the human race. And this country that I live in, was founded on the belief that all could come here and seek refuge. I'm sickened.
Victim of circumstances
The past, she glances
A mirror of nightmares she can't take
The edges are unstable
Standing on a table, mangled
A bladed cycle never claimed
Her feral heart breaks
Her soul lays in a ash tray
God has no shame
She reconciles
A chance for denial
Her fire is fame
Wiping her vane tears,
announcing her fears with a smile
I'm tired.
Tired of everything.
I just want to sleep,
And never wake up again.

No, I'm not lazy,
I'm not running away from life.
I'm just tired of the world and myself,
And too tired to change anything.
your touch is like brushstrokes on a canvas
you’ve painted a thousand times
and I can’t stand looking at
the picture anymore
waking on a summer morn
has always
made me somewhat sad
at least
since I've been grown

in the mind
and weighty remnants
of bizarre dreams

fills my morning
clears my head a bit

but as the day
humidity settles in

the air feels thick and heavy
seems a struggle
for lungs to take it in

you can see
the heat
in ripples
as it rises

in that smoldering heat
some are in their

it's true

some do like it hot

not me

I don't enjoy

brutal heat is not
my friend

nor is the sun

at least not for long

so close

I know its rays
are more
than pale skin
will stand

and what about
the flora

unless the heavens
bless the earth
with frequent soaking

the heat will be
a strain on
the plants
I dearly love

if I remember
to water thoroughly
when they need
they'll stay green
and lush

my wallet's green
will shrink


summer has its
good points
amusing things to do

ice cream cones
evening drives
picnics at the park

swimming pools
water parks
and just the garden hose
can help
to cool you off

backyard cookouts
iced tea and

vacation if you
can afford

if not

the latest thing

maybe best part
of summer

is what
coming next

those cool
days of autumn
to refresh
the air

and body
Not really wishing away time, just hope the heat and humidity doesn't get too crazy too soon!
i've been searching for a feeling
and oh, what a feeling
a kiss that will taste like Marlboro Gold and Captain Morgan at 2 in the morning
a touch that will feel like red silk on my skin
a voice that sounds like my favorite song
something, anything that will make my heart feel full
make my stomach get butterflies
make my head spin in a whirl
but i cant even smoke a cigarette without longing for you
i cant take a shot of whiskey without thinking of you
i cant listen to my favorite song without reaching out for you
and all i want is a ******* Marlboro Gold
trigger warning: listen to the old songs
trigger warning: imagine about his face
trigger warning: think about his breath on your lips

falter back and forth
and back again
the place you used to be isnt there anymore
and your forced to move on
to do better

its supposed to be better
but it still haunts me
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