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 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
The bussier we are
the faster time passes.
Where better than a bar
to fill our glasses?

My eyes meet yours,
between the  masses,
and within the drunk choirs
your smile, my heart crashes.

Got you name, got number,
and from your lips a kiss I borrow.
And then I wonder...
Will you answer the phone tomorrow?
You didn't.
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
Used to be stuck,
so firmly rooted.
Like the ugly duck
had to be re-routed.

Fearfully and unluck,
my soul was muted.
Until to me struck,
and for once, all I disputed.

Can't do what's right
so I'll do what's left.
I'll follow this light
until my soul I put to rest.
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
I should've guessed, I should've known.
If there's a lightning, thunder will come.

That I was a guest, this wasn't my home,
but I was just too afraid to be alone.

Winds might change after tomorrow
and the sea my pain could somehow swallow.

But today there's this mountain of sorrow,
that blocks the sun, and makes me feel hollow.
Four years and plus I have studied,
Wanting to hear "Well done, Lad!"
Papers and books and Internet leads,
(Some I have even read).

My goal is to finish the final degree,
To stand with the women and men
Who doctor their classes for fee,
Philosophical women and medicine men...

Yesterday's morning came early and light
As I sped to the citadel towers,
Stood in a hallway at the end of the night
For minutes that ticked off like hours...

Then to the panel of erudite four,
Explained and defended my cause...
Stood in the hallway once more
Reading posters and climbing the walls.

The door latch announced the time was at end,
I turned my mentor to see.
"You did very well!" and out went her hands
To throw a big hug around me.

So in we two went and I faced the Chair,
"We're pleased to announce you have passed!"
I grinned in relief to find there was air,
And lungs to breathe it at last.

Numb and relieved, I shook hands all round,
Readjusting my sights and my plan,
Dissertation and frameworks, new targets found,
I left them with papers in hand.
Work in Progress....
Protesters loot and riot
In the name of peace and quiet
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Tanks roll down the street
As people beg for food to eat
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Tear gas fills the air
Bodies lay everywhere
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Innocent people dying
Uncle Sam keeps crying
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Lady Liberty passes out
The Eagle decides to bail out
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

America has gone to Hell
Politicians say "Oh well"
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

America is burning
Why can't we stop the hurting?
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?

Freedom dies
As a nation cries
Welcome to small town America everybody
Why don't you come and stay?
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
if i drowned
in my own tears,
would it be
because they were mine,
because you caused them?
My only fear
Is that I will spend every night
Sobbing in your arms
To make up for all the times
Everyone else
Left me to fend for myself.
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
Just Melz
Why you lie?

Why you say there's three servings,

When everyone knows, it's only one?

Rude, Haagen Dazs.

Just Rude.

Lonely, Sad Girl.
Crying into a container of Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream.
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
And quite frankly
I don't need God
Two wires to my ears, and a glass of whisky
Is plenty enough to guide me through the fog.

Yet.. Sometimes..
Sir Jameson won't drown out..
The tingle of lavender that still tickles my nose
Or the scent of the sheets, or the rain on the streets.

And sometimes..
Mr. Daniels won't blind me from..
The traps
It no longer soothe..
How her lips refused to move.
 Nov 2014 Nena Twedell
Moon Humor
First glance, I’m a good Christian girl. But dark purple flecks decorate my neck.
In leather and lace I forget to pray and let you do what you want with me
because pain is complex and melded with pleasure.

Do you know what they say about girls that enjoy ***?
They never dare to say it to my face but I can feel them staring from the pew
at the dark purple flecks that decorate my neck.

Your hands, more powerful than God, make the earth of my body quake
while I draw fault lines down your back with my nails under the broken
crucifix above your bed. The pain is complex and melded with pleasure.

Deep, growling voice shakes the dusty rosary on your nightstand when we ****.
Your handprints are left on my flesh and the hand around my throat
leaves the dark purple flecks decorating my neck.

Coffee in the narthex and I’m labeled a harlot. Sinner. Sacrilegious. Branded as freaks…
Brush it off. I know what you like and how you like me. God will have mercy.
Sensations blend because pain is complex and melded with pleasure

and I can’t have one without the other. To reach our peak
you leave me red, marked and breathless, gasping, “Oh my God.”
Questioning my beliefs with dark purple flecks to decorate my neck,
I know pain will always be complex and melded with pleasure.
A relaxed villanelle
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