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Paul Butters Dec 2017
In this quiet corner of Cleethorpes
Serene somnolence soothes my soul.
Growling dark clouds make it feel like night
Lying above the whispering mists
On this dank dreary day,
Though mild this year.

The sun rose at eight fourteen
And will fall at three forty two.
For it is indeed the shortest day
Of 2017.

Tomorrow will be
A whole Two Seconds

So by around the twenty fifth
Of this December month
We’ll reach that time
When the Ancients saw it getting lighter
And chose to Celebrate
Big Time.
For so the Festive Season
All to Enjoy.

Many a religion has latched onto this
Annual Event.
So it’s Party Time
All over the World.
Time to reflect
And turn our eyes
Towards the Future.
Hoping again for Peace and Love
To Everyone.

Paul Butters

© PB 21\12\2017.
On a dark, dreary (cloudy) day..... (This time I went straight to my "poems" then "drafts" to find and post this after that wretched warning).
Paul Butters Dec 2017
Keep getting "Forbidden 303" when I press "Save"
On a new poem.
"CSRF Verification Failed".....
The Fake Geek dot com says
Put "about:config" in your address bar.
Did this.
Got Warning to go no further.
(Later I went on but it didn't fully resolve the issue).

Went back to my poem:
Saved as a draft!!!
What's this all about?
Same on all browsers.
Paul Butters

PS See The Comments Below and elsewhere on this. Thanks All.
Later I found my pieces were getting saved as drafts which I could "make public" and post. Then Eliot announced it was Fixed - which it was for me at any rate.....
Paul Butters Dec 2017
The Cosmos:
Our most awesome Universe
Plus whatever lies Beyond
If there is anything.
A sky full of galaxies and stars.
Vast further
Than we can comprehend.

Born of The Big Bang
This Matter Explosion
We call “Universe” –
Eighty Billion Light Years
That we can see,
But more than Fourteen TRILLION Light Years
They say.
All ranged in an orderly fashion,
Perhaps with the footprint of God.

Yet, just as wonderful,
Out in the Mexican Desert
And all down America way
There is a delicate tiny sunflower
Which comes in a range of colours
And is also named

Think on this.
As The Universe spread its wings
After The Big Bang
So these “Cosmos” petals
Spring out
Offering their hands to the sky:
Tiny Cosmos flowers
Offering prayers
To The Cosmos.

Paul Butters

© PB 19\12\2017.
Paul Butters Nov 2017
Every home has a Mother
Waiting with open arms at the door.
And a Dad in his armchair,
As the tradition goes.

Welcome to the lounge
Where we can huddle by the fire.
TV in the corner
And - if you have them –
Dogs and cats to stroke.

Then there’s Sunday Lunch
And those daily aromas of baking.
Memories of scooping out the bowl
And eating most of the peas you shelled.

Home – a place of refuge
Where you can bring all your troubles
And have them resolved.

Our Mum kept a beautiful garden,
Resplendent with colourful flowers.
An oasis on a council estate.

As Dorothy Gale of Oz fame said before me:
There’s no place like Home.

Paul Butters

© PB 20\11\2017.
Looks like I've started an "Every" series.
Paul Butters Nov 2017
Association Footballer Ronaldo,
The new Wizard Waldo.
Oh what a fandango,
You bet he can tango.

Paul Butters

© PB 18\11\2017.
A follow on from my "Paulo Gomes" Clerihew.
Paul Butters Nov 2017
“Who let you in?” jokes Henry the Doorman,
Waving the signing-in book
Like a wanton dervish,
With a glint in his eye.

But in you go,
Into a dimly lit room,
Filled with smoke in yesteryears.
Men in huddles
Hatching plots
Or just playing cards
Or Dominoes.

In the corner those darts are flying,
While blokes stand chatting
At the bar.

Next door you find The Snooker Room,
Where all is silent
As “World League Championships” are underway.
Snooker and billiards to be precise.
Men so serious
Some sitting sternly
Worrying about their match.
The odd breakout of conversation
Over some dispute or debate.

Back at the bar
All is well.
No need to be PC here.
You can say whatever you want.

We drink and drink,
Until the bar closes
At whatever time.
The chat gets louder
As the ***** loosens our tongues.
Then home we roll together.
Every Club.
A place I love.

Paul Butters

© PB 15\11\2017.
Inspired by my local bowling club, where I  am a "Social Member". :)
thunder volleys
roll across the evening's sky
thunder volleys
drumming like the wheels of trolleys
a crescendo so loud in ply
as the grumbling noise trundles by
thunder volleys
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