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 Sep 2014 Nena Twedell
Mercy B

    Of bed each morning and attempt to embrace whatever the world may throw your way.

Try honoring  our nations diversity ,because  like it or not, its here to stay.


The old and bring in a new line of thinking towards the betterment of human kind.

Rid ourselves of our inhibitions to concieve another's dreams , release the shackles inclined to bind.


Of the way if you are set on your ways, because for growth change is a must.

Not here to judge, I have my own demons, but instead of casting stones you can simply just....

Pretty girl,
You are not a Barbie.
You are not a bleach blonde plastic object to be dressed up and toyed with.
Pretty girl,
You are not a balloon.
You are not meant to be filled up and emptied or popped.
Pretty girl,
You are not scratch card.
You are not meant to be scratched open and apart
People looking for answers and joy within you.
Pretty Girl,
You are a human being.
You are meant to be flawed and scarred and to watch movies on a Saturday night alone.
Your body is meant to be a temple
It is not meant to be judged for its sexiness by
Teenaged boys who have no idea what the world is made out of.
A size 16 and a double zero have the same claim to happiness
Without stepping outside their house and feeling like there is no place for them there.
Pretty girl,
You are a pretty girl.
And there is pride in that.
They say that
I need to
work on expression,
but what they do not know
is that they're
with a man that
writes all of his demons
in a journal;
into solitude.
And yet,
they say that I need to work

Those Demons
are there for a reason,
so I cannot
any emotions whatsoever.
Our children go to school everyday
they come home crying
but they won't say...

Emotional abuse her way comes
beaten and broken
converted to crumbs...

Sitting alone in her bed at night
reliving the day
and her terrible plight...

Getting dads razor to ease the pain
it helps but a moment
there's nothing to gain...

Next morning comes with a tear in her eye
all over again
and asking God why...

A quick bus ride to obsidian hell
never to learn
entombed in a shell...

Will it stop, are they better than you?
do they return home
crying and blue...

Do they wear sleeves to cover their scars?
or play video games
and play on monkey bars?

It's not fair, I've done nothing wrong
I try to stay strong
but it doesn't last long...

I want to go to heaven right now
I don't want to be here
I'm a miserable sow...

The razor i use is now dull from my pain
I need something stronger
to lay open my vein...

Mom and Dad, I love you so
I can't take anymore
I really must go...

Give my Brother a hug and a kiss
I can't stop crying
you all I will miss...

your loving Daughter...
'You don't know what it's like to feel pain'.
Oh, don't I? Just because you've never seen me struck down by it doesn't mean I haven't felt it's shattering blow.
Do you know what it's like to be stalked by your worst enemy,
To see her reflected in passing cars and shop windows?
They say you hate everyone so you're angry at the world.
Well, I'm only angry with myself.
My heart was gift wrapped by the devil,
Tied tight with a barbed wire bow
That cuts and scars me with every beat.
I bleed where no one can see, but it leaks out every now and again
Through my eyes just to remind me I'm still alive.
I cry in the shower because what's another drop of water to a gushing stream,
Turn it up hot so my skin raises to disguise the criss cross of angry red scars.
So don't tell me I don't know what it's like to feel pain. To feel hurt.
I know, the words are gouged deep into an already ravaged soul.
Just because I'm my own tormentor it doesn't make the damage any less real.
You don't know what it's like to have your own mind turn against you.
So don't you ******* dare tell me I don't know what it's like.
Basically just a poorly disguised rant. Don't tell people they don't know what it's like. Just because their pain may not be the worst, or may not be one that you are used to, doesn't make it any less plaguing to them. We all have our demons, some just disguise them better than others.
 Sep 2014 Nena Twedell
Susan G
 Sep 2014 Nena Twedell
Susan G
I can't move mountains for you
But ******* i'd try
 Sep 2014 Nena Twedell
 Sep 2014 Nena Twedell
Someone asked me one day why I wrote so much.
I told them to be quiet because I was listening to what the pen said to the paper.
I was trying to hear their love story.
The one unspoken.
Rings, Rings
Echoes in the silent library
Stings, Stings
Shaking with no boundary

"Hello, Hello"
"Can anyone answer me?"
Fellow, Fellow
Could you mute or flee?

Who is it? Who is it?
I am really busy
Studying a bit, Studying a bit
I am feeling dizzy

"Friend, Friend"
"How are you ?"
"Mend,  mend"
"You say...studying a few?!"

"Fend, fend "
"For oneself"
"Send , send"
The pressure away from yourself

"Live, Live"
"Every second with happiness"
"Give, give"
Away every second of sadness

"Life, Life"
"Is really short"
"Thrive, thrive"
And build your fort

"Up, Up"
"And don't give up"

Oh ...

"Sorry, sorry"
"I have to go"
"Don't worry, don't worry"
"I'll call again .. you know!"

Wait, Wait *
Who are you???


The number you are trying to call is unavailable
Please try to call later
Something I wrote after two weeks in college , there is A LOT of pressure on me because I am studying so sorry guys if I am not posting a lot :\.... Love you all and don't forget to SMILE :D
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