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 Apr 2020 keonah
Carlo C Gomez
There'll be a bouquet
Of finely scented words
Rolling off me tongue

Me love for you
Will then shine
Like the sun

You and I, me muffin
Shall find that
Happiness is a warm bun
 Apr 2020 keonah
Movie night indoors
Chocolate biscuits , sweet latte
Soft night moon and stars
Family Movie night indoors x x
 Jan 2020 keonah
Carlo C Gomez
I'm only following you
because I can't break out
of your gravitational pull
 Jan 2020 keonah
Jessica Lockhart
Please let me give you the stars
And by the stars, I mean my hand
And by my hand, I mean my love
And by my love, I mean my life

Please let me be your wife
And by wife, I mean your safe place
And by safe place, I mean your yoke
And by yoke I mean your here and now

Please let me be your vow
And by vow, I mean your rock
And by rock, I mean your castle
And by castle, I mean your treasure

Please let me be your forever
He was imperfect
He was young
She loved him
She was crazy
She wasn’t so pretty
He loved her

He had doubts
He had challenges
She loved him
She was naΓ―ve
She was carefree
He loved her

He was smart
He was cute
She loved him
She got brains
She had talent
He loved her

He lied
He cheated
She loved him
He became rude
He was difficult
She loved him

He was scared
He was reckless
She cared
He was arrogant
He was insensitive
She was hurt

He ignored her
He hurt her more
She became different
He cheated more
He cheated carelessly
She ignored him

He became scarce
He cut off ties
She survived
He was addicted
He was pitiful
She had empathy

He fell
She brought him up
He got sick
She nursed him to health
She slipped
He didn’t catch her
He got into trouble
She turned her back on him

He wanted her back
She didn’t
It was too late
She felt nothing for him

She was,
A diamond he got
She was,
A diamond he lost
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