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Descartes and Isaac Beeckman,
Monsieur de Chandoux
and Jacob Golius
are talking

Monsieur de Chandoux
asks if Descartes will attend his next lecture
and Descartes replies: “I don’t think so”
And Descartes disappears
*Cogito ergo sum* (I Think, therefore I am) -  Rene Descartes (1596-1650)/poem based on an online joke
You are just like
the first drag of smoke.

As soon as I let you in,
I choke
and want you out.
My muse, my life, hope and I.
Summer has murdered the fairest of Springs
Green leaves have withered upon the tree boughs
Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds do not sing
Breezes no longer through the pine trees sough
Summer has torn out the heart of the dove
Sunshine no longer dapples on the path
Butterflies no longer dance up above
Summer is glad with the power it hath
Now the bluest of skies has bled to grey
Farewell, sweet sapphire skies no more to see
Now there is only one hour in a day
And withered flowers never waltz gladly
Spring is dead and Summer is here to stay
Now Time and Happiness have run away

Just a random Sonnet!! (: ~~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy it!!! (: ~~~<3
I just want to thank you so much
For being so kind to me
Ever since I was born
You have never no never
Been mean to me or ever acted cruel
Quite the opposite...
You have loved me
Ever since day one
You have been gentle and sweet
And good and kind
Loving parents
I couldn't ask for a better
Mom and Dad
Sorry if I have ever
Done anything to offend you
Because you two are very SPECIAL
And there's never been
Another sweeter Mom and Dad
All I want to do though
Is ease your daily stress
I'd rather go through
The stress both of you have
And heap it upon myself
Than for you to EVER feel it
I'd rather place all of your hard times
Upon myself and carry them
Upon my back
Trying to wade through ocean of Life
With your sorrows and ANYTHING unpleasant
All lifted to from you and placed upon me
I feel so happy that you're here
To keep me company
And that's why I have such
A phobia of loneliness when you're not here
It's because I love you dearly
And I hope you'll ALWAYS know that
I'd better bring this to an end
Or else I'll be quick to get longwinded
But I just wanted to thank
Both of you
For all you do
And all you have done
Or ever will do
Since day one

Dedicated to BOTH of my Dad Timothy and Mom Hilda!!! :) ~~~~<3
Thank you so much for all you have done for me since day one!!! :) ~~~~~~<3
Your deeds do NOT remain unseen or unnoticed!!! :) ~~~~<3
Your ugly daughter, ~Marian~ (:
Gazing at the sky
The little twinkling
Jewels in the sky
I'm lost in thought
While watching the cars
Rushing to and from
On the invisible highway
I'm lost in thought
While watching the silent
Black velvety sky
Fear of tomorrow
Holds me in it's grasp
Because I know
What tomorrow means
It means some pain
It means some tears
Unless I'm really brave
It means some crying
And maybe even some sighing
I'm dreading tomorrow
While lost in thought
Looking towards the black sky
Out of my window
Quietly watching the darkness
And secretly fearing tomorrow

Just a poem inspired by a few minutes spent
watching the sky and road from my window!!! (: ~~~<3
And yes, I fear tomorrow, as I have an appointment tomorrow
for my ingrown toenail!!! ~~~~~<3
A nurse told me that the podiatrist will probably
just permanently remove the corners of my toenail,
but she said it will still be painful even after a few days,
though not quite as painful as last time when the doctor
removed my whole nail...which grew back slowly!!!! :) ~~~~~<3
So yes, I am rather frightened of what will happen tomorrow!!!! :) ~~~<3
So, my HP friends, here's the inspiration!!! (: ~~~<3
Hope you enjoy it!!! (: ~~~~~~<3
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