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I hide it all
All my emotions
All my pain
Pretending to be strong and not vain
Why their this need of being strong always
Says a Friend
Your stronger farheen but their is nothing wrong in being fragile too
Were his words of wisdom
It's a personal experience and a emotion  and a beautiful reminder by my friend
And I also know this farheen is not alone so for all those people who need this reminder
It's ok to not feel strong all the time you're not alone ☺️
Don't call a women a ****,
they don't like it.
And don't tell a batter to bunt,
they want to smack it.
And whatever you do,
don't try and give your
cat a bath in the tub with
that Mr. Bubble ****,
he'll scratch you.

When your boss gives you the
newly revised employee handbook,
don't say, that ******, it went
on and on and on.
There was no plot, and I
couldn't figure out, who in the
hell the antagonist was.

And one more thing,
if you fall in love and you
think you found your
soul mate, and it doesn't work,
and you feel like your
heart is being ripped out
through your nose,
don't give up.
Because the right one is
out there, somewhere waiting,
and who knows, maybe they have
a cat that likes baths and
blow-dryers, and being dressed
up like an Oompa Loompa from
***** Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory,

it could happen...
Don't give up.
I wrote this a long time ago while going through a divorce.
It helped my healing process.  A few years later, my friend and I composed a musical score for it, we went in the studio and recorded it...more healing and crazy fun...even made a video...Don't give up.
It's at
i wanted to
tell you
i wanted to
write to you
about my
heart; its
hold you
and talk
and cry
and sink
and shrink
and expand.
for now
when i
the day
went by
the skies
turned pink
in the evening,
as it does.
the air
we made
eggs and
i laughed
many times,
and there
was music.
On the second floor
of a department store

At the DMV
appointment window

In the kissing booth
on Coney Island

Anywhere around
her pineapple grove
Part 3 in the Brenda series.
~for her~

I put up a 7 1/2 ft. chain linked fence to keep the ****** deer out
of the garden.

Secretly, I wonder, if I had the fence built
another half-a-foot higher,
could I’ve kept out the
no-longer-unimaginable disasters
life has seen
fit to shower upon me.

If I had it made solid,
instead of chain linked,
with barbs that nicked only me,
would have misery passed
me by, unable to peer inside,
my anonymity, being my personal
guardian and savior.

My garden’s yearly renewal,
comes by human effort,
but my wondering is unceasing,
it’s living ache, a perennial,
an evergreen hemlock,
that cannot be cut.

until such time, at last,
it chooses to cut me first,
and the garden retreats to its
aboriginal wild forest state, and
both our cycles are completed.
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