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Paul R Hensley Mar 2019
It's here..
What's here,
Minimalist view is what's here,
why go this route,
To find that happiness inside myself,
without everything else.

I change today,
I say my vowels today,
From this day forth,
I will only use what I NEED,
Because consumerism is at fault.

Before I switched,
I was messy,
I was cluttered,
I was not efficient,
I was a victim of consumerism.

However today marks a new era,
For myself,
For the better,
so without further a do ,
I hereby convert to the minimalist way.

-Paul R Hensley |||
A New Beginning
Paul R Hensley Feb 2019
I hate how i'm living,
I can't get up to do anything with my life,
I'm pushing myself into a void of sadness
I won't make it out so don't try to save me
cause you missed your chance.

I can't keep going
with the bad intentions my soul holds
I tried so hard to not break
instead I just broke everything

I'm sorry baby
i'm a hard person to love
I am a hard person to love because i live in the saddened  depths of my my mind
for that's where I find my inspiration to the imperfection of life ,
Paul R Hensley Feb 2019
I'm closed in ,
Like a caged beast.
I am a prisoner of my own mind ,
can't escape something that is me.
my life is so upside down ,
The stress is really getting under my skin..

I'm fed up with myself ,
fed up with the laziness,
fed up with no motivation for change.
Just this  past week I have been feeling overwhelmed with reality,
I don't think i am going to make it.
However my wife tells me that I will,
She tries to make me happy...
When I tell her i'm not she cries inside,
She thinks that she should always make me happy...

What she don't get is I am sad at myself not her .
How am I supposed to support her life when i cant even get min started,
I don't know what to do...
Just wish i could be better,
I just don't have the motivation.....

-Paul R Hensley |||
Been writing for 22 hours straight and I cant stop.
Paul R Hensley Nov 2018
covered in blood
cover in blood
all i see is blood
all you gonna see is blood

They might run,
they wont hide,
I am  going to slaughter
they all fall below me
build me up
suspense intensifies

door open
here i am
blood coated shirt
aw the joy of ending breath '
i will send the earth
to a dark decent

Tell god
Tell god

They wont make it
Woah... did i write that ?
Paul R Hensley Sep 2018
Surrounded by everyone,
Surrounded by everyone,
Yet feels so alone ,
No one understands,
understands of what I am going through,

I wake up with miserable thoughts,
I toss and turn;
Can't fall asleep anymore

I hate this feeling you are putting me through,
How do I heal myself,
Please I am begging them
How will I heal
When there's no motivation to try anymore
Paul R Hensley Aug 2018
Stuck in reverse tonight,
Can't stop my feeling of guilt,
I know you right here beside me TJ,
I'm sorry it's my fault,

I just chilled in the trench,
I sent you out,
Didn't think you wouldn't make it back,

Man what a life I lived,
No one will understand,
Of all the sin I have created,
I keep it all under lock and key,

However tonight i might spill it all
If I do then noting changes,
If i do ill just go back to hell
but if I don't,
Then you might just stay,
Talk about friends for life...
Old memories...
Paul R Hensley Aug 2018
Lights off,
Laying in my cell ,
Mind swirling around you,
How did I get back to this,

Plagued by my past,
Can't move forward,
Cause I can't get out this cell,
If i do i just come back for longer,

The past keeps me cold,
and guarded,
I can't help it,
Just how it be,

Babe I am sorry,
You fell for lowlife,
Babe I am sorry,
you fell in love with a lost soul ...
If I go back , not sure ill make it
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