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 Nov 2016 Merrimae
rachel redwine
I know what I felt
and I know i've been shamed
since I don't deserve you
I must become of my dream.
A thought to include you
a bite to obtain
a soul too and through you
a heart to remain.
By God you are worthy
with God you might
a knowing untold
given the fight.

I know how I need you
I made to believe
I love and I need you
or so I had dreamed
you blessed and betrayed me
forgot or just maybe
let me hope of days
we'd be together forever and always.

Walking away
you saw your out
what was your purpose?
what was doubt?
God couldn't help us,
this is between you and me.
I could never hurt you,
so you tortured me.

I should of let you down.
but I don't wanna let you down.
 Nov 2016 Merrimae
Rachel Keating
tell me what it is you want
and trust me, i'll listen
if you jump, I jump
i'll make truth out of all your wishes

i can be anything
the shelves that hold your favorite books
the blanket that wraps around your skin
the mirror that tells you how you look

just tell me, and i'll be

i can be the warmth that you need,
a safe place to come home to
i can be the winter wind,
lifting you off your feet

i can be the sun that touches your body,
take me all in
i can be the light that guides you,
follow me

i can be here
and i can be yours
and if you let me,
together we could rule the world
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Kevin Seiler
Look at you, growing so fast.
I would not actually know though.
Because our time together only one day, did it last.

I know you're happy, with your mom, and your dad.
I hope that you get everything you wish for.
They were really great people so I'm sure it can't be bad.

One day, if you find me, I'll explain to you why.
Why you were given away, the day you were born.
Now, 5 years later, I sit on my tailgate and cry.
I think about all the days since, that have passed me by.
But I know it's for the better, for you and for I.
Happy Birthday Son, I'll always love you.
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Greta Wocheski
you looked.
i looked.
we looked.
we're hooked.
i can't do this
but i want to
because you
it got me

- g.w
25/10/16 @ 11.33am
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Ryan Hoysan
I'm frightened
I'm terrified
I'm absolutely unnerved.
Every moment
Every next heartbeat
I stand here
Clenching my phone.
Waiting for that next message back from you

Because that means you're still alive. And for a second I can breath.
I've had some late nights where I've been up all night talking to good friends of mine trying to convince them that they matter and that life is worth living. It terrifies me every time I don't get a text back.
Do you even miss me, mom?
Do you remember the way I smile.

You'll be facing an adult soon
Though you left me as a child.

Do you know where I am, mom?
I've no place to call home.

Sleep has lost its rest
And I'm feeling so alone.

Do you still want me, mom?
I'm slowly forgetting your face

It's hard to love you, mom
Though in my heart you keep
Your place
 Oct 2016 Merrimae
Did you ever feel guilty at night for hurting me?
You're such a beautiful tragedy
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