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The rain drops are falling
For I'm still  here sleeping

You turned my world around
Just for it to be shattered

It's been three months since we talked
But it feels like a enterty

Maybe if you leave me be
I'll eventually be happy
Sorry it *****
"Are you drunk?"
I ask another glass of that thing I don't even remember the name now.
"You're drunk."
My head starts hurting,
But not more than my heart.
I couldn't stop the question.
"Why did you dump me?"
You glared at me,
"I will take you home, c'mon."
You try to take my arm again.
"You're drunk, just admit it."
I couldn't even see you well now.
I couldn't see the eyes that made my heart beat so fast so many times before this.
"Okay then I quit."
And you did,
You walked away.
But you already had quit before this anyway.
That's why I'm here drinking alcohol,
To gather some courage to punch you while I can.
Well, maybe alcohol it's not enough.
Or I'm not drunk enough.
Yeah, maybe that's it.
*I was never drunk enough with you.
English version
Words come in,
Tears come out.
Can my silence be so painful?

My tears come out because my eyes can't contain the pain,
As my mouth do.

My silence, it's my suffering.
The suffering I can't let anyone see.
I can't be that weak,
To let them know.

The most cruel beings existing on earth.
What it hurts the most,
Is that I'm one of them.

The same person who suffers,
Can provoke pain to other people.
What's humanity after all then?
We lost it?
Does it even has the right to be called like that?

I'm a pitiful being,
Yes, I'm.
Always complaining about my pain,
Like other people don't suffer too.
They do,
But I do too.

So let me be,
Even for an instant complain!
Because there's a lot of things about me that are wrong!

I want to complain about that.
I want to scream them all.
In a another world where I'm not human,
And I'm finally,
English version
This was never a love story.
English version
Music is the fuel
Of the fire in my soul.
I might write more poetry in depth for my love of music and how it moves me.
Maybe we are all lost.
Maybe we lost to this game called life.
Maybe it was meant to be us doing the same mistakes.
Maybe it was my destiny to hurt you.
Maybe I'm not even a human being.
Maybe God didn't listen when I was crying.
Maybe my words were written to provoke something on you.
Maybe I was ordered to lie.
Maybe what's mine was never really mine.
Maybe your eyes were just a drug.
Maybe coffee was not meant for me to drink.
Maybe the alcohol existent in the world was not enough.
Maybe the smoke that I smoked was not that poisonous.
Maybe our meeting wasn't a coincidence.
Maybe I was created to love you.
English version
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