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 Dec 2019 keonah
Closing eyes to remain alive
No breath remains intact
With open mind over Pacific ends
No Atlantic hope will last
 Dec 2019 keonah
Love turns to face Hate
And at the altar says
"I am yours and you are mine "
Hate doesn't respond
Knowing similar sames
And marital fate
Such similar emotions... (:
 Dec 2019 keonah
I'm Finally Free
 Dec 2019 keonah
I finally cut myself free from you. And it's the worst feeling in the world.
 Dec 2019 keonah
Carlo C Gomez
Let's get one thing straight.
No one has a given right
To touch another person
Without permission
Or direct invitation.
Keep your hands
To yourself!

Thank you.
Just yesterday, a US reporter vented anger at a man for striking her backside during a live TV broadcast, saying "no woman should ever have to put up with this".
 Nov 2019 keonah
 Nov 2019 keonah
I'm sorry that I always bother you,
I'm sorry I didn't get better,
I'm sorry I have always ruined your day,
Sorry that you had to understand me every time,
Sorry to miss the times when you are sad,
Sorry I have so many reasons and alibis,
Sorry I have nothing to give you,
Sorry I have only given you disappointment as a gift,
Sorry that I'm always a disturbance
Sorry for being like this
I'm sorry I couldn't make you proud of me to your friends and family,
I'm sorry for being so dramatic sometimes,
Sorry for being me

I'm sorry I loved you,
Lastly, Sorry that you have to love worthless person like me.
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