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 Nov 2015 MJ
A tragic tradition from times long past
Weak of wit and hard of heart
Thus pawns are born and
Circumstance plays its part

Here we stand again, aghast
Alas, what evil has come to pass!
Questions burn, anger rises
Vengeance brews on the horizon

The world has turned for years and years
On violence and wars, and bitter tears
You build - they break, you smile - they’re fake
Injustice reigns in misfortune’s wake
Struggle for some, victory for others
Caps are waved with fair-weather feathers

Who are they, who are we?
Who is safe, who is free?
Where is the heart that knows no fear?
Where is the mind that’s always clear?

An ephemeral world, a passing phase
The old, the new
The false, the true
A blink of an eye in eternity’s gaze

Yet weak-minded malignancies
Must ply their trade of misery
Dispensed with as refuse in this life
****** as bartered souls in the next
Fate’s hand is heavy and dark is the night
For the vicious heart and feeble intellect.
Life, itself,
is the finest
of all the Arts.

All the others
simply enrich
this cosmic and
ephimeral Art
of Life, itself.

Make no rash mistake;
that is not to belittle any;
but, rather is it intended
to show due reverance
to each and every last one.

All Art is Sacred.
Any act done with Love is Art.

Written on break at work. Dishwashing.
 Sep 2015 MJ
Tina ford
 Sep 2015 MJ
Tina ford
Try to be good,
Try to be kind,
Try to educate,
Feed your mind,
Try to listen,
Try to be aware,
Try to comfort,
Feed the care,
Try to hear,
Try to feel,
Try to realise,
Feed the heal,
Try to be graceful,
Try to give mirth,
For we are all one,
On planet earth.
 Sep 2015 MJ
 Sep 2015 MJ
There is a sense of timelessness in the twilight
Of time standing still and extending into the infinite
Of sadness and hope
Of yearning and satisfaction
Of unrest and peace
Where time has no meaning and
the mundane melts away into the symphony of colours in the sky..

..and your eyes follow the fading light and your soul knows its purpose once again..
I wonder what heaven is like
is it really great as it seems?
Is everyone forever young and beautiful?
Do you meet people from your dreams?
Does God really hold you in his arms
as he welcomes you home for good?
Is heaven really full of love and hope
or is it sadly just misunderstood?
I wonder if it snows in heaven
Winter is my favorite season
I wonder if I were to sit on a cloud
would God sit next to me and tell me that he loves me for no reason?
I wonder if you have thoughts in heaven
and if so do bad thoughts disappear?
I wonder if you could really fly
even if flying is your biggest fear
I wonder if God would even let me into heaven
he really should send me to hell
Where am I going to go when I die?
Right now I can't even tell
I don't know what is going to happen to my soul
when I take my last breath for good
Is there really even a heaven?
Maybe I should go find out
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: September. 12, 2011 Monday 9:28 AM
I am not Ms. popular
that is okay with me
I honestly do not like attention
unless it is my friends who give it to me
I am no beauty Queen
that is totally fine
I like the way that I look
I have no problem flaunting what is mine
I am not the one all of the guys want
I like it that way
It is nice to go out and have fun
without getting hit on everyday
I am not 100% anything when it comes to stereotypes
and I don't want to be
I like the idea of being open to anything
that way no one can label me
I am not a *****, I am not a troublemaker
I do not sit around letting others peer pressure me
I am someone who drowns out all of the negative noise
while following the beat to my own drum
I am the one who stands out in the crowd
by choosing to be the odd one
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: September. 8, 2011 Thursday 8:19 AM
 Sep 2015 MJ
Peter Cullen
There amongst the wilderness.
Where creatures
big and small roam free.
There amongst the overgrown,
thats where they'd find
you and me.
The wind that shakes the barley,
whistling in our freezing ears.
You'll find us in the long grass,
hiding from the same old fears.

Well its known
we're not alone.
there's many more besides.
All hiding in the long grass,
fighting with the same oul pride.
With the wind
that shakes the barley.
Forever whistling in their ears.
They'll join us there,
the country air,
amongst the winds
that kiss the breeze.
 Sep 2015 MJ
 Sep 2015 MJ
I miss the girl that I once knew
The girl with hair blonder than dust
And cheeks rounder than apples

I miss the girl that I once knew
The girl with nerves of a wet napkin
And legs clumsier than spaghetti

I miss the girl I once knew
The girl who always did what she was told
And was always afraid to speak

I miss the girl I once knew,
That's all true.
But she grew up.
And I don't miss that little girl so much
 Sep 2015 MJ
Breanna Stockham
Thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine

Not moving, won't stop,
Can't grab them or drop
them on the floor under my feet
where they belong, I can't compete

I'd love to think of rivers
Or calming peaceful streams
Oh what I'd give to think of flowers
Or the buzzing sound of bees

Inside is a hurricane
Outside is a drizzle
I can't control my hurried mind
But at least it's working well

Oh I shouldn't complain,
Yes my thoughts run all day
Each one deeper than the last
And although I'm led astray
My thoughts tell me more
Than your words ever could
Because I've had a hundred
More thoughts than I should

Oh the thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine
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