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nina May 2017
my head is pounding
my brain is banging against
the walls of my skull
my eyes are pushing
like they're trying to escape
my eye sockets
my throat feels tight
like something is stuck
i just want to sleep
but instead i lay here
trying not to cry in pain
trying to sleep
nina May 2017
what good is there in worrying?
it won't change the future
or take any pain away
if something bad happens.
it won't make you feel better
to be able to say
"i knew this would happen"
what good is there in worrying?
it doesn't do anything.
except take away the happiness
that you could be enjoying
*right now.
{a short blurb related to my last poem.}
nina May 2017
i have this silly little habit.
this habit of thinking.
overthinking, worrying, fearing.
but you make me happy.
you make me feel safe.
i trust you fully.
i love you completely.
& i don't want to overthink
or worry
or be fearful.
i just want this.
so i'll ignore the voice screaming in my head
saying it must be too good to be true
& listen to my heart whispering
"it's okay to be happy."
because the things it screams about
will only come true
if i let it.
{you are already changing me into a better person, by doing absolutely nothing but loving me as i am. how amazing is that?}
nina May 2017
i don't know what's going on in my head.
the demons broke free from the prison in my mind.
because i was happy for a moment?
or have i forgotten something?
nina May 2017
i'm not the kind of person who trusts easily.
i guard my heart & test people's limits.
i push & push until they're exhausted.
i'm always scared to be abandoned again,
so i leave before they can.
& when i learned to trust,
i was still paranoid.
i don't trust easily,
i don't trust.
but then there's you.
& somehow, without saying a word
i trust you completely.
(& i hear you're the same)
nina May 2017
all i knew of you then
was your casual smirk, kind sparkling eyes
your attractive accent & adorable laugh
but i walked away then
& now here you are
& i want to know you this time around
god, id love to know you
nina Apr 2017
i have learned so much of myself
i have learned of my mistakes
my failures
& faults.
i've been reacquainted with myself
i have learned of my greatness
my kindness
& love.
i still have much of myself left to give
but i need to give those wonders
to myself
only i can appreciate my full self
only i can love my full self
until otherwise
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