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 Sep 2020 noelle
Raghu Vamshi
 Sep 2020 noelle
Raghu Vamshi
Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay.
Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay.

(squiggly lines look cool)
 Sep 2020 noelle
not a soul
 Sep 2020 noelle
it's just me
and my mind
all alone tonight
 Sep 2020 noelle
David P Carroll
I'll hold you in my arms
And kiss you softly
And listen to our heart's beat
As we fall in love
Under the moonlight
Hand in hand
Kissing softly and slowly
Watching the stars shining so bright
We fall in love under the moonlight..
moonlight 🌕
 Sep 2020 noelle
people change everyday
so i vow to fall in love with you
every time the sun rises

 Sep 2020 noelle
My second favourite sentence is.
“I’m going to get coffee”
My favourite sentence is
“Would you like some too”
 Sep 2020 noelle
Francie Lynch
 Sep 2020 noelle
Francie Lynch
If you were a book,
I'd read you again.

If you were a ride,
I'd wait in line.

If you were my dream,
I'd never awaken.

If you were a star,
I'd never look down.

If you were a flower,
I'd never look up.

If you were mine,
I don't know what I'd do;
But I'd do it.
 Sep 2020 noelle
Tiana Marie
She was like music,
and I longed to dance.

Her heart was the beat,
and I begged for the chance.

Her words were the vocals,
and I was put in a trance.

Her smile was the melody,
and I fell in love at first glance.
 Sep 2020 noelle
 Sep 2020 noelle
look at me, all scrubbed up and shiny
look at me, im so happy!
i go to church
i smile real pretty
i never talk back
i never act ******
im a good worker
a good friend, a good kid
im polite and responsible
i dont wish i was dead
im not crazy
not angry
not wild
not free
im not reckless
not silly
not colored
not me

ive been split open and emptied
fixed up by a shrink
im not anything special
dear god, ive been bleached!
i realized just how not me i am these days
 Sep 2020 noelle
 Sep 2020 noelle
you did what the doctors
could never have done
you made me happy
without stealing my fun

i used to keep a shoe box under my bed
i called the box
"my will to live"
every day that i was happy
every day i was glad to be alive
i would write down why
and put it in the box

when i was suicidal
or just feeling like a *******
i would look in the box
and try to remember why i shouldn't
**** myself

the reason why i still care
the reason why im still trying
is just how many times
your name has ended up in that box
the reason why
is how many times you were the only reason
i didn't take my own life.

you aren't my only reason anymore
but you were for a very long time
so i literally owe you
my life

thats why
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