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Do you still perform autopsies on our old conversations?

Or do you let their existence decay,

just like you did with your love for me?
It's been years now and I'm still praying he answers my questions.
I'd cast my heart,
           unto the sea

  if it meant it brought
you closer to me.

& baby when away I fly
              I'll kiss every cloud
         in the sky

          because when you look
      over-head you'll remember
our lovely good-byes.

I want to feel your silken skin forever
so please don't lose a thread.

               for, after all this time of
twists and turns
               I'm still tangled in
                                           your web
The beautiful flower
Bloomed in the winter
How extraordinary
That precious flower
Remains blossomed
The flower that never stops growing.
I love you, always.

Our love,

                Are like the stars and moon,

                                   Colliding in love and romance,
But in the end,

                                                 They just explode,

Leaving shattered smithereens behind.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
You are tea,
serene in your surroundings.

                                                  ­                                                         I am coffee,
                                                         ­                        attention always bounding.

Your colour a milkish pale,
creamy optimism.

                                                      ­                                           I am taken black,
                                                          ­                                           bitter cynicism.

Two sugars,
to match your disposition.

                                                   ­                                                      None for me,
                                                             ­             I'll maintain my grim affliction.

                                               We differ so much,
                                                     it's obscene.
                                                   But in the end
                                               we're both caffeine.
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