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forestfaith Jul 2018
as if in(              )different stages, i act.
my costumes ready.
it sat quietly by the curtains.
i changed quickly.
from costume to costume.
i dont really know which one is real.
could have won an Oscar, for best acting and film,
directing the film-------co-directing the film.
i wasn't meant to be the one handling my (         )stages.
I wasn't meant to have so many.
i continue changing, stopping to realise i lost something, half between stage to stage i delay.
i felt it coming.
my feelings reaching out.
telling me real in this next act.
be real yall. I literally have different personas at any particular environment and that, to me, isnt really com had some problems, some is in italics i dont know why haha anyways, God bless yall. (fill in the blanks yall haha)
forestfaith Jul 2018
i reached out my hand and thought i was helping. I wanted to help.
i am so sorry for stuffing beliefs in your mouth, into your eyes, that you would be annoyed to see the blue-lined paper slipped in your mail box.

i just wanted to show that i care.
i didn't mean to scratch your surface.
i didn't mean to stir and twist.

please forgive me.
i didn't mean to cut and steal.
i wanted to heal.
forestfaith Jul 2018
Melting flesh falling into place.
Calling out different words.

Two minds, two different eyes.
I see you differently.
How you changed your heart towards my soul.
How you changed your attitude towards this seemingly always happy home.

You were worried and you kept your mouth shut.
You pat my back gently and asked me if I was okay.
When I was okay, you shot bullets at me.

Are you scared of caring?
Scared of showing the soft kind heart within?
I know it because when you morphed, your heart shone through the tissues of your body....I saw it.
It was beautiful...
One of my friends
There are no promises
      for tomorrow,
   it may never come
say I love you today
to those special ones.

Set goals
       dream your dreams
but, live within today
       for right now
          this moment
             is truly everything.

Stop wasting time
      on what was before
the past,
lessons learned,
      now it’s time
          to close those doors.

Comes a time in life
   when one must grow,
      the saying is true
you reap what you sow….

Give your heart
to the one you love
         make it a point
to show them
          No One Else
   could ever rise above.

Live in the here and now
   give a smile
          to all you meet
walk every day in love
make your
            life complete.
forestfaith Jul 2018
Trying to focus, I knocked my head.
My eyes tuned out of the radio, its signal out of signal.

The knobs of my brain couldn't keep up.
Take me slow, please.
I walk with twisting foot.
My shoulders banging the walls of my house.

I topple over.
My vision blurred.
The signals of my radio stirred....
forestfaith Jul 2018
You don't even ask questions, you stuff answers into my mouth.
You don't give evidence and I believe in your lies.
You pull me down into a slur of words, drowning me into a conversation that never seem to end but starts worlds.
You Pierce me with a knife.
You cut me up into stitched pieces.
help me, and you say "no one cares."
You threw me out.
You kick me out of my own mind.
You close the door.
You keep me out.
You stone me with fire and ice.
You let me keep the burden all to my own.
i can't keep up.
i am broken apart.
just please, give me a moment, and then we talk?
forestfaith Jul 2018
Shattered glass.
On the floor.
Tear drenched tissues on the floor, like flowers on a hill.
you call me to be still.

I am scared.
I am hurt.
I have been hurting, other people.
I have been ignoring their cries.

I have been putting myself on the pedestal.
I have been putting myself on the judge's table.

Those shattered glasses on the floor shone.
The tear-drenched tissues decorated my life, dripping down, shimmering in the light of the broken glass.

Love came and painted the light.
So this poem is about that all of us are messed up. But, that's what makes God's love so beautiful.
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