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Paul Butters Aug 2017
Step outside of space and time
Then look back In
And you will see that everyone you know
Is both alive and dead
At once.
For all has happened
And continues to happen.

The very universe is both alive and dead,
Winking in and out of existence
Like a sub-atomic particle.
Big Bangs
Big Cools
Perhaps a constant re-Creation
Endlessly repeating.

Maybe indeed we’ve lived our lives
Are living our lives
An infinite number of times
Each time slightly different
As we learn and learn
Time after time
Into Eternity –
An endless cycle.

Paul Butters
I woke up early today and by 5.55 AM I had written this.
Paul Butters Aug 2017
I peer into the depths of forest:
A seeming infinity of trees
And undergrowth.
Gnarled branches adorned
By countless butterfly wings.
A sea of green
Above those black-hole shadows.

Who knows what lies beyond those lines?
What friends or foes might well be met
In there.
Monsters may lurk,
Or fairies frolic around mushroom rings.

Yes, an infinity of sheer delight
Or hell.
Maybe I’ll find you a cottage in those woods,
With a garden path to lead you down for more.

I stare
And wonder.
Then I put away my mobile
(And the mayhem is gone again).

Paul Butters
Half composed this while soaking in the bath. A return to That theme.
Paul Butters Aug 2017
This is not poetry.
No embracing the wonders of the universe
Or deafening you with rhetoric.
No apple blossom aromas
Or vistas wide and clear.
No Romance or wisdom,
Just a pint of beer.

My small talent for words
Came from Mum and Dad,
And I take no credit for that.
If only I had read more,
Instead of being a brat.

My ego is exploding,
I’m ever the bighead.
Couldn’t care less about my critics
And sleep easy in my bed.

For once I’ve started rhyming,
That’s a change for me.
Prefer to be unshackled,
My verse just running free.

It’s time to hit the pub now.
I’m only here for beer.
But I’ll be back again to type,
Never have a fear.

Paul Butters
From Notes made back in early May. (5\5 in fact). Dedicated to a drinking pal of mine who stubbornly refuses to read any poetry because it is ALL "meaningless gobbledygook words"!!!
Paul Butters Aug 2017
Shall I compare you (being modern)
To a summers day?
Or to a galaxy full of stars?
No I will not
For I know full well
That you will never fall
For any of my corny chat-up lines.

Paul Butters
Just thought of this straight after a post-tea nap lol
Paul Butters Jul 2017
I bought myself a new modern mobile
With Internet and all.
Such a leap into the stars
After my “Lappy” Laptop
And old Nokia.

Where do I begin?
Either here or on the phone?
At sixty five I need some kid
To show me.

All this feather-light touching and sweeping,
“Apps” and “Data” and battery preservation.
A bewildering jungle of meaningless symbols
That lead you into chaos.

It can be great:
Taking and sharing lovely vistas
For all your Facebook Friends.
Speaking to Google and getting a nice sounding
Lady reply.

Very handy indeed
Until it all goes wrong
And World War Three breaks out
Or else you are Stuck
As surely
As a Prisoner.

But hey, I can be a Fast Learn
Getting there
As at long last I enter
The Twenty First Century.

Paul Butters
No need to explain.....
  Jul 2017 Paul Butters

Super sun bringing all assortment of energy,creating life

Cowering under it while also bowing to it ,taking the strength provided

Blessed by the warmth then cursed by heat, following while falling in strife

How strong our need blessed by it's speed ,with it our patterns are guided

Without it's mass the day is less giving .earth left in her berth like  man with no wife

So much dependence, making all around us more splendid  and  many more excited

In control of dusk & dawn ,forming the basics for common man from the sky

Growing from it's glow a warm friendship it does bestow, forming a foundation for the climate

Closest star  many more afar, don't dare stare into the glare, so far away yet the strength is nearby

All that we see started with that light, bringing endless energy, grand aurora showing the finest

Rolling on the axis  divided by the light, mother earth finds solstice  making do comfortably

Reflection on the moon in the night, from crescent or full helping to keep our sight
a great orb that will always remain a giant . R.C.
Seemed fitting for the hot summer heat. but the same sun will be welcome in Jan. so we keep it in perspective when we have seasons at least. I appreciate your thoughts & your reading. thanks. Rick
Paul Butters Jul 2017
I am king of the world, universe and everywhere,
But I have only a hint of power.
So all I can give you is attitude.
Just pointing out injustice
Where I see it.

Classes and castes and religious divides
I see as evils
To be opposed
With all my might.

For sure I’ve little might
Of course,
But I still have the right
To say that it’s all wrong.

Classless society is what we want:
Well anyone who’s worth his, or her salt wants that.
Religious discrimination is another thing
We need to remove
From our way of life.

There are many more evils in our world,
So we must do
All we can
To obliterate them
At every opportunity.

I can’t put this any other way,
Poetic or not,
We have to stand
And fight
Against all that we see
As bad.
For the Common Good.

Paul Butters
Angry! Provoked by a documentary on India by Joanna Lumley, featuring the "Caste System".
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