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 May 2016 Neo
Day to day
Is the same old same old
You never do anything different
You wake up and work the same 9 to 5 job
You come home to the same dark apartment

What could have happened
If you had kissed that other girl back in high school
Instead of driving home with no one beside you
Would you be alone in your bed again tonight

There is not one single path
One filled with destiny
The others are just mere chances
If you get the golden road your lucky
If you stumble onto the black one you die
This is not fate

I believe with everything that I have
Everyday is a missed opportunity for something
A new pet, a new phone, a new friendship
But instead you settle for the same old same old

With crusty eyes and sore knees
You through yourself into your work
That was all you knew
Who needed happiness when you had money
But what happens 20 years later when you're on your death bed
No one is coming to see you
It's just the same old same old
The same old same old
 May 2016 Neo
black & white
 May 2016 Neo
          to leave
she gathered
up her
things, keys
& a coat, a
quick note
why she had
          to go,
but the 
finality of the
scene gave
       the bleak
view a
different hue,
         the sun
glass shone
brighter, the
lighter, the
called out in
to be walked
   to her to
        hold on.
 May 2016 Neo
Martyna Maselskyte
Do you remember
when we first met,  when we first shared a look?
But not just any look..
the look where you glance at some one for the first time
and realize there's something more there.

The way you can't look away,
like there is a connection there...
that you didn't know could exist
But it does


Now every time,
we share our presence ..
I can't help but look at you when you're not looking.
There is something deeper there
something you're not telling us,
something you're not telling me..

You try to hide it behind a mask of funny and sarcastic comments,
which I can see right through.

And then when you catch me looking at you..
I don't look away.
Simply because I want you to know I'm here
I'm present.
Share your darkest and deepest thoughts with me.

I want it
- I want it all -

Infatuation is a funny thing,
its short lived, so they say
but weather it's for
10 minutes
10 years
I want to share this moment with you.
With just you..

Because little time spent opening up with you
is better than

no time at all
Martyna Maselsky, MM
 May 2016 Neo
 May 2016 Neo
We don't 
& so our
in the
air like
dying birds
whose weak
cries go
unheard all
because we
were too
afraid to
share, to stare
into the
abyss within,
let its icy
depths swim
up our necks
& do as those
around us do;
speak, one
syllable first
then another,
hoping they
can handle our
verbs the
way we have
 May 2016 Neo
 May 2016 Neo
my therapist
could never explain to me
why I would sleep walk into abandoned buildings
only to wake up
still feeling at home
follow @yungsad_ on twitter for more like this.
 May 2016 Neo
i'm not
 May 2016 Neo
i'm not the diamond in every ring
i am not the splash in every raindrop
i am not the caffeine in your coffee

i am not the sugar in your taffy
i am not the stars in your night sky
i am no longer the sparkle behind your chocolate-coloured eyes

but i am the pain in your ensemble of distressing words
and unfortunately, i am no longer yours
@yungsad_ on twitter for poetry similar poetry.
 May 2016 Neo
 May 2016 Neo
never wallow in your sorrow
it is hard to change our way
all we can do is be better tomorrow
than we were yesterday

don't dwell on indiscretions
forgiveness is a one way street
when looking for an angel
it's the devil you might meet

never wallow in your sorrow
it can only lead to fray
tomorrow is another day borrowed
it was made to be yesterday
 May 2016 Neo
Paul Butters
It doesn’t really matter to me
How the universe came to be
Or whether God even exists.
I care nothing about kings and queens
Or anyone “in power”.

For I’m “The One”
Who leads this Life.
No-one else but me.
However impressive you are
You still are not Myself.

All that counts are the people and things I Love,
Even Like.
So if you’ve got nothing to offer me
Get on your bike.

No man is an island, so they say.
Yes, I’m not independent in every way.
But I’m an individual who is true to my soul.
To remain unbrainwashed is always my goal.

They try to make us run with the crowd,
Like sheep or lemmings led into the cloud.
It’s Media Hypnosis
Through that gleaming TV.
Only by being ourselves
Will we ever be Free.

Paul Butters
In THAT mood again!
 May 2016 Neo
Martyna Maselskyte
Overthinking is just empty thoughts,
empty people..
That are trying to become real things,
It's the darkness inside that is trying to get out,
To overwhelm you,
To turn you dark.
 May 2016 Neo
Martyna Maselskyte
woke up in the mornin
with a very bad headache

not realisin'
that there was screamin downstairs

so i rush downnn
to save mama from you

blood trickles down her nose
and i see a tear or two

you stare at me with demonns
in your eyes

like im the one that disobeyed the human rights

ill save you i said mama dont you cry
but shes a hero and she dont need savin now

said mama,
i swear to you my child
said mama,
your father has run wild
i promise you that i will keep you safe
no one will hurt you, because we are a free state

oh mama oh mama oh mama

living alone,
is a tough job to keep

constant nightmares,
of the mistakes you might have made

i crawl into her bed at night
like i used to at 5 years of age

to keep her safe
and i see her smile

she stares at me with angels
in her eyes

like im the saviour
that god has sent her

ill save you darlin she said baby dont you cry
your my hero and i dont need savin now
and i dont need savin nowwwww

said mama,
i swear to you my child
said mama,
your father has run wild
i promise you that i will keep you safe
no one will hurt you, because we are a free state

oh mama oh mama oh mama
oh mama oh mama oh mama etc etc
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