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Native Intuition Aug 2014
There is a lining of shimmering finality
that encompasses every thought I have of you.
You have never been a passer-by in my mind,
never disappearing out of sight.
I have dreams of building
a permanent residence for us on the moon,
foundations solid and set with stone.

Sometimes when the world gets to be too much,
I close my eyes and visit you there.
Our castle in the sky,
built for the Queen of the Night.
On the edge of the roof we sit and laugh,
looking down at the Earth below.
I wake up alive, on the ground I lie,
in awe of your lunar halo.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
The constellation of Orion glimmers in the distance, as it hangs beside a full winter’s moon. The wind bitterly whips its frozen lash, a gentle reminder that the Sun won’t be rising any time soon.

Only the lost and the hungry wander this night, those that seek what they cannot find. Even the most solitary of creatures long for the company of their own kind.

Wild eyes shine through where the shadows reside, a lone black wolf is roaming free amidst the darkness outside. A living, breathing piece of an untamed history. Battle tested but long since rested, clouded and shrouded in mystery.

Pay close attention to his paw prints glistening softly in the snow. They’re pointing the direction to a life much different from the one you’ve come to know. Travel back to a time when wild was all there was to be. Remove the disguise from those beautiful eyes and he will change the very world that you see.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
Burned the same as all of us have
Still he saw things so differently
He took his thoughts to the mountains
He spilled his soul to the sea
He embraced the advice from the moon
and welcomed the wisdom from the trees

He threw his hope among the stars
Embedded his wishes within the Sun
He found his strength inside the stone
and vowed never again to let it succumb

He did not seek in search of answers
Song and prayer and ancient Ghost Dances
Because time forever more will run
He asked only for guidance
in the days that have yet to come.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
Is it just me again?
inside my head
that’s thinking of you?
or maybe
just maybe..
these thoughts of you
are what I see
when you are thinking of me.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
There is a time and a place
between midnight’s embrace
and the face of the Sun near dawn
A time when nothing is broken
and no words need to be spoken
for it never seems to last very long

A time when the spirits
show themselves to be alive
As I drift back to the spot
between the boundaries of conscious thought
and the voices of the ghosts
that gather outside

Shadows they fall
out of memory and time
As ancient wisdom is channeled
across the great divide
I hear them singing
Drums beating
Timeless meaning
This is the place
a shift in time and space
where two worlds intertwine.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
I’m slowly building a world from the images of you in my dreams.

Air composed of music, so I can continually breathe your sound. ***** hands and knees from planting trees amid your footprints on the ground. For wherever you walk, growing beauty is left behind. You are the purest form of artist I have ever come to find. I recite poetry in my sleep and wake only to realize; it is for you I sew these threads, hand sewn seams stitched to stand the test of time.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
She’s a fantastic disaster
masking facts that matter
In a sense she’ll be there after
With her grace, flowers and laughter
Be sure not to bow too fast
or forget to look right past her
With a word she’ll have you captured
entangled, mangled and mastered.
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